Monster Mopar Weekend ?


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
How many are going to this in September in St Louis. It's taking place around the weekend of the 20th at Gateway International Raceway. I'll be there and i'd like to meet any or all of you if we can gather up. I'll be in the swap meet area so stop by and have a cold one on me. If we run out we'll get more.
Really. I might see if my niece in law would let me crash at her college apartment lol
I'll be there, with about 40 of my LX friends according to the thread on LXforums. I'll look you up Small Block, and try to get Sandy and Ray to come down at least 1 day. Are you going to drag MeMike along with you. Vickie needs a road trip.
I will be there Saturday, where we meeting at? you need to get a big banner so we will know where to find ya at
I'll be there, with about 40 of my LX friends according to the thread on LXforums. I'll look you up Small Block, and try to get Sandy and Ray to come down at least 1 day. Are you going to drag MeMike along with you. Vickie needs a road trip.

I am sure she would make the trip :thumleft:, I have kept her busy.
Don't count me out yet,:blob: who know's
Treva and I may sneak up on all of yall.:cheers::rock:
I will be there Saturday, where we meeting at? you need to get a big banner so we will know where to find ya at

I was thinking a banner would be good too but I don't know where we'd get one and if they'd let us put it up without paying vendors fees.

I plan on having a buddy make me a shirt with a pic of my Cuda and my handle on it so I can be identified. I would put FABO on it but I'm sure I'd have to have permission to do that. I may ask Joey if he minds.
I'll have a couple of spaces in the swap meet area so i'll be able to put up a banner if i want. I'll have a 16' hallmark white trailer with my card stencil on the side. I may do a FABO banner also. I'll try and get on the fence between the swap meet and the car show area. Been at that location the last two years. When i get the trailer stenciled i'll post a pic so you'll know what to look for. Hey Joey: Would it meet your approval if i had a stencil made like the one at the top of the page for my trailer? You know the FABO.Com sticker but bigger. The beer will be cold.
i may come up.not sure whether i will run anything or not. i should maybe have the bb dart running. but will not have the bugs out of it yet. may bring myself, a chair, cool cup and help small block drink some beer. i like good cold beer and lots of stories. may bring my dad he had a 340 4spd, plum crazy, 71 demon in his day. as a matter of fact the car is still sitting in my grandmas field..
I'll be hangin' with SmallBlk that weekend, been there the last 3 years and wouldn't miss it for the world. We have an absolute ball up there and I think we manage to always come home with more than we bring! The beer will be cold and the Mopars Hot! What more does a dye hard mopar freak need!! Hope to see and meet all of you there.
Big Stroke: Great video. That will get their juices flowing and we should have a great turnout at the trailer that weekend. Anything in particular you guys are needing that i can throw in to bring with me. I'll have doors, fenders and a lot more to set out and trade on. I'll be looking for some max wedge stuff if you guys happen to have some to trade. Early B body sheet metal also. I'll post pics later so you all can recognize the meeting place. Spoke with MeMike and he's trying to put it together and make it up that weekend. You've got to stop by and meet the real MeMike. We will even have extra lawn chairs so yall can sit a spell.

Video clip of monster mopar weekend 08

If you look at 0.55 seconds you see my dad standing next to his amc spirit and at 1:06 You can kind see me standing next so my sublime amc spirit.
Thanks for the video BigStrok3
That sure hooked me, I think it help me get my wife on board :cheers:
I will do all I can to be there.
Now that I know where some of you guys are gonna be I'll try to find some of you too.

Small block I probably talked to you last year but we just didn't know who each other were. I picked the swap meet over real good fri. and sat. and remember stopping in the area you said you were and talking to some guys. May have been you. Only problem is every time you go you talk to 100 or more new guys and it's hard to remember who was who.
Bashfull i'm not. Probably did speak with ya. We'll be there again about the same place. On the chain link fence between the show area and the swap meet area just north of the gate on the north/south fence. I'll have a big sticker on the trailer with shirts on with FABO and Small Block on the back.