Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
I've been saying for years that Mopar RTV is significantly better than other brands.

Now there's test data confirming it. Skip ahead to 18:04 for the TLDR.

But not as impressive as the narrator- I don't think he stopped to inhale during the entire video!
That Aisin FIPG is amazing stuff. Its what Toyota uses on their engines instead of gaskets. I used mopar rtv back in the 90's and I do recall it being really good as well.
That guy is testing this stuff as if its a glue. Its not made to hold things together so im not sure what these tests prove.
The AC delco stuff looks like the loc-tite gasket maker I use. It requires an activator primer or it wont set.
Im surprised on how many failed the gasoline test.
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I, too, am going to say that this is not really a valid comparison. Hondabond/Yamabond are non-drying, non-RTV sealants that are used on cases where no gasket is present but there are no pressure-fed joints, either. I'm not watching the whole video but I can tell you that those are not apples and apples.
Silicon was never designed to be used in the presence of gas or gas fumes.

Project Farm always has interesting tests. I do not think he gave the silicons long enough to cure. Hence some were still 'goo-ey' inside. It can take up to 7 days to fully cure.
I would have guessed Permatex Right Stuff would have won. I look like an infant that just ate an entire chocolate cake for his first birthday every time I use it. Stuff just gets everywhere.
I notice they didn't test the Ford grey stuff. I'm here to tell yall, that's the toughest sealant I've ever seen. I had to use a hammer and chisel to get an oil pan off a Ford 2.9L V6 doing an oil pump job. I'm here to tell you, they could have screwed that pan on from the factory, let the sealant dry and taken the bolts back out and thrown them in the garbage. It flat didn't need bolts to hold it on, nor was it leaking. lol
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I would have guessed Permatex Right Stuff would have won. I look like an infant that just ate an entire chocolate cake for his first birthday every time I use it. Stuff just gets everywhere.

That made me laugh out loud! Reinstalling dozens of Commando valve cover fins over the years, I always think I'm clean ... and find that $hit all over me later. For the record, I like Permatex.
Agreed, some of that stuff is worse than anti-seize, and I always end up looking like Colossus after I use it.
Lamest test ever.
Has absolutely nothing to do with what the product is used for.
So True......


Cummins and Navistar both have a grey sealer that will bond the parts together like there is no tomorrow.
Probably the same stuff Ford uses. It's the dangest sealer I've ever seen.