Move leaf springs back to stock location?



'69 Barracuda
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
My recently acquired '72 Duster arrived with the springs moved in about 5+ inches. THe fuel tank has only .75" clearance....but just on the passenger side- I think the previous owner was running a fuel cell, but I prefer a stock tank. Should I move the springs back out or will the .75" be enough clearance? THey are new SS springs by the way.
Golly George dont you trust me yet? LOLOLOL I know what springs and perches are there..... they were designed to be directly under the frame and YES there is appropriate tank clearance if done correctly...... the prev owner explained that his "wrench" thought he was doing him a favor by welding them inside the frame.... they were using the stock tank all along... it didn't start leaking until his wrench saw that it was hitting the tank and hammered the tank back a bit ( I think HIS name is GOMER bless his heart).... not certain if the HOLE is a result of the hammering or the spring rubbing from being INSIDE the rails or both....but if properly placed you will get maximum clearance.