Mr. Norms GSS 340



Nov 15, 2008
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I've just found an original 340 and supercharger set up from one of the Mr Norms cars #60. Im wondering about the carb. Does anyone know what exactly they did to it? looking forward to getting this thing up and running. If anyone has one of these cars and is looking for the motor/supercHarger please let me know. I don't have the car, and im in the middle of building three E bodies. I don't have a home for it. The motor is freshly rebuilt, and the supercharger is currently being restored as we speak. Any pics, info or rumors about these things would be apriciated.
Why not try to contact Mr. Norm directly. If anybody would know, it should be him...

I met him at a show a few years back, and he is selling merchandise. I don't have his number anymore, but someone may...

Here's a link that you may find interesting:
I, too have one of these blower setups. Hope to use it someday on a 340 I have in my 67 Cudavert. I'm curious, how do you know it is unit #60?

Something else I have is a Jan. 72 copy of Super Stock & Drag Illustrated. On the cover is a 72 Demon GSS. There is a writeup in there about the buildup on the car. The car on the cover is the development car. In the story they mention planning to make 250 of them but I suspect that didn't happen.

Supposedly the only mods to the carb was drilling out the jets a few thousands. They also put in a Milodon high volume oil pump and aluminum valve spring retainers. And I think a pinion snubber. Also a higher pressure mechanical fuel pump with a pressure regular.

Also there is an ad in the magazine from Mr. Norms for one of these cars, $3695 plus tax! I tried calling Mr. Norms years ago about it and they weren't much help. I asked them how many they made and the response was maybe 100?
That's awesome. Thanks for the reply, I went to ebay and found that issue and bought it. I heard they changed the floats out in the carb as well. I have the special fuel pump. I didn't get much help from Mr. Norms as well. It was worth a shot.
Oh and as to your question. There is a small threaded piece between two retaining bolts that has a small lead chunk stamped "60". Also, the stampings on the edge of the super charger after the serial number is a number 60 as well.
Unless I missed it they didn't say anything about changing the floats in the article.

I was born and raised in the Chicago area and remember Mr. Norms well, used to hear a lot about them in the late 60s early 70s. He used to run ads on AM radio (that's all there was to listen to then) late at night for used cars that sounded a lot like the revved up drag strip commercials from back then.

Somebody I knew bought some parts there and I went with him to pick the stuff up, probably in 71. Because of the location there was not a lot of space, everything was jammed together super tight, needing to use every square foot of space they had.
This in an old thread but the stamped "60" is probably there because the model of the supercharger is an SN60. I have an n.o.s. kit. I d have to look at it but that is my guess
They would use the nitrophyl floats instead of hollow brass because brass floats collapse under pressure. Common mod on blow trough setups.
I recently looked at the one I have. The SN60 number stamped on there is the model number, not the unit number. SN60s were used for a number of years, starting I think in the late 50s up into the 70s, if not longer.

I just recently sent mine out for a rebuild, I want to put it on my car late this year or early next year.
I find it hard to believe that grand Spaulding numbered the 72 gss cars like that. Back thwn they didn t care about stuff like that. They re all about cranking them out for the money. I ve always heard they had problems with the paxton cars. Mostly bc of the floats but they are still my favorite.