My appologees to Fabo

FABO Classified Section Rules


FABO For Sale Section Rules
Please adhere to the following rules in this forum. Failure to do so may result in your post being deleted without notice or explanation. Repeated violations may result in your being banned from this forum and/or the entire site.

We reserve the right to delete any ad or post for any reason or no reason, without notice or explanation.

Parts/Car Seller:
Ads may NOT be placed by businesses. If you are a business contact the site Admin, Joeychgo for information on becoming a vendor.
Have a descriptive Title. Dont just post A Body Parts in the title. Be more descriptive so the buyers know at least a little about what your selling. (Example Title: Duster Suspension Parts)
No Bumping of ads. No repeated posting of same ad for one week.
FABO Gold Members may bump once every 3 days.
Please try to limit each thread to 1 part unless the parts are directly related. (ie Duster Suspension Parts)
eBay auctions are permitted, but please give some detail of the item as well as the eBay link. DO NOT post just the eBay item number, post the link.
You must Post either an Asking Price or Make offer with a BIN Price. (We prefer you post an asking price)
Location (Preferably City & State) MUST be in the ad
Please Post SOLD in the thread when the item(s) are sold. (We dont delete ads - please dont ask us to)
Do NOT post email addresses or phone numbers in your ad or in any response to an ad. Use the PM feature. Only FABO Gold Members may place email and phone numbers in ads. Do not argue with others in the thread.
Photos may help sell the part/car
You may NOT post commentary in this forum.
You MAY post relevant questions about the item being sold.
Do not negotiate price in the ad. Do this by PM.
No flaming of sellers or their products.
Suggested Ad Format:

[Part Name] For Sale
Shipping from [City, State]
Price: [$$$$$] OR [eBay Link]
Payment Methods Accepted:
[Item Description]
[Item Photos]

Be a Good Buyer / Seller
Pay fast / ship fast. keep the lines of communication open. give tracking numbers, let people know when an item has been shipped, etc. This is all common sense. Treat others how you would want ot be treated.

FABO has no control over sellers or buyers, these are free, self service unpaid ads, so be cautious and careful with your on-line transactions. Know who you are dealing with before you send any money.

FABO Moderators, Owners and Administrators are not responsible and can take no action regarding the sale of items on this website.

If you are a business and have a product or service that would be of interest to our members, contact the Administrator, Joeychgo, to learn how you can help support our community and become a FABO Vendor. We offer several low-cost advertising packages that can be of great benefit to your company. You may not advertise on our website unless you have FABO vendor status. This includes sending PMs, signatures, etc.

A copy of the rules for the classified section.
I agree, and it happened to me... twice in the same thread! LOL...

I closed your thread because of your near constant bumping lol........

And that was after I sent you a PM kindly asking you to stop bumping because it was against the rules. :eek:ops:

When you are a Mod, it does not matter how you handle the situation because the Mod will always get a negative lable. I try to give people a chance to correct thier adds or what ever and still catch crap for it. Why spend all that time chasing a thread when I can just delete it? Its gonna piss the OP off just the same, right?

There are 12 Mods/Admins to work a board with aprox 22,100 members. Thats about 1,841 members to 1 Mod. And it's a voluntary job.

When you edit one thread right after another where all that had to be done was read the text at the top of the window that was used to post the thead in the first place... Well how would you handle it day after day, add after add. And its mostly the new members but not always. It is what it is.

I predict this thread will shortly meet its demise...

Still, I think that Edd's a good guy and I'm sure he did not intend for this thread to turn into what it has become.
If it's any concession DD I don't like doing it, none of us do, and I ain't going to do it much longer.

I find it odd that you say you don't like doing it.When you thought I made the mistake of not putting my location in the add when it was clearly on the left under the picture of my car, you went off on me with the largest,reddest letters you could find,including exclamation points and veiled profanity(***).
After that, my ads were deleted even though they conformed to the requirements.This told me I was gonna keep getting screwed with. All this without one pm,kind reminder,etc. That was about a month ago and I haven't posted till I saw this posting.Made sure I didn't feel welcome here.Sorry if I jacked this post............Furyus2:wack:
im pretty sure that if all the sellers information is not present in their posting that it was not intentional and just may have been overlooked or forgotten. i think a PM to remind them to include all the information needed would not be asking to much instead of bringing public attention to it and then deleting the posting. at least give them a chance or warning (if you will) to correct their posting before deleting it or calling them out -jmo
Adding some insight to this thread.. There is some great SW addons for VBulletin. I myself run many VBulletin Forums and the Classified Programs for VB are just that... You can set them up so the seller has to fill the fields. Then the potential buyer has the proper info set in place..

The Classified hacks are great ... if you visit you can locate such avenues for this sw...

One easy way to make good on the location is to put your location under your user name instead of something that is supposed to be funny. I often don't even ask about parts, especially large parts if the location isn't mentioned. If it's in the signature it's one thing you won't forget in the ad.
im pretty sure that if all the sellers information is not present in their posting that it was not intentional and just may have been overlooked or forgotten. i think a PM to remind them to include all the information needed would not be asking to much instead of bringing public attention to it and then deleting the posting. at least give them a chance or warning (if you will) to correct their posting before deleting it or calling them out -jmo
There was warnings issued for quite a while. Besides when you go to post a for sale ad you get this
Logged in as inkjunkie
Prefix:Title: (no prefix) [SOLD]


Hello inkjunkie! Your welcome to place as many 'For Sale' ads as you like, but
we ask that you follow these simple rules:

  • No Phone numbers or eMail addresses in ads;
  • Post accurate Photos of the item your selling if you can
  • Post the location of the item(s);
  • Post the price range you are looking for
  • Please Click Here and read all the rules before posting in this forum
Failure to obey these rules may result in your ad being deleted without notice!

What more do you want????
it really is that simple. Its right there when anybody starts a new thread in the Classified section. Why anyone would not read it I dont know.

I understand that people forget and unintentionally make errors. But it's our job to take corrective action.

Ok, Ink. Where's Chester? :D
I think this place was a lot nicer when there was fewer Mods doing a better more personal job , you ride this classified rules thing like a prize pony while there exists a group of people who have the vast majority of their post in the political forum crapping on each other with such venom that it invariably spills out into the rest of the board but since a couple of them are mods or very close buds with mods so this behavior is allowed to continue unchecked .Way to pick your battles guys -just my opinion and Edd you have nothing to apologize for if anyone is going to buy your parts sooner or later the deal will move into either PMs or direct phone contact anyhow so whats the big deal about a serious buyer having to PM you for your personal info ?
Ok I want a free part to make this right,the customer is always right.LOl you will learn the hard way.
Its just the the rules. I did not write them.

The News & Politics forum is not moderated. You enter in there at your own risk. I mean you have to sign up for it, its optional. Yea it spills over as you put it from time to time, but could you immagine if that stuff was all in the general discussion forum?
I think this place was a lot nicer when there was fewer Mods doing a better more personal job , you ride this classified rules thing like a prize pony while there exists a group of people who have the vast majority of their post in the political forum crapping on each other with such venom that it invariably spills out into the rest of the board but since a couple of them are mods or very close buds with mods so this behavior is allowed to continue unchecked .Way to pick your battles guys -just my opinion and Edd you have nothing to apologize for if anyone is going to buy your parts sooner or later the deal will move into either PMs or direct phone contact anyhow so whats the big deal about a serious buyer having to PM you for your personal info ?

This is what I was speaking of. I was afraid people would feel like this. I always thought it would be cool to be a mod but I think not, now. Sorry for steering this away from your apology Nite Moves. Way to man up.:thumbrig:
Its just the the rules. I did not write them.

The News & Politics forum is not moderated. You enter in there at your own risk. I mean you have to sign up for it, its optional. Yea it spills over as you put it from time to time, but could you immagine if that stuff was all in the general discussion forum?
If you really think that the attitudes in the Political forum are not reflected in the general forum the you sir are "couch leader little theodore edward" it's sad , this board used to be a pleasant place where car guys came to discuss car guy stuff and conduct car guy business , proud that we weren't Moparts with all the garbage that goes on there . now more and more the egos of others are overshadowing the point of this board and that too is just sad ,just my opinion and the last I'll express in this forum , thanks Nite Moves for apologizing even when it really wasn't needed
I would have to say the MOD's on here do a fair and reasonable job
while I don't always agree with all of them, and they don't always agree with me
they have never given me a problem over that, and that my friends is a true test of character :coffee2:
Moderator : glorified term for unappreciated prick.

You can call me a Prick or anything else you think justifies your perception of reality. Doesn't bother me at all. If there was no need for Mods on this forum, there would not be any.

I do this to help out and contribute. As a volunteer.

@ Cannucky

Maybe its more that the feelings of the general Fabo population are more clearly expressed and reflected in the Politics forum where anyone is free to speak thier mind. The general FABO forum is not intended for that. Its a car forum.

And there was a different feel to the site in years past. I agree. But we have also nearly doubled in population over the last several years too. These things went on back in the beginning too and it was handled then as well. Its just that now there are more members and these things happen more often as a consequence.

And Im not trying to lead anything or anyone. Im just a guy who has to clean up after people who dont choose to do the obvious. Like list a price for something they want to sell...

It is what it is.

Good grief! Rules are rules guys,it's that simple. If you dont like the rules,dont post in the for sale secton.Mods have a job to do,and it's not pleasant to look like a bad guy,but guess what? If a mod is involved,then take the responsibilty yourself and dont blame the mod.

As for politics spilling out into the other forums,and folks being victimised by the loser of a political forum battle. Thats what the little red triangle in the bottom left corner of your post is for.

Myself,I've been a victim of more than one attack on this board,yet I've never used the report thread feature. I will in the future if it starts up again,thats for sure.

Edd,you and I know what a good fella you are. Fabo forgives and forgets pretty good,and thats the way it should be. Dont be too hard on yourself. You forgot the rules. I have too and been reminded of them. It's not just you. We are all only human and make mistakes,each and every one of us.
I don't blame Edd for not responding to this thread, it has gotten way off track. Can't a Mod jump in and split this thread where it went wrong and make a seperate thread about how to post a for sale ad on FABO?? I don't think Nite Moves wanted a debate on how to post a want ad, I think he was apologizing to the people he had left in limbo while he sorted out his selling process!! Start a "How To Post A For Sale Ad" thread and lets see if we can sift out this debate once and for all, in another thread of course!!! JMO, Geof
You can call me a Prick or anything else you think justifies your perception of reality. Doesn't bother me at all. If there was no need for Mods on this forum, there would not be any.


I said unappreciated prick. A term of respect. Sorry if you took it another way.

I said unappreciated prick. A term of respect. Sorry if you took it another way.

I gotcha. Sorry to have pointed you out and taken your statement out of context. The way this thread was going it was hard to tell the difference.

My appologies Old man ray.
ED,i accept ur appology,,now get in the game and start raking in the cash..great to deal with good prices and fast ship take care..sd426
I closed Edds thread about not selling parts here. To me it looked like Edd was frustrated, nothing more nothing less. And the thread that was closed, well, was going to go sideways, in my opinion. I have not been here all that long but one thing that is somewhat apparent is some members have a hard time with the policy of "if you aint got nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut". Sorry if you do not agree with it.....
As far as the sale ad issue, rules are rules. Pretty simple. Dont like it, bring it up with Joey. Is it that hard to follow them?? Why should a moderator go in and delete an email address or phone number when the rules clearly state Do NOT post email addresses or phone numbers in your ad or in any response to an ad. Use the PM feature. Only FABO Gold Members may place email and phone numbers in ads. And why should any one have to chase down some ones location?
Yes..........I appreciate you closing the thread..........I didnt realize it could get out of hand. I have NO problems with what you did. I actually appreciate it. Moderators and staff members have there hands full. I should think before i type. Im the kind of guy who takes things to personal i guess. Thanks everyone. All said its great to feel wanted. Edd