My Latest Facebook Friend Suggestion



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Facebook is just teasing me, the lady is from Brazil and I doubt seriously she is interested in being my friend.

Or she has no friends because she is a raving psycho and only people that don't know her yet fall for it.
I get those from time to time. Kitty and I always go to their profile and just laugh like hell. Delete and mark as spam.
Big hands, Adams apple, shoulders, jawline. That's not a lady from Brazil...
I learned a long time ago to avoid Women with a loose low cut top and a drink in her hand.:D
Reminds me of a Woman that once told me there are no decent men around any more.
I told her decent men don't hang out in the bars all night.
That's where she always went.
I also told her to join a church group if she was looking for a decent guy, but I knew a decent guy wouldn't have anything to do with her anyway.
Gotta bite your tongue once in awhile.:D