My little buddy yoda just passed away

I'm truly sorry for all who grieve the loss of pets !
I believe each one is unique , just like humans.
Before God created woman , he created man and animals .
I personaly believe that has something to do with the bond .
I don't know how anyonyone feels ?
I know how I feel !
In november I lost my 14 year old seal point manx Lola .
He died in my arms .
I type this with tears welling in my eyes.
He was my best friend period !
He waited for me morning and night !
There were times in my life aside from God , I felt Lola was all I had !
I knew without a doubt he loved me !
So although I do not know the depth of others , love, and pain, I know my own !
For that I have empathy for all who have lost !!
I wish all comfort and peace !

God Bless
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Been there. We are dog lovers, so we truly feel your pain. I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge. Someday, we will see our little wiener dogs again, as you will see Yoda.
The bond between humans and dogs will never really be understood and I don't think it was ever meant to be.....

For me personally I try not to get mentally trapped in a corner when my best friend is gone. It is a cycle of life and it's not fair to me if I mourn too much because I yearn for 4 legged friends and it's certainly not fair for a new buddy who needs a forever home.

I say it all time..... Never met a dog I didn't like but humans not so much.....

Henry is a happy camper. In not even 3 months he is healthy, living the dream, and makes friends when we go places. All of you posters in this thread deserve a best buddy... It's ok to grieve the loss but we have one shot on this earth and if you need a 4 legged friend in your life don't put it off too long. Any of them will give you love to the moon and back....




It is believed through native traditions that the pets that we have loved and cared for will lead us through the gates of heaven. Your heart will always have a hole in it from her but she will be waiting one day for you again... I pray that your sorrow will fade and memories will last forever.. I am sorry for your loss..... God bless you and your family.