My New Shop!! Yiippeee!

How much dust does that machine produce?
Just curious.
That floor is going to be tough to work on! What I mean is, you'll cringe everytime you drop a heavy tool on it! LOL Just kidding. Looks fantastic bud.


It wasn't one of the turbos if that helps any. When looking at these machines online I found if is states turbo it produce very quickly. It was electric (120v) removed it slowly.

Yes I will cringe no doubt. lol

I have a clear coat that is going to go on top of the base after I wait 18 hrs. I am hoping that clear coat is going to give me a impact protection of some sort. If damage does occur they have touch up kits. Some epoxy companies don't mention or don't have touch up kits. When I was searching for epoxy floors it was mentioned that I needed to try to get a system that has touch up kit just in case.

I have a asshole buddy (if that makes since) who says "You won't be able to use that shop" because of the floor system. He has brought this up to my attention more than once. He says "When I build my shop I wont have to worry about that because it will be just concrete and nothing else." I might have some regrets about the flooring on down the line but I mainly trying to keep the oil stains from happening. Or anything else that would stain concrete. My boss says my buddy is just jealous about of me having a nice shop. I got to thinking and my boss is right. It is just how he rolls. He is one of these guys that walk around miserable all day, putting down everything and everyone, total asshole!
Well I put a coat of epoxy on the block and it turns out its not the color of beige I thought it was going to be. It has a yellow look to it.... more of a cream I guess. I talked to Epoxy Coat and they are going to send me some black and brown colors to mix in the beige to achieve the color I need. I guess I will start with the brown and dash a little black in there if it isn't going in the right direction. I guess I should had ordered Tan but it would have been at extra cost. Epoxy Coat is sending me the colors and extra base (to cover what I wasted) over night shipped FREE OF CHARGE! I tell you that their personnel and the way they handle customers it just unreal. Very polite and patient. I might get it down Saturday.

Anyways while I have been held up on the floor I installed the hot water heater yesterday in the attic. 120v and 12 gallon water heater. Uses a 20 amp breaker.


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Lookin' mighty good there Mully!

Hey buddy!!! How you been doing??

Thanks... I'm still going at it over here. I hate to say it but I need to get back to working on the weekends making some money. lol

I got some jobs to do but been wanting to get this shop done. I tell them "It will be after the first of the year before I can get to it." :^o
The floor is done! It is a tan color now with the flakes.

I still have to paint the block with the new color that I mixed up instead of leaving it the yellow looking beige. I am going to attempt to flake the block this time. I don't know how easy that's going to be since the block are vertical but I would like to get the block looking similar to the floor. If you here someone yelling and cussing that's probably me.
Just for info, if you mix black in the cream, it will turn it more green. Most blacks tend to be on the bluish side. You want to add a reddish-brown color to change it from the green side to the reddish brown tan color.

Too many years custom tinitng paint colors lol..

Where's the pic!!!

I was going to wait until I got the block done before I took pictures. It kind of looks funny right now.

Just for info, if you mix black in the cream, it will turn it more green. Most blacks tend to be on the bluish side. You want to add a reddish-brown color to change it from the green side to the reddish brown tan color.

Too many years custom tinitng paint colors lol..


Thanks for the info.

For some reason they sent me black but also they sent me brown. I just used the brown to achieve the tan color I was looking for. I was scared to use the black but was curious to what it would look like if I used the black. I don't want green. lol
Garage is looking GREAT! Is the epoxy u used on the wall different than what goes on the floor? Thanks
Garage is looking GREAT! Is the epoxy u used on the wall different than what goes on the floor? Thanks

Yes it is but it is more difficult to do a vertical surface rather than a horizontal. The epoxy wants to sag so it needs to be rolled over and over until it stops sagging. I think I might try a little bit more activator when I roll the block with the correct color but not sure. It might mess up the chemistry of the curing or something. I will just do like I did last time most likely and that is keep going in circles until it hardens.

If you look in the pictures you will see the beige they sent me on the block wall. They might have sent me the right color but it clashes with my wall color. The beige however in my opinion is a cream more than a beige.

I was going to paint the block this weekend but they sent me the wrong color flakes! Oh well I got other things to do.

My camera sucks but here is some pictures.

What do you guys think of it so far for a rookie?


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It's official.......
You can't get ANY work done in there! LOL
Good Lord is that a nice "shop" Mulli! Can I pull my truck in there and wash/wax it tomorrow? If I leave CT now...........

Looks fantastic dude. Great job.

Cool stuff.

Looks really nice!!

Thanks! It was a lot of work getting it ready and finished..... well I'm still not finished technically.
I don't really know if I saved any money doing it myself or not. I should have gotten a quote.

It's official.......
You can't get ANY work done in there! LOL
Good Lord is that a nice "shop" Mulli! Can I pull my truck in there and wash/wax it tomorrow? If I leave CT now...........

Looks fantastic dude. Great job.


Sure as long as you don't walk on my floor. LOL

Now believe it or not that is going to be a shop..... I think.

They are going to deliver my sofa bed Monday. j/k
I know what you are going thru. I build a big house 7 years ago that took me 3 years to complete. Total is 15000sq ft under roof with porches, guest house and a 3000Sq foot shop on 5 acres. Never will I do that again, almost killed me in the process! I get pissed off just thinking about it.
Looks great Marland!

A word of caution. Anytime you have rubber in contact with it
expect a pattern of the tire thread on it. Too late for me but now I put cardboard under the tires. Another great thing to use is those 2' x 2'
or 2' x 3' carpet pads.
Looks great Marland!

A word of caution. Anytime you have rubber in contact with it
expect a pattern of the tire thread on it. Too late for me but now I put cardboard under the tires. Another great thing to use is those 2' x 2'
or 2' x 3' carpet pads.

The company Epoxy Coat says there will be no hot tire pickup... you think I should be still concerned? Does this still happen if the tires are cold? I went with the industrial grade system in order to avoid things like that including a clear coat just for more protection. My full intention was not to have to worry about such things like that. Jack stands is my ultimate fear right now. When I get to the point of jacking my car up and setting it on jack stands I was going to place small blocks of wood under the stands so the stands wouldn't dig into the floor system.
The company Epoxy Coat says there will be no hot tire pickup... you think I should be still concerned? Does this still happen if the tires are cold? I went with the industrial grade system in order to avoid things like that including a clear coat just for more protection. My full intention was not to have to worry about such things like that. Jack stands is my ultimate fear right now. When I get to the point of jacking my car up and setting it on jack stands I was going to place small blocks of wood under the stands so the stands wouldn't dig into the floor system.

Mine was industrial grade also....It was PPG with the clear coat also.
I would be cautious of tires. I had a cold tire laying on it's side with
a 4 cylinder sitting on it. It left a nice brownish/black ring. I had to
cover it with this vinyl decal.


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Mine was industrial grade also....It was PPG with the clear coat also.
I would be cautious of tires. I had a cold tire laying on it's side with
a 4 cylinder sitting on it. It left a nice brownish/black ring. I had to
cover it with this vinyl decal.

As in one of the pictures you can see that I have my motorcycle parked on the floor. I am not going to have to get off and on my motorcycle to put something under the tires or with other vehicles! F that! LOL

I have sent my "lifetime" warranty in with Epoxy Coat and had it verified that it was registered. Now if I start having problems with something as simple as tires I am going to let them help me fix each and every time! I know that the clear can be sanded and recoated but have never worked with it like that.

Outstanding work on the floor!

That looks super:cheers:

You are right to be concerned about your jack stands. I use a small piece of 3/8" plywood that I had leftover under them.
That looks super:cheers:

You are right to be concerned about your jack stands. I use a small piece of 3/8" plywood that I had leftover under them.

Thanks C!

I think it has finally sunk in my head that there is a fine line between having a nice looking floor and having a durable worry free floor. I mean it sounds like I still have to be careful doing somethings and not so careful on others. I guess as long as I keep that in mind I will be alright.
Man, you screwed up.May as well order some designer furniture to match that granite floor and now you have a gorgeous guest house.
You can not drive anything on that ,much less work on your car.
Just another reason not to work on the car....
On Cereal side,that epoxy floor can take what ever you need to baby it !!!
It is hard to keep it clean because you always want it to look like it does now.
I good mop bucket and mop is next on the list.
No matter how clean your tires are they leave a trail of dirt.
Just buy a dust mop for that...
I have a lot of traffic in my shop,on the inspection side 20-30 cars a day and other than the dirt trails of coming in out that one bay,we dust mop during the day and mop in the evening.We have cars leaking coolant,oil,power steering fluid and gas,and they look like new after we mop it.
Get a gas spill up as quick as possible and it will not break down that epoxy.
As on the subject of putting things under the jack stands,you can solve that by buying a lift !!!
That floor looks great !!!
Frosted Flakes