My own personal opinion of "The Hateful Eight"

I find everything that tarantino fellow puts out is garbage
makes you wonder how big a role he plays in the destruction of our society
His statements about the wanton killing of blacks by police makes me uninterested in anything he's involved with.
The Ridiculous 6 is pretty funny. (Netflix)

Agreed, love all of the Sandler movies so you have to go into it knowing to keep your expectations low... With the movie going to be silly and you will enjoy.

I am a Tarantino film fan, don't like him personally but like his work. So I am sure I will enjoy Hateful Eight too, but will wait for either days how time pricing at a theater or ondemand/Netflix/etc.
I realize violence is part of the movie thing. I just don't care to pay $$ to watch the wrong win and the good suffer. I have no idea what it is except what little the t v ads show.
I admit I just soon get as a-- whuppping as make a trip to the city, if you call pop of 170,000 the city!!! ha o k so maybe i'm a disconnected hermit!??? ha
I realize violence is part of the movie thing. I just don't care to pay $$ to watch the wrong win and the good suffer. I have no idea what it is except what little the t v ads show.
I admit I just soon get as a-- whuppping as make a trip to the city, if you call pop of 170,000 the city!!! ha o k so maybe i'm a disconnected hermit!??? ha

Barbee, I have to drive into, and out of that "city" for work. One of the biggest things I am looking forward to, when retirement time comes, is not having to do that. Traffic is horrendous for no bigger than it is.
I like most of his movies. I can't stand him though. Seems famous people think that their opinions matter because they find themselves so important. Just because you can make a movie, doesn't mean you are right in your social or political opinions.
I got a kick out of some of his stuff but then he had to open his mouth about cops..... No more.