My wife HATES my car.



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
I've had it for about 15 years and she's only been in it once when I first got it. She complained about the fumes and hasn't been in it since. I hadn't fixed the trunk gasket yet. Anyways, anytime I have a problem with it she says "sell the damn thing"!

At this point in time if she gave me the ultimatum about the car or her I think I'd choose the car. lol.
that's too bad, honestly. In more than one way. Maybe get the details of what she doesn't like, and either make changes are set up a different car that both of you can enjoy.
I've had it for about 15 years and she's only been in it once when I first got it. She complained about the fumes and hasn't been in it since. I hadn't fixed the trunk gasket yet. Anyways, anytime I have a problem with it she says "sell the damn thing"!

At this point in time if she gave me the ultimatum about the car or her I think I'd choose the car. lol.
Divorce her....
that's too bad, honestly. In more than one way. Maybe get the details of what she doesn't like, and either make changes are set up a different car that both of you can enjoy.

Thanks! The problem is she doesn't like anything old. We both have daily drivers and this is just a sore spot with her. lol. I've learned to live with it. Just wondering if others have this disturbance in their energy field too.
Thanks! The problem is she doesn't like anything old. We both have daily drivers and this is just a sore spot with her. lol. I've learned to live with it. Just wondering if others have this disturbance in their energy field too.
Well, I can only speak of my one experience and she supports the hobby. I will say, she doesn't "care too much" for Dusters, but she likes other classics we own. Also, she doesn't appreciate an all out drag race (with faster cars) so I just don't do that stuff with her in the car.
My chick and I just went to the boat races last week. Now she wants me to build her a blown gas flat bottom. If I were you I’d build an old hot rod with all the modern fancy crap in it (AC, heat, fuel injection, overdrive, and even seat heaters) just so she’d be happy in it with me. If that dont work I’d find a new wife.
My chick and I just went to the boat races last week. Now she wants me to build her a blown gas flat bottom. If I were you I’d build an old hot rod with all the modern fancy crap in it (AC, heat, fuel injection, overdrive, and even seat heaters) just so she’d be happy in it with me. If that dont work I’d find a new wife.
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So take a 50k financial gamble just to find out she's still a *****???? Yeah no I would just tell her to shut her trap or she can hit the bricks
Seems like a win-win, to me. Go do what ya want in your ride....
50k for a bitchin ride is cheaper than a divorce. And you get a cool car out of it.
My wife is not into the "Golden Oldie" either, but she doesn't stop me from enjoying it with my friends.

She'll cruise with me once in a while (it's hot, noisy and stinky). This year's annual outing is a BBQ on Saturday with the club. We're expecting about 30 cars. I'll share some pictures later.
It's a damn shame. Even if she "doesn't like it" it's part of who you are and she should respect that. My wife isn't a crazy car girl (wish she was) but she appreciates all the work I put into it and likes going for rides. She's not crazy about going to cruise-ins though.
not saying this to any in particular nor am I assuming such to be the case ...... but if a lady feels she's in "competition" with a car for your love, passion, and care, she'll probably resent the car. Especially if she feels she's loosing.
There's no mistaken I do quite a bit of garage time but my wife is supportive and realizes how much joy I get out of a car I've owned for 40 years. Besides that it keeps me out of her hair and she admits that there is so much mischief I could be doing in my spare time so she rolls with it.
I'm very lucky to have a wife who loves old car's as much as me. She loves the dragstrip and car shows.
I have my hobbies, she has hers. It's worked well for 39 years.
My wife actually bought both of these vehicles, the 49 Dodge from our son-in-law here in Tallahassee, the Honda 750 at an estate sale in South Georgia. Not saying she actually drives/drove either one, but she did buy them - on her own, I didn't push either one. Of course, I had to spend MY money bringing them up to snuff. LOL

PS: I sold the motorcycle to the guy who built my garage, still have the 49.


Alice on 750.jpg
My wife hated riding in the cuda. She said that the noise the vibration and the fumes made her sick. She actually doesn't mind riding in the Charger. I guess that's a good thing.
I terrorized my wife when we were young by racing, and stupid stuff. Now she wants no part of the car except, once a year we go to a large cruise with a bunch of people. I have a pair of ear plugs hanging from my mirror. People say good idea having those. I tell them they're for when my wife is in the car. They say "oh, they're for her" ? I tell them no, they're for me, when she's in the car.