Nasty Twisters...Everybody Ok ?


Johnny Dart

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So Cal
Watching the news and there are crazy tornados hitting back east.
Was just wondering if everybody is ok and out of harms way ?
We had a tornado hit about 5 miles down the road from my house tonight in Jackson county,TN. I ask for your prayers for the people that have been affected, and have lost there homes. Also for the otehr people in other states that have been affected.
I had lots of hail twice about an hour or so ago and about 30 min apart. Wind was blowing from every direction as I was watching it with flood lights on. TV programming is still off as we still have tornado warning around and looks like more headed this way out of Mississippi. It was 84 degrees around dark and now down to 68 so that is a good sign. Prayers going out for the ones that are less fortunate. Joe
Hope everyone's OK... After the last couple of years I have really been considering a storm shelter...
my neighbor came by yesterday and wants me to put a shelter in ground for him next week. Bet he wished tonight that he already had it!
If you have ever witnessed in person the power of a tornado you will surely understand why I want a storm shelter.. It is truly unbelievable the power of these storms.. The news shows just doesn't tell the full story...
well here in the south West we didn't have any twisters but i had 50-60mph winds in the yard this morning...

tumble weeds were going thru the air over my property without touching the ground (over 100ft wide...)
We had a tornado hit about 5 miles down the road from my house tonight in Jackson county,TN. I ask for your prayers for the people that have been affected, and have lost there homes. Also for the otehr people in other states that have been affected.
I'm on the other side of Jackson Co. in Macon Co.You never know when or where they are going to pop up.
I was in an F-5 April 8, 1998 and know first hand what they can do. My daughter and I were covered up under what was left of house and my 67 GTS was also under the pile of rubble with us. It just wasn't my time to go is all I can say, hopefully everyone else will be given another chance in these storms. When I was in Vietnam I had a lighter inscribed with some of my favorite saying and one was "You haven't lived until you have almost died" very true, Joe
Well it sounds like nobody on the site has been effected by the twisters yet.
Thoughts and prayers are sent.
I know when we left north alabama the storms were popin fast and then dying. On our way to tuscaloosa we hit 2 pretty nasty storms and wasn't much fun.
My friends in southern Indiana are ok, thank god. But my other friend and shes very important person is got a tornado warning and god im so scared! :(
All is okay here for now. It was a very windy day overall like it's been all week, but the closest to us this time was about 50 miles away ... in every direction. Sure is starting early this year.
Here in Indy we had strong thunderstorms with large hail.

My jeep patriot with just 14k on it got hit hard by hail and looks like a golf ball with all the small dents on it
We was spared this time also, it all stayed just south and east of us, every oak tree was weaving back and forth in heavy winds yesterday and leaves moving at 30 mph on the ground, Prayers go out to the folks that got hit and lost there life to this storm system
We are ok here in Louisville, everywhere around us is a war zone.... prayers for all those effected........
That is plane not normal too early for tornadoes.I lade in bed last night thinking about all our members in its path.:prayer:
Way too early this year. Saw on the news last night where whole towns are destroyed. Nasty things these tornadoes. Prayers sent to all.:coffee2:
Well as for too early,about 4-5 years ago one or two tornados came thru here and wiped out about 100 homes includeing some of my families property and that all accured on Feb.6.Mild winters like we had here this year is a double egded sword some times.
When I was in AZ we had several micro burst develop. One went thru a neighborhood and removed damn near every car port and shed on a few blocks. Scary stuff.
My dad has a place in Eastern Kentucky, in Menifee County. His farm and out buildings were spared. But his cousin and wife didn't make it. The house colapsed on both of them, the wife was killed, and the husband was critically injured. Found out this morning he passed away in the nite due to his injuries. Just down the road my brother-in-laws mother has a sister who didn't make it either.. There is no cell or phone services that have been restored as of yet. West Liberty also took a major hit, a cousin of mine said people are just wandering the streets in a daze. He said for all intents and purposes about 75 people have been displaced.. My heart and prayers go out to all of them... It so surreal to think in just a matter of moments mother nature can change the whole course of so many lives..
