neck/back surgery



Tyr Fryr's Inc.
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Central, IL (Hooterville)
Anyone here have neck/back surgery where they had things fused together? If so what was your results? I've been dealing with debilitating pain starting at my neck and going down my left arm for quite a long time now. Also have a lot of headaches (cluster and migraine). Up until now they said C6 was bulging but not herniated. Also had spurs so if the bulge wasn't pressing on the nerve the spurs were. Went to see a different back specialist 2 weeks ago and he did an MRI and I went back today and he said C6 is now herniated and he want's to fuse things together. There are also bone spurs he says he'll remove. It's right at the base of my neck. I asked about disc replacement and he said statistics show that disc replacements don't last as long as fusing. I have heard bad things about fusing (it stresses the discs on each side and they eventually fail) but he said the chances of that aren't nearly as great as disc fusion failing. He said the fusion would relieve my neck and arm pain and possibly the headaches which is the best news I've had in a long time. It's been so bad the last 2-3 yrs. I have to take 3-4 Vicodin a day to get anything done. I hate taking them cause they make me forgetful and cranky. I saw 2 other specialists and one said there was nothing wrong with me (treated me like a drug addict cause I take Vicodin which my doctor prescribed). The other said I had degenerative disc disease and everyone over 20 has it and he doesn't operate on anyone under 50 for it (I'm 47). I have to do what it takes to get rid of this pain so I told them schedule surgery but I am researching it more to see what everyone says about it.
I had a rupture disc in my lower back L4 L5 region and my Dr was able to repair it. I now have bone spurs,degenerative disc disease and arthritis. No help for me
I had a fusion of L5 S1 in 2005 with a ruptured disc it helped stop me falling over but have not worked since and still have a lot of pain but mine being so low in the back will probably be so much different to yours, I can only imagine what the headaches would be like
My wife had spurs removed and discs fused in her neck last year. She still has lower back problems, but the area they repaired has given her no more trouble.
First let me point out that mine wasn't the result of normal use, wear and tair, I flipped over a hand rail and landed on my head. Reptured ( squished ) discs.
I had 2 discs removed and the 3 bones fused together in my neck along with other work in upper and lower back. I cant turn my head far enough to sleep on my stomach. I sleep flat on my back and alter my pillow arangemnt about once per hour. Looking behind me when backing out the drive isn't easy as it once was. Imediately after the surgery the pain was gone but my right arm was still messed up and my left arm was turned completely off, like I had had a stroke. Nerve damage first from the injury and more during surgery. 8 months of physical theropy get them back in use but still weak and not well controlled above my head today. Something like putting up a cieling fan is nearly impossible for me to do. The harder I try the more I generate.
Others have had much better results from the same repair proceedure. Good luck with yours.
I had C4/5 and C5/6 fused in my neck. My right arm was going dead (pressure on the nerve) Got to the point where it was not strong enough to lift 5 pounds.

I was fine one day...... Got up one morning, yawned and stretched, then bang... Felt like I pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder.

Herniated discs, bone spurs, you name it, I had it. After reading the MRI report the doctor asked "What did you do?"

Then she told me....... "You need a new neck."

Long story short......... Had surgery about 3 weeks after my diagnosis. It immediately fixed everything.

I was off work about 3 months because of lifting, pushing and pulling restrictions. (but this will depend on the kind of work you do, if your job is less physically demanding you could be back to work in weeks.)
Good luck with your surgery Tracy,couldn,t imagine the headaches ontop of the pain.Hope all goes well as I have a bad back also(4 h.disc,4 pinched nerves in my lumbar area)I,m waiting to see a speacialist in October.Let us know how you make out after the surgery.
Go to a different doctor. The type of surgery that fuses your spine is a temporary fix at best, and leads to future debilitating problems at worst. As it puts more stress on the surrounding vertebrae.

If you must have neck or back surgery get the kind of surgery that replaces your natural disc with a synthetic one. This preserves some, though not all the movement in the neck and or back, this helps prevent the other joints from atrophying.

The surgery is relatively new, it is called cervical artificial disc replacement.

I am not a doctor and do not consider this medical advise, as always, your mileage may vary.

Best of Luck,


Joe Dokes
I had L3-4-5 and S1 fused and the doc told me at the time that this would reduce my pain but there was not fix to my back. I still take two vicodin every night and sometime take two early in the day for pain. Last cruise localy was last night and I did not go due to back pain but doctor told me this is what I would get. I would ask the doctor what to expect from your operation he will give you stats for your type of operation. I'm still better off now than befor my operation and in less pain but mine was lower back and yours is neck I hope things work out for you.
Go to a different doctor. The type of surgery that fuses your spine is a temporary fix at best, and leads to future debilitating problems at worst. As it puts more stress on the surrounding vertebrae.

If you must have neck or back surgery get the kind of surgery that replaces your natural disc with a synthetic one. This preserves some, though not all the movement in the neck and or back, this helps prevent the other joints from atrophying.

The surgery is relatively new, it is called cervical artificial disc replacement.

I am not a doctor and do not consider this medical advise, as always, your mileage may vary.

Best of Luck,


Joe Dokes

They have had a bunch of problems with the artificial discs so each individual should do the research and make their own choice.

I would not use them if I had an issue today, but I had my neck done 10+ years ago.
I had C4/5 and C5/6 fused in my neck. My right arm was going dead (pressure on the nerve) Got to the point where it was not strong enough to lift 5 pounds.

I was fine one day...... Got up one morning, yawned and stretched, then bang... Felt like I pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder.

Herniated discs, bone spurs, you name it, I had it. After reading the MRI report the doctor asked "What did you do?"

Then she told me....... "You need a new neck."

Long story short......... Had surgery about 3 weeks after my diagnosis. It immediately fixed everything.

I was off work about 3 months because of lifting, pushing and pulling restrictions. (but this will depend on the kind of work you do, if your job is less physically demanding you could be back to work in weeks.)

My story is similar but different. Took a bad fall off my new porch and whacked my head on concrete. neck and head hurt like h and my left arm also. It turns out the bones in my neck, which have been bothering me quite a while, had severe arthritus and the fall caused some nerve damage so my left thumb and forefinger were numb. The doc replaced 3 neck bones and screwed them together with a plate and 6 screws. Shoulda done it years ago. Neck is fine now but sometimes it clicks and hurts, guess the other bones are having to take up the movement and they are unhappy.

But the nerve damage is still there and the left arm is still evaporating away. Must be something else wrong. Then again I can still ride the dirt bike and drive the tractor and the rod so all is not lost.

I was back at work the next week - it was amazing how fast that recovered. The scar was the worst part and it is now almost invisible. Been a year. Do not be scared about that neck operatipon. Not sure about a back though.

Be careful about who you let do the operation. My surgeon had his neck done and the guy who trained him did the work. Used the wrong sizebones and it had to be re-done. Different guy did the rework.
My brother in law had some stuff fused in his back. Said it was the worst mistake he ever made. Now he has some limited motion when bending and it didn't help with the pain. I'm sur everybody's different, but that's his story.
i had my c5-6 &c6-7 fused together and i got headachce because of the fusion i would not go throught it again if had it to do again i would not
Do what Joe Dokes said keep looking for a different doc. They use synthetic spacers now and clean up the spurs. Great results and full mobility. 47 is too young don't fuse anything. Have you tried specific drug therapy for the migrains instead of the Vicodin. Several new drugs out for headaches that'll work better to get you by until they fix your neck. Dan
Reader's digest version - I damaged my C4-5-6, T1-2 and L4-5-6...the Cs were pressing on my spinal chord in different directions..lost fluid around them and had really bad pain...had to go on Methadone...neurosurgeon wanted to operate NOW..said I was a walking time bomb to be a quad...went to an ostiopath...a little over a year later back to the neurosurgeon and he said an operation was not necessary..he didn't know what I did but said keep doing it. I am not off Methadone...I still suffer pain..@ a 2 ..and I hurt if I do something stupid ...I read that for a man over 50 who had an operation on his Cs, he cannot empty the dishwasher for 6 months due to the possibility of hurting himself...I also read about a guy who bones crackle when he turns his head..

For me..I try to stay away from anything invasive like surgery and am willing to try alternate medicines..

Second opinions are not only good but necessary.

Good luck
In 1979 at the age of 29, I was hit by friendly fire. I was hit by 1500 lbs that amongst other things it fused C4,C5 and part of C6. my spine of course is not straight and as I get older it gets worse. My migraine headaches have over the years increased and has the nerve damage to different areas of my body. Example, the use of my right arm specifically my right hand is now about 30%. Because of the amount and type of damage I have been told surgery cannot be attempted. Unfortunately for me because of the ever growing "S" of my backbone because of the original impact the nerves that come out of the vert. become pinched and damaged. This continues to get ever worse every year. If you could get surgery that not only could repair your injury but also prevent the misshape of your spine which would protect those nerves that is something to seriously consider.

I merely am explaining my injury to you to perhaps give you some information to make a good decision. I have no regrets as to what happened to me and I would not change a thing in my life in uniform for anything.
My brother in law had some stuff fused in his back. Said it was the worst mistake he ever made. Now he has some limited motion when bending and it didn't help with the pain. I'm sur everybody's different, but that's his story.

i had my c5-6 &c6-7 fused together and i got headachce because of the fusion i would not go throught it again if had it to do again i would not
Pretty much sums up what happened to a former co-worker. He is heading towards a wheel chair, if he is already not in one. Vicodin, wish my pain was back at that level again. Couple of docs I have seen about my back issues have said to ride it out as long as I can before going under the knife. Longer you wait the more likely of there being hope for you. Neighbor recently had surgery on his back for lumbar stenosis. Recovery was going great, until he developed a leak in a disc from an unseen spur. Went in for emergency surgery to cure the leak as it was causing severe headaches and partially paralyzing him. He regrets the first surgery, but too late now....Good Luck....
I was in a ski accident in 1969 when i was 21. 6 months later they operated on me. Back then they didn't know much about backs. It helped some but i injured it again at work in 1980. I worked for the mi dnr and they wouldn't let me go back to without a dr approval.
I found a young dr that said after he operated he would sign my back to work papers. He burchered me and i couldn't walk over a few feet for 2 yrs. No dr would touch me until i found dr
easton at troy belmont in troy,mi. In1999. He put rods and fusion and i was much better until this spring. I have spent most of this summer in terriable pain and not being able to do anything. I went to a healing service a couple of weeks ago and have been doing much better. God still heals.
You might want to check out dr easton. He was good 12 yrs ago
and he has has a lot more experience since then. If you pm me i will give you his ph #. I will be praying for you and i am sure that others on this site will also.
Anyone here have neck/back surgery where they had things fused together? If so what was your results? I've been dealing with debilitating pain starting at my neck and going down my left arm for quite a long time now. Also have a lot of headaches (cluster and migraine). Up until now they said C6 was bulging but not herniated. Also had spurs so if the bulge wasn't pressing on the nerve the spurs were. Went to see a different back specialist 2 weeks ago and he did an MRI and I went back today and he said C6 is now herniated and he want's to fuse things together. There are also bone spurs he says he'll remove. It's right at the base of my neck. I asked about disc replacement and he said statistics show that disc replacements don't last as long as fusing. I have heard bad things about fusing (it stresses the discs on each side and they eventually fail) but he said the chances of that aren't nearly as great as disc fusion failing. He said the fusion would relieve my neck and arm pain and possibly the headaches which is the best news I've had in a long time. It's been so bad the last 2-3 yrs. I have to take 3-4 Vicodin a day to get anything done. I hate taking them cause they make me forgetful and cranky. I saw 2 other specialists and one said there was nothing wrong with me (treated me like a drug addict cause I take Vicodin which my doctor prescribed). The other said I had degenerative disc disease and everyone over 20 has it and he doesn't operate on anyone under 50 for it (I'm 47). I have to do what it takes to get rid of this pain so I told them schedule surgery but I am researching it more to see what everyone says about it.

First off what kind of shape are you in? I ask because my father in law had neck surgery and ten days later died of a blood clot in his lung. He was overweight big time and exercise wasn't a part of his life. Be careful man and wear the compression devices if they give you them.
I had two discs removed and fused 5-6. The one above and below is in bad shape also. The doctor talked me into using a cadaver bone instead of a piece of my hip, I'm glad that I did that. I was also having headaches, arm pain and numbness in my fingers, I let it go to long and I got purment damage. I was scared to death to get it done. There is a lot of risk in having it done. I went and talk to two different doctors and I' glad I did. Anyway I finely had it done, had the operatin one day and went home the next. Seven days later I went back and he let me take the neck brace off and a total of seven weeks later I went back to work. It is so much better but I know that there are a lot of things that I can't do and if I do I pay the price. I hope you all the best of luck. Make sure that you do talk to another Doctor before you get it done. I will post a picture of my neck after the operation.



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Tracy, no matter what you decide we hope the best for you.

Sue had her L4L5 fused last year and her SI fused this year

She has not recovered well from the latest and now is showing signs of problem below L5

About 4 years ago another doc was to have removed some spur in L4L5 area but instead removed the bone completely (Butcher) the last doc did both L4L5 fusion and SI. he is highly recommended in back surgeries.

Each person responds differently. Sue having Parkinson and her age is part of the slow recovery

Good Luck
I had a rupture disc in my lower back L4 L5 region and my Dr was able to repair it. I now have bone spurs,degenerative disc disease and arthritis. No help for me

Sorry to hear that Cliff. I know you've been through a lot.

I had a fusion of L5 S1 in 2005 with a ruptured disc it helped stop me falling over but have not worked since and still have a lot of pain but mine being so low in the back will probably be so much different to yours, I can only imagine what the headaches would be like

I also have lower back trouble but not nearly as bad as my neck problem. And yes the headaches are unbearable at times. Sometimes it feels like my left eye is going to explode. I wish the best for you that things improve.
My wife had spurs removed and discs fused in her neck last year. She still has lower back problems, but the area they repaired has given her no more trouble.

Man that's great. Glad to hear hers went well. I hope to have the same. Thanks for the input.
Sorry to hear that Cliff. I know you've been through a lot.

I also have lower back trouble but not nearly as bad as my neck problem. And yes the headaches are unbearable at times. Sometimes it feels like my left eye is going to explode. I wish the best for you that things improve.

Nah No worries I am happy to be here. Thanks
First let me point out that mine wasn't the result of normal use, wear and tair, I flipped over a hand rail and landed on my head. Reptured ( squished ) discs.
I had 2 discs removed and the 3 bones fused together in my neck along with other work in upper and lower back. I cant turn my head far enough to sleep on my stomach. I sleep flat on my back and alter my pillow arangemnt about once per hour. Looking behind me when backing out the drive isn't easy as it once was. Imediately after the surgery the pain was gone but my right arm was still messed up and my left arm was turned completely off, like I had had a stroke. Nerve damage first from the injury and more during surgery. 8 months of physical theropy get them back in use but still weak and not well controlled above my head today. Something like putting up a cieling fan is nearly impossible for me to do. The harder I try the more I generate.
Others have had much better results from the same repair proceedure. Good luck with yours.

Wow! That must have been terrible. Glad to hear they at least helped. The doc told me I might have numbness for quite a while after surgery. I haven't been able to do overhead work for quite a while.