Need your prayers...sad story in my community



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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Prayers sent for the little girls and their families who are going through so much.
Consider it done ! ( And please God, if abducted, return then safe and give the father/s a few moments alone with the perv's ) Amen
Prayers sent to the families affected by this awful news. How could anybody abduct an innocent child?????
Prayin here. What in the world is wrong with people?
I hope the girls just got lost and they are waiting patiently for rescuers, prayers sent Mike for the families and your community. Just a couple weeks ago a little boy in WI wondered off and was found alive a day later, hope the little girls story has a positive ending like this.
Prayers sent. This stuff just didn't happen when I was a kid, what the hell is the world coming to?
I read the entire story, and my prayers are going out to both families for the safe return of those precious girls!! I too hope that they can be found alive, and my heart is heavy with sadness that this may be an abduction!! I have 2 kids as well, and would be devastated if anything happened to either one. May God lend His hand to this effort and return the girls to the protection of their families!! Geof