Neighbors Sue Man for Working on Cars in His Garage



FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
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Chicago, Illinois
You'd think most people would love having a neighbor who loves working on cars for others, especially if that neighbor has his own lift. After all, car maintenance and repair gets expensive quickly, and minimizing labor costs is an easy way to save a ton of money. But Charles Williams' neighbors don't agree, and over the last six years, they've tried to stop him from doing exactly that.

Video of the story

Rest of the article: Neighbors Sue Man for Working on Cars in His Garage

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I wanted to reach through my monitor screen and choke the life out of those 2 sorry excuses for woman. The guy is in a wheelchair for crying out loud!
sounds like he needs to sue for harassment and intimidation. and legal fees.
Seems like I had those same neighbors when I was growing up..... :realcrazy: LOL
If they are afraid the "whole neighborhood" would be doing it... maybe those two women should move to a senior assistant living.
Seems like I had those same neighbors when I was growing up..... :realcrazy: LOL
If they are afraid the "whole neighborhood" would be doing it... maybe those two women should move to a senior assistant living.

The whole neighborhood has the right to do it just like he does, and if they don't like it they can move.
I also think he should sue for damages, and since the law allows him to do what he is doing he should be able to win that suit easily.
Nosey old Lesbians need something productive to put their time and money into instead of other people's business.
Quoting bible verses over a guy's shop? Oh come on.
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Wow.Just wow....those 2 women need to mind their own business.I have plenty of experience with a nosy old woman that wont keep her nose out of my business. As for the noise,well bylaws here state no excess noise beween 11 p.m and 7 a.m,so Im sure it isn't much different where this gentleman is. I suggest he get busy and defend himself.Those two nosy parkers need a lesson.
What he's done for his condition is very impressive! What a positive guy.... :)
If they were to have trouble getting their car started he is probably the first one they would call for help
Talk about unsightly, offensive smells, and noise.......did you see those two?

Gheez, I wonder where their hudbands are?
Talk about unsightly, offensive smells, and noise.......did you see those two?

Gheez, I wonder where their hudbands are?

They don't have husbands.
Just two old Lesbians quoting punishments they think should apply out of the bible and judging their neighbor on sins they decided are being perpetrated.

Betcha :D

Though she's not Lesbian, I have an Aunt like that.
She proclaims to be a dedicated born again Christian, and is one of the most judgmental and racist people I know.
She proclaims to be a dedicated born again Christian, and is one of the most judgmental and racist people I know.

too often Christians fail to understand that God has given a set of laws for governing a country (an eye for an eye) and a set of laws for conducting ones self (turn the other cheek)

both seem to contradict one another until you realize they are given to different institutions
$56,735 raised so far on his GoFundMe account to help him pay his legal fees. Go get them, Charles!
And yes, awesome garage!
That's just F'd up. Some people (These Neighbors) just seem to have too much time on their hands. Pathetic.
Just look how much property he has. Look how much land there between the shop and the road. This is simply a case of people trying to ruin someone's life. They need do drop dead.
I am so glad I am not in Maryland. Had a neighbor like that. Never sued but was thinking about it. Later told me she regretted that episode...
... She proclaims to be a dedicated born again Christian, and is one of the most judgmental and racist people I know.

People mix up God and Religion all the time. God is Love. Religion is so self righteous it can kill the Son of God and think they did a good thing.
people just should live their lifes in good faith to others , this guy is not bothering anyone else but her . some people can't live within the own lives , well i guess she's lucky its not some biker gang , that would just burn her out . i have a bud that had the same issues and it was all do to getting paid for the work done like a shop . i feel for the guy , he's just trying to make ends meet and enjoy himself . he needs a tall fence to keep the on lookers at bay , that what was the fit for my bud and me as well . i was told by the city code officer , '' its only a violation if it can be seen '' fence fitted that eye see issue . oh by the way damm great shop , wish mine was that clean n orderly .
This guy never takes a dime for helping his friends?!!!!!
Two nosy old busybodies with nothing but time on their hands used to ruin a good Samaritan's day. Nailing up Bible verses over his shop? Judge not, lest ye be judged. Oh, and that would also constitute trespassing....
too often Christians fail to understand that God has given a set of laws for governing a country (an eye for an eye) and a set of laws for conducting ones self (turn the other cheek)

both seem to contradict one another until you realize they are given to different institutions

"Do unto others" covers almost everything a society needs, but that doesn't stop them either.
Personally I am a "Do unto others" person until it becomes "an eye for an eye"
There is no "turn the other cheek" in my vocabulary.