Net neutrality affecting Fabo?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
I have been trying to get a better understanding on this net neutrality concept. From what I understand it will form two different internet speeds. The only question I have is, will this affect our forum?
Sounds like BS to me, and sounds to me like the typical "I have my uncle in the gobt office" in this case the FCC
Of course it could be affected!

The bottom line is, without net neutrality internet providers could charge extra for anything they wanted, or block access to anything they wanted. An extra fee for email, or social media websites for example. Or they could slow down competitors services. Say you get internet from your cable provider, well, they don’t want you streaming cheap movies from Netflix, so they slow down your bandwidth when you access Netflix so your movie quality sucks and you go back to getting your movies from them.

And of course, internet providers would be allowed to pick and choose what websites you have access to at all. Maybe your ISP is owned by the same company as CNN. So, they decide to block access to Fox, a competitor. No problem at all, perfectly legal without net neutrality. And they could block access to anything. Maybe they don’t like online forums, so they block them entirely. Or maybe they notice that a bunch of their subscribers spend a lot of time on forums, and decide to have a special access plan that costs extra. Again, no problem if net neutrality goes away.

Even if an ISP came out and said it wouldn’t charge extra or block access, there would be nothing to keep that from changing. Back to the forum access plan- an ISP could study its users internet use habits (they already do), and then design plans to wring more money out of its users. It could implement changes at any time, so, even if access to FABO wasn’t affected at first, there would be no reason that couldn’t change later.

And this isn’t gloom and doom stuff. Comcast, AT&T and other companies have already been caught slowing access to their competitors services, slowing uploads and downloads etc. There are examples in the Wikipedia link listed above of ISP’s limiting services and getting caught. But having net neutrality means they do get caught, and are forced to stop that BS when they do get caught. Without net neutrality, all of those dirty tricks would be perfectly legal.
So now that I understand it do we think Fabo will be affected? It doesn’t seem like it would be but maybe Joey has different thoughts.
It could.

But more likely it will affect many other things - like Netflix, YouTube, etc. it will translate into your paying more for those services just so companies like comcasr, Verizon and att can up their bottom lines.

IMO, their is no benefit for consumers like us, only downsides. I would urge you to contact senators and congressmen and tell them to make net neutrality a law
If we are going back to a Dog Eat Dog society then I think I should be able to kick any weaker persons *** for my personal gain just like it was in the beginning ! This notion that Economic over powerment is ok but not physical is bullshit !
Its just a reversal to go back to 2014 rules.
If your think your internet connection was great then, it'll be fine after this too.
Its just a reversal to go back to 2014 rules.
If your think your internet connection was great then, it'll be fine after this too.

It’s not about your connection. It’s about how websites connect. So when they start charging netflix a premium, that will get passed onto you via your Netflix bill
It’s not about your connection. It’s about how websites connect. So when they start charging netflix a premium, that will get passed onto you via your Netflix bill

This is what I have gathered also. For example if I want to log onto a specific website my cable provider could block me from doing so unless I paid a premium. Sort of like how some cable packages offer HBO as a premium and is not included on standard packages.

This could very easily result in me going without internet outside or work.
This is what I have gathered also. For example if I want to log onto a specific website my cable provider could block me from doing so unless I paid a premium. Sort of like how some cable packages offer HBO as a premium and is not included on standard packages.

This could very easily result in me going without internet outside or work.

It will be the opposite. They’ll charge the website, who will then raise your price.
It means that Joey will have to pay what amounts to Protection Money to be visable on the net.... When we search for "Mopars" or Dusters FABO will be 100 pages down on the search! Amazon and Walmart and Apple will dominate every search.
It means you will have a hard time finding things on the net.
It means that Joey will have to pay what amounts to Protection Money to be visable on the net.... When we search for "Mopars" or Dusters FABO will be 100 pages down on the search! Amazon and Walmart and Apple will dominate every search.
It means you will have a hard time finding things on the net.
Something like this could happen
Government stepping in and regulating what service has made it better, more innovative and affordable?
Oh yeah, Health Insurance...

Competition is what drives innovation forward and costs down.
Regulation always favors the well connected, well funded, wealthy interests.

We keep the ISP's honest.
There are people that have nothing better to do than sniff out and share every possible injustice perpetrated against humanity by Big Corporations and Big Government. Step out of line and we will hear about it.
There are no secrets anymore.

Old article but still relevant.
Am I The Only Techie Against Net Neutrality?

Government Regulations make the internet better? Not likely.

The IoT will evolve faster and better without Government slowing it down.
A look at the "Near Future"...

my 2¢ fwiw.
Off my soap box and back to the important stuff. Cars!
The idea that there should be no regulation is absurd... Over regulation is wrong but to think that all people and companies will just do the right thing is naive. We have rules for our children... We have rules at the work place.... We have rules on the roads..... We have rules in sports and games...


Think of another country with lax regulations that you would like to live in....
Government stepping in and regulating what service has made it better, more innovative and affordable?
Oh yeah, Health Insurance...

Competition is what drives innovation forward and costs down.
Regulation always favors the well connected, well funded, wealthy interests.

We keep the ISP's honest.
There are people that have nothing better to do than sniff out and share every possible injustice perpetrated against humanity by Big Corporations and Big Government. Step out of line and we will hear about it.
There are no secrets anymore.

Old article but still relevant.
Am I The Only Techie Against Net Neutrality?

Government Regulations make the internet better? Not likely.

The IoT will evolve faster and better without Government slowing it down.
A look at the "Near Future"...

my 2¢ fwiw.
Off my soap box and back to the important stuff. Cars!

There’s only one thing you need to know about that article. It was written by a CEO of a digital marking company. Those are exactly the people that stand to benefit from getting rid of net neutrality. It will not increase competition. It will not foster innovation. It will allow the ISPs to control your content, and it will line their pockets with your money. And hey, digital marketing companies like the one the author runs can rake in the cash working out agreements between the ISP’s and web content providers, determining what you see and how much you have to pay for it.

The biggest names that oppose net neutrality are the ones that stand to benefit the most financially if it goes away, and that should not be a surprise. Getting rid of net neutrality does not help the consumer.
Here is a list of things that government regulation made better and lowered costs.

"better" and "lower cost" are not two things that usually go along with each other, regardless of who or what is in charge. How does the saying go? "Cheap, fast, and safe, choose two" right? Yeah, better usually costs more.

I also assume that you have weekends, vacation leave, and some amount of sick leave right? Well, you wouldn't if your employer was in charge, you'd have none of those privileges. And that's what net neutrality is like, you're letting the billion dollar companies run the show. If you think they have your best interests in mind, you're even more naive than your little overly simplified government regulation argument suggests.

While you might not always like how government does it's job, you are undoubtedly better off because of it.
The Constitution is just rules and regulations.... Which we have because early England did not have many regulations to protect the individual. Thats the main reason colonists came to America.
I am not defending assanine regulations . I do believe we have too many. I just dont think this one is bad.
digital marketing companies like the one the author runs can rake in the cash working out agreements between the ISP’s and web content providers, determining what you see and how much you have to pay for it.

Do you really think multi-Billion Dollar ISP's and Multi-Billion Dollar Content Providers would choose to pay 3rd Party Marketing Firms to broker deals for them when they have their own massive marketing and legal departments?

Remember T1 lines 1.54Mbps with limited distance from your LEC? They were Hundreds of dollars a month.
Remember dial-up 28.8Kbps or even 56Kbps? 1990s
Then 1Mbps with cable ISP's came along.
100 Mbps, 250 Mbps, Gigabit speed, DOCSIS, Channel Bonding, QAM Modulation and OFDM are not products of Government Regulation. They are products of Free Market Innovation.
Cost per Mbps have continued to go down as speeds have continued to increase.
Again, Not a product of Gov. Regulation.

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