neutral safety switch question



Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2010
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Marblehead Ohio
73 swinger 318/904,i have a neutral safety switch on my tranny,my car has no wires or plug to hook it up,do I need to add this for it to run?
The neutral safety switch is to stop you from starting the car in gear. Your car does have the wires some place. It comes out from the bulkhead connector.
car has no wires or plug to hook it up?

Unless someone cut some wires, you must be mistaken. What is hooked to your starter relay? There should be two push-on connections. One should go directly into the bulkhead. This is the wire that is "hot" in "start" and fires the relay IF---the neutral safety is hooked up and works

The second push-on should hook to a (72 book shows brown/ yellow) wire that goes along with two others to the neutral safety switch plug. It has three wires. Center one is neutral safety, outer two are reverse lights
The 3 wires , 2 for reverse lamps and one brown withe yellow tracer that went to the neutral safety switch never were exactly "in" the engine harness. Those 3 wires were poked into the spare ports of the bulkhead connector for the wiper harness at far right.