New Dodge Commercial

Nice stuff, 67.... My heart tugs at the 67-71 Warhol influenced " 67 - 71 pop art ads".... Simply raw and outstanding, The new ads, can't get the same response. It's cool stuff.
Nice stuff, 67.... My heart tugs at the 67-71 Warhol influenced " 67 - 71 pop art ads".... Simply raw and outstanding, The new ads, can't get the same response. It's cool stuff.

Warhol always seemed like a pretty weird dude to me. I never got the whole soup cans as art thing. I mean, I realize that everybody's got their own tastes and each person is going to find certain things that they really get off on that others don't understand. I always got a kick out of the 'renegade - pushin' the limits with the law' image that a lot of the Chrysler ads had. I really enjoyed the commercials with the two guys that are asking if that thing has a hemi in it. They crack me up. I use the KEEPVID Youtube downloader program to store a lot of these old commercials and music videos on my computer. Then I create long playlists that I let run in the garage as I'm working on stuff. I enjoy these ads so much that I keep them mixed with the music vids.
Various commercials and dealer promo videos from the late 60s and early 70s:
Lets not forget the Azzmonkey.....Rawlings



Lets not forget the Azzmonkey.....Rawlings


I realize that most guys on this site (and a lot of other sites) really crow about Rawlings. Truth be told, he doesn't seem like the type of car guy that I would normally associate with. But I (like so many others here) watch his shows. He's flamboyant. He's obnoxious. He seems to be all about the glitter and the glam. I question how well put together any car can be when it's slapped together in a few weeks. He seems more like a 'flipper' to me than the type of guy that's in it for the love of cars. But I still watch the show. - Not so much because I find him entertaining, but because it's a CAR program and I'm an addict. At least he doesn't creep me out as much as 'the Count'! LOL!!
As an owner of a Prius I find these commercials with these gas guzzling Dodges offensive.
Cool ads. I love the first one they don't show anything from the late 70s and up.
As an owner of a Prius I find these commercials with these gas guzzling Dodges offensive.

I hope you're kidding. Otherwise all I can say is crap like that is what's wrong with this country. I live in a small town where the local feed mill has "Jesus Christ is Lord" on their sign and on some of their feed bags. And a local owned truck stop and construction company have the same. Post that online or declare something like that in a big city and you end up getting sued because it "offended" someone. Heck, they don't even recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school anymore for fear of offending someone! THIS IS AMERICA!!! There's way too many thin skinned people around these days that are so quick to play the "I'm offended" card! Personally if you're comment was serious why the heck are you on a forum for classic mopars that get a best of low 20 mpg and have no smog control??

If you're comment was just sarcasm (I sure hope so) then sorry for the rant, if not, read this post again!

And mods, if I'm out of line (I very well may be but in my defense seeing a comment like that on a CLASSIC (a.k.a. "Gas guzzling) car forum just set me off) feel free to delete this post.
I'm sure that SoulSurvivor was joking. Otherwise...

I have a sick sense of humor. And If I had the bones I would order an Alpine White Hellcat Challenger with the 6sp. Those who know me should know better. Those who don't know me...know you know.
Lol! Ok good! I was just thinking it would be pretty strange for someone to be into old cars and then grumble about "gas guzzling" new cars! Lol
I can only wonder what the driver of the Prius thought when my buddy Greig's 70 GTX and my Duster thundered past him at about 80 MPH on the 407 coming back from Moparfest. Gives me giggles thinking about it.
