New NFL season



MOPAR ARCHAEOLOGIST - one parts hoard at a time!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Well It's on and already have to boycott the BS. Maybe they'll screw their selves out of job. NO Nascar, and no Sports , Guess I'll look for another project.:bs_flag::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU:
Well, I guess they won then. lol
I will continue watching football and Nascar.
I am not supporting them, they are entertaining me. that is all.
Saw on the news the Miami Dolphins are staying in the locker room till after the National Anthem.:icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU: They can stay in there all FN year for what I care..
I (used) to watch to be entertained. I wanted to see amazing athletes and just kind of forget about life for awhile.

But I can't bring myself to watch an entire league disrespect the United States of America, my country, for some made up crises. It's hypocritical of them protesting after they worked their way to stardom and riches in the United States of America :wtf:

Dang, I even had to turn off College Gameday last Saturday..

I just want to watch football :BangHead:
First season since 1985 i wont be watching the vikings. I was close last year, but the fact they are worshipping a criminal, george floyd, was the nail in the coffin
GD, even Jerry Jones Cowboys stayed in the locker room for the national anthem. I bet he's steaming about it but cant do ****. Hands tied with a black sash, figuratively speaking. This is the same guy that held a free funeral for a Navy Seal at Cowboy stadium so you know he's died in the wool red white and blue, USA#1. This comment has nothing to do with race or ethnicity or gender association but go anywhere else in the world and try and play American football for a living. Canada gets a pass but doesn't everyone who grows up in Canada still have to learn the official language of Canada, FRENCH? Anyone think they got the same rights up there than here? Does anyone think they have more rights in another country than USA? Tell me about them. Poor millionaires.....I'd feel bad for them but I can't.
Well with no fans in the stands and no ratings on the tube (maybe ) they will hang their selves. :icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU:
I tried to watch the Chiefs game. I am from Kansas and the Chiefs are in Kansas City. However, in the first 5 minutes, I got to hear some SOBs whine about social injustice 3 times, watch a team stay in the locker until the anthem was over, watch one moron kneeling with a fist in the air and watch a bunch of over privileged jocks have a moment of silence. I turned it off before the game even started. I am DONE. I never did like the NBA, but I hear the number of people watching those games has fallen drastically. If they really want social equality and justice, looting, arson, murder, mugging old ladies, tearing down statues, and acting like a bunch of thugs on national TV is NOT the best way to get others to observe your cause with sympathy.
Well It's on and already have to boycott the BS. Maybe they'll screw their selves out of job. NO Nascar, and no Sports , Guess I'll look for another project.:bs_flag::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU:

I've been watching Rugby on FS2[?] lately. Wall to wall action without commercials. No helmets! It's a tough sport played by tough men. And no kneeling. If I want to see grown men kneel, I'll go to a church or the White House.
I was a NY Giants fan for decades. Went through a lot of losing seasons but I stuck with them. Then Bill Parcels came along and turned things around. I was in my glory. Watching Jim Burt walking around the field with his son on his shoulders was a high point. When the Giants got rid of Parcels I followed him to the Patriots. Then he turned that team around and I became a Patriot fan. Brady and Belicheck and the rest of the team entertained me for years. The high point was when Roger [of 'where is Roger' fame] had to hand Brady the MVP trophy at the end of the Superbowl. It was like winning twice in one Sunday.

I might watch Brady [Tampa Bay] until I see one player from either team kneel. I won't watch the Patriots any more. Seeing the Patriots sign next to the Toyota sign makes me want to puke. I put Traitor Kraft in the same category as Traitor Joe [Gibbs].
glad its back.. can't wait to watch me some football.. though like any other year if its real nice out i'll be out doing something instead of sitting in front of the tv.
Team owner here for the Green Bay Packers. The position the NFL has chosen to take is beyond comprehension. I say put them all in a green uniform with an M16 toss them in the desert. They would have a true lesson in understanding the value of freedom and solidarity to each other. They would never listen to the anthem again the same way. I won’t watch their games or even click on anything NFL related when on news sights. Just my way of voting with my choice.
The highest paid QB gets ~ $36,000,000 per year. Divide that by 16 games. Then divide that by 30 minutes per game [the time the offense is on the field]. Answer: over $70,000 per minute. And he still complains about being treated unfairly. Apparently Black Lies Matter, at least in his mind.
I took inventory of all these things a few seasons ago and gave it up:
1) kneeling and milquetoast response from league back in 2018.
2) on-field antics, poor sportsmanship (shuck + jive)
3) off-field antics, criminal behavior that got a pass unless it was egregious or the media cast a spotlight on it
4) idolization of people who could barely speak English
5) injection of these low standards into the cultural mainstream
6) the corruption of the amateur (college) system that feeds the monster
7) the outrageous sums of money paid to participants to play a game
8) the even more outrageous sums that team owners bilk from taxpayers to build stadiums and facilities
9) the mainstreaming of sports gambling (not against gambling, but I think this is unhealthy for society)
10) the political posturing and pandering, and claims of oppression from athletes who make more per week than most people make in a year, and the management and ownership going along with it all so as not to interrupt their revenue streams

I decided I couldn't be part of this corruption anymore.
My wife has always liked watching the Houston team. They just played KC. She said KC knelled,and the Houston assholes just stayed in the locker room till done. I has not watched any NFL that kneeled, she said she is totally DONE with them all. I agree.
Mom always said, there is a time and a place for everything.
I'd say about 90% of the NFL players get a free ride through college. Have made up names you can't pronounce because their momma couldn't spell it, or wanted their child to be special. Get drafted ,hold out till they get top $$$.Get hurt 1st season, sit out with pay. Kneel and lock arms at the start of a game .Then talk and cry repression. Cry when the thug *** robbers ,rapist and killers get shot resisting the cops.
And all the bleedingheart sympathizers. I done with them too.
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Recording Da Bears now. Beautiful day here, so will be hitting the yard work, then watch the game later, while sipping some cold beers, grilling some meat and fast forwarding through the commercials. Screw the politics.
Eagles marched right down field. They look sharp but then again they are playing washington so it may be fools gold. Lol
Aside from all the bugga bugga, don't you think the USA needed to be weened a little off of sports anyways??? Fans would live, and die, and throw up over a game, acting in ways they would discipline their children if they acted that way over a table game, worshiping players and .... are you ready????? RIOT in the streets wrecking other people's properties over winning a championship!!! Yep, I have (had) my favorite teams. Nope, they weren't my God nor did they make me destroy something in my house over a interception. :D