New pool liner anyone?



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Eastampton, NJ

Well after winterizing my pool 6 weeks ago, I found the water level had dropped 1.5 feet. At that rate, the pool would have been empty before spring and a wind storm could have blown it away. So I had to bite the bullet and put in a new liner now. It is really funny that as the years go bye, the liner prices keep getting cheaper. First one was $600 30 years ago, then $500, then $400 and this year it was only $319. I guess that these are being made in Gina now.

Anyway, the pool is 45 years old and was the top of the line 18x33 Esther Williams model (does anyone remember who she was anymore? Olympic gold medalist in swimming). So I guess I got my money's worth out of this one! It came with the house I bought 30 years ago.

The bottom line is, I am so freaking sore now, I can barely stand it. Two months shy of 60, I guess that I'm feeling my age. Time for an IPA!

Anyone else do all of their own home work to save a buck? How about sharing your stories and photos?
Yup.. And thanks for your service to this Great country. I myself am an AirForce brat, but didn't serve myself since VN was all over by the time I got out of HS. The Pool we have here is 28 yrs old, and this year, I had to replace the Main Pump, The Booster Pump for the Pool cleaner...And.. the Filter system.... Did it all myself ( maybe I'm Cheap) My Dad taught me to do things for myself and to learn along the way..I build and do pretty much all I can do, all my life, and it is rewarding. Here's our Oasis..BTW I'll be 60 at the end of this year myself...
Yup.. And thanks for your service to this Great country. I myself am an AirForce brat, but didn't serve myself since VN was all over by the time I got out of HS. The Pool we have here is 28 yrs old, and this year, I had to replace the Main Pump, The Booster Pump for the Pool cleaner...And.. the Filter system.... Did it all myself ( maybe I'm Cheap) My Dad taught me to do things for myself and to learn along the way..I build and do pretty much all I can do, all my life, and it is rewarding. Here's our Oasis..BTW I'll be 60 at the end of this year myself...View attachment 1714980494 View attachment 1714980494 View attachment 1714980495
Love your pool! We looked at an in ground pool but for $25-50K and not adding any value to the property didn't make any sense to me - especially since I am semi-retired now. It would have been different if we could have bought a nice one for $25K and it added $25K value to the house. I am happy to hear that I'm not the only one who does things for himself.

FYI, I was an AF brat myself. I missed the military life when my dad retired, so I decided to do it myself. I'll bet you learned to appreciate this country for all the things you experienced when you were young.
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Brings back memories of living with my parents. We had a 16x32 in ground pool. Deep end had an 8' pit. Stainless steel walls...that turned into graters for the liner over the years. Dad drained it to far one year, we had a hard freeze and the walls shifted a bit. Pool had not been opened for several years, liner was shot. I peeled the old liner out, company came in and put foam up on the walls. While we were waiting for the liner we had a storm. Ended up with 3 feet of water in the deep end....sand only would absorb so much. One morning I heard the dog going nuts by the pool....we had a dozen or so ducks in it. Liner was installed...pool filled. Was out getting the water tested....came home to find the ducks in the pool again...
I do everything, plumbing, roofing, concrete, auto repairs on 5 cars, and all the household appliances, computers and electronics but I don't want to talk about it. :D
Why keep buying liners? Rino line it. It comes in different colors.
Why keep buying liners? Rino line it. It comes in different colors.
I never thought of that. Do you think it would stick well on vinyl? I wonder if the liner would have to be completely dried before applying it (I would assume so). That might be a future option, because I never want to install another liner in my life!
17 yrs ago, we bit the bullet on a kayak above ground pool. 12x24. Ive replaced 2 pump motors - couldnt be easier, and just did the 1st replacement liner myself last fall. While the liner was out I went ahead and redid the single bottom intake to the suggested double intake. The most nerve racking part of the whole thing was cutting the holes in the bottom of the new liner for the intake grates. Other than HVAC and major plumbing, I do all my own home work.

BTW - I'm only 10 short years behind you.... I turn a half century old this coming February.
I never thought of that. Do you think it would stick well on vinyl? I wonder if the liner would have to be completely dried before applying it (I would assume so). That might be a future option, because I never want to install another liner in my life!
After googling this, it doesn't look like a good option. May not be resistant to chlorine and may peel. Plus it would be much more expensive than a new liner unless I estimated incorrectly.
I had an outdoor above ground pool but the insurance kept going up every year till it became apparent that insurance companies run our lives, so I took it down.

enjoy while you can.

now I just kick the insurance inspectors off the property because they sure like to come every once in awhile to take pictures of everything, including old cars on the premises. If I am home when they come, they get a very unfriendly boot out. They have not cancelled me yet despite being booted out twice already.
Winterized!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW the bass keep the frog population down so no tadpoles. LOL
Reason I made the comment about tadpoles is cause a friend had a pond, much smaller filled with bass. Got to be expensive feeding them minnows. Some knucklehead friend of his gave him some tadpoles. The bass ate the tadpoles and all of them were dead the next day. There were a couple 4 pound bass in there.
Wow, never heard of that one. Did see a bullfrog try to make it across once. Once.
Kinda like this old joke I just made up.
How did the frog make it across the pond?
He didn't.
I started out fishing for them but when my wife started feeding them they just follow her around the edge.
I started out fishing for them but when my wife started feeding them they just follow her around the edge.
LOL. Next thing you know they'll be eating out of her hand.