New under hood wiring harness



Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
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So after begining to take all the wires and lines off of my old engine to take it out I noticed that the wiring that goes to the coil, temp gauge, alternator and the distributor I think is all mangled up and electrical taped in a big ball. That may have been the reason the car wouldn't start sometimes and I had to wiggle the wires. Can I get a replacement harness for just this portion? Because the rest of the wiring all seems good. It's a 73 dodge dart swinger 318 with ac, but the ac won't be goin back into the car.
I'd go with a new harness from M&H. Year One sells them. Wait for a 30% sale to buy it.
I'd go with a new harness from M&H. Year One sells them. Wait for a 30% sale to buy it.

I just looked, they stop at 72 for the engine harnesses, and not electronic ignition, and they have a 73 for a small block but only e-body.

I think Evans is the way to go, I found an engine harness that will work, correct year and everything.
you must call them. I think their list is about the same as year one and will link you to year one to buy it. They appear to have contract with year one for their harnesses. So you can not buy directly from M&H unless year one does not sell it. Then you can buy from them directly.
You need to call them 562-926-9552 . I have read this before with people with older cars not on the YO list. M&H made them the harness with no issue.

Not sure what your harness consists of as far as wiring to the right side or if it is a separate engine / lighting harness. Most A-bodies are connected and are sold as an engine-lighting harness together. but you can get the original style "56" connectors and wire and renew the needed wires from the bulkhead connector.
The problem is after the years of heat and weather the wire insulation etc gets brittle and corroded. The cost of a new engine harness normally under 200 why not just replace with new correct stuff... M&H uses all the correct connectors and wire colors so it is a direct plug-n-play, unlike the others.