Newton showing his true color

Couple things: First, you got to learn how to lose before you can learn how to win. Second, it is true, other teams have said you cannot mimic the speed of the Broncos defense in practice. It is much faster in real life. 3rd, the Panthers played all year with big leads, and didn't know how to adjust (new territory) to being behind and not being able to impose their will...... which leads to frustration, which leads to bad decisions, which leads to stupid penalties, which leads to a loss.......
DEFENSE wins football games.. that game proved it. Congrats to the Broncos and all their fans. Even when the Pats win it all, I shut it off before all the horse-manure-after-game BS.. "I'm going to Disney Land" - oh shut up already.. waa waa waaa - we lost, yay yay yay we won.. DFC.
The Panthers were over rated all season. They played an easy schedule, in a weak division. The few good teams they faced were injury riddled, even the Giants who took it to them.
Cam believed the hype, he cannot read coverage, he cannot throw people open he is a line of site passer with a poor release. Cam will crash next year when the schedule gets alot harder next year.
Could not have said it any better myself. Nice to see Cam get served up some Humble pie.

the celebrating when things are going good doesn't bother me so much.. i think handing the balls yo kids is awesome.. the big show after just a first down is kinds too much for me but whatever he looks to be having fun..

the problem is when things aren't going your way you can't pout like baby which you could see him doing the entire game...

then you had the pussy move of not going after that fumble.. in the regulat season i can see that to a point. but dude this is the supervowl.. win or go home baby. go get it..

then the press conference.. come on man.. man up and answer the questions. another pussy *** move bot answering the questions then just walking off like that.. a manning and brady would never do that.. and they didn't do that when losing the superbowl..

that dude needs t grow up a lot..

oh brother.. he brings that **** on himself... he celebrates every little thing when things are going good... has that big smiles and jokes around when things are going his way. but once things aren't all peachy he pouts and is a douchebag in his press conference.

if you are going to act like an over the top idiot when winning you better stand up and be a man about losing too.. that clown needs to do a lot of growing up.

Deion Sanders knows the deal...
The Panthers were over rated all season. They played an easy schedule, in a weak division. The few good teams they faced were injury riddled, even the Giants who took it to them.
Cam believed the hype, he cannot read coverage, he cannot throw people open he is a line of site passer with a poor release. Cam will crash next year when the schedule gets alot harder next year.

I think I read they had the 8 easiest schedule in the league this year....Next year will be tough on them.
I'll disagree. He will mature and likely become one of the greats. He has a cannon for an arm and is a physical beast that can run over 300lb linemen. The Panthers won the NFC. I don't see how he is overrated.
Someone with some real photoshop skills could make this an internet classic...


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I think I read they had the 8 easiest schedule in the league this year....Next year will be tough on them.

Still six games against the Bucs, the Saints, and the Falcons. The Falcons have the best chance of turning it around unless the Saints can find a defense. In division schedule still favors the Panthers for an easy schedule.

As Michael Jordan once said, if you can win against the teams you're supposed to beat and go .500 against the others, you're still in the playoffs.
Still six games against the Bucs, the Saints, and the Falcons. The Falcons have the best chance of turning it around unless the Saints can find a defense. In division schedule still favors the Panthers for an easy schedule.

As Michael Jordan once said, if you can win against the teams you're supposed to beat and go .500 against the others, you're still in the playoffs.

Good point
It was evident from the very beginning when they all showed up in Santa Clara.
Who is a professional who is on his way to professionally represent his ball club
Who is the arrogant pimp

Calling him a "pimp" is going a bit far and makes your comments the subject of criticism rather than the OP subject. Let's stay on topic here.... Carolina and Cam didn't show up yesterday. He was obviously rattled during the week prior to the game with all the press hounding him about his celebratory antics. It set him on edge, he lost focus. That said, the Denver defense manhandled both him and his offensive line. I really wanted to like Cam. And I sorta was.... prior to the end of the game when things weren't going his way and a loss seemed inevitable and he showed what he really is... A spoiled immature brat. A real child, mentally.

I don't agree with you guys who say "he'll never be" this or that. That's just ridiculous. He's got a lot of growing to do and none of us knows the life and football lessons he will learn over his career. Again, let's stick to what we do know, the Carolina Panthers, the team, got whooped in all respects by Denver and Cam showed he's really immature and spoiled.
I'll disagree. He will mature and likely become one of the greats. He has a cannon for an arm and is a physical beast that can run over 300lb linemen. The Panthers won the NFC. I don't see how he is overrated.

Ya wasn't running over ANYBODY yesterday:D:D..and the NFC is jr. league compared to the AFC..
Calling him a "pimp" is going a bit far and makes your comments the subject of criticism rather than the OP subject. .

ok, *****re-word**** he was dressed like an arrogant pimp. I am not saying he is but he was sure dressed LIKE one.

I much prefer a hero figure that children and the public to look up to, to look as Manning did. Like a professional on the job.

I never said Cam Newton will or wont be anything .....I don't know the future.

I agree with many that say, it would be nice if Cam Newton can learn and mature from this because he is a good player. You don't go 17-2 by accident and it takes the whole team, however I believe Cam Newton played a big role in the team getting as far as they did.
I knew I could stir the pot, I will say Carolina sure played like they were paid , ive lived in colorado since 1976 , I was a bronco fan when elway won his bowls, and it was nice that manning got one with denver. I was completely shocked that denver pulled it off considering how crappy their offense has been , but yes their defense came through. If they get a QB and offense that can kick some *** , and play like they played this year, I see a repeat in 2017
Ya wasn't running over ANYBODY yesterday:D:D..and the NFC is jr. league compared to the AFC..

your not only a Patriot fan, you are an AFC fan.
with Denver's win, the AFC got the 24th superbowl win, compared to 26 for the NFC. LOL
Cam and the Panthers will be back, along with the Seahawks, and a few others.
Newton might be a poor sport, the guy can play football. and so can the Bronco D.
OH YEA, it was the Bronco D that smashed Brady AND the Patriots around. still LMAO
your not only a Patriot fan, you are an AFC fan.
with Denver's win, the AFC got the 24th superbowl win, compared to 26 for the NFC. LOL
Cam and the Panthers will be back, along with the Seahawks, and a few others.
Newton might be a poor sport, the guy can play football. and so can the Bronco D.
OH YEA, it was the Bronco D that smashed Brady AND the Patriots around. still LMAO

Newtons a punk..will NEVER be the professional on or off the field like so many others are..
