Not just any cat...

Jul 11, 2009
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Surrounded by mopar
I'm not sure where to post this.
I'm not savoy on expressing my loss at this time.
I just had to put down my lil friend today and I wanna say I feel like utter ****, am disappointed, and don't know weather to cry or break something.
Her name was peek a boo, she was a tabby/egyptian mao and had more personality than most people I know, which makes it harder. I've never been this attached to an animal or cat for that matter and now shes wrapped in my favorite shop jacket and buried under her favorite bird hunting tree and gone.
The vet had no idea what triggered her kidney's failing, air in her chest cavity and under skin and liver misfunction. There was no crystals in her kidneys from antifreeze, no trama, no signs from blood work leading to a cause and the only thing they could say is that she must have had some sort of cancer for a while and hid it well.
this cat would share my sushi, yogart, beef jerky, and even wanted in on my daughters baby food. she was a fast hunter and had the manners of the most respectful human you could imagine. She and her sister slept with my wife and I every night and never destroyed things in the house besides birds they'd bring in.

I know it's just an animal to some and thats fine for them, but for me...she was my friend, she was only 8yrs old.
I haven't felt this low in .....ever.

we really miss you peeky, rip.




My sincere condolences.

Pets become one of the family, I don't care what anyone says. They all have their own unique personalities, and we grow to love them. Some people love dogs, others love cats, or ferrets, or fish, or.......

and the one thing unfair about our animals, very few of them stay on this earth for a very long time(unless you get one of them long lived birds).

Celebrate the fun times you had with her, her memory is with you forever.

I am soooo sorry and yes you put this post in the hands of your friends that feel the same way about our animal's bud :happy10:
I hope the felling of you being a good friend for peek a boo while you had your lil friend :clock:
I agree 100% on what you are saying :read2: People can be harsh and our four leggier friends mean more to us.:happy10:
So sorry to hear what you have to go though today, and the day's to come when you look and Peek A Boo is not there
I have been there and god bless you for being a great friend to Peek A Boo.

Give yourself a good feeling that you was there for your lil friend.
sorry to hear about your little buddy, they truly become one of the family...
My condolences to you and your family! 8 is too young! I have had a couple go to soon too and you just never know why. I have a house full of rescues and they are the only thing that keeps ME going these days.

Bruce B.
Sorry for your loss.Yes,they do become part of the family even if you think they won,t. Ours is 14 and we can see him fading,not much time left. Hang in there ,you will get over it.8)
Sorry to hear 1wild,I too lost a close friend his name was Freeway.I had him 17 years and would chase any animal off my property,cats,dogs,racoons,posuums,skunks.He thought he was a dog?Maybe time to get another friend?:clock:
Sorry to hear his W&C. I know how you feel as I've lost three dogs so far. The last one I promised myself to never get another pet again, but 7 years later I walked in to a shelter and got Maxie. A year later I picked up Merlin. I can't imagine life without them but sure enough, I know I will have to one day.

My condolences to you and maybe one day another lucky kitty will have you as an owner.
Pets are members of the family and we certainly feel it when we lose them. Heartfelt condolences and know future memories wil bring future smiles.
cool pics, I generally like animals more than people, 2 dogs 1 cat, was 1 dog 2 cats, then 2 of each, things change, life goes on
You have my sincerest condolences. It's never easy losing a beloved pet, but the alternative (not having pets at all) is worse in my opinion. RIP Peekaboo.
so sorry to hear about this...i know how you feel. things will get peek a boo...
condolences to you i understand what its like ive lost 1 dog and 6 cats that were my parents and grew up with them its very hard they become family members almost instantly i currently have one rescue cat and 1 dog i found in a box behind a dumbster and one lab but maybe you should consider going down to your local aspca and go look at some kitties that need a good home i know it might be a little soon but i couldnt have a house without my four legged freinds.
RIP peek a boo.

My condolences to you and your family on your loss. It is so hard to lose a pet as they truly are members of the family. I've had my first cat since kindergarten (she's 15 now), and I'm just trying to enjoy all the time spent with her as you never know when they will suddenly depart from your life.

Perhaps it is time to head over to the local shelter and find a new friend for you and Peek a boos sister?? Peek a boo will never be replaced, but a new cat would become a member of the family in no time.

I know you feel shitty right now, but I promise it will get better. Take it easy Bro.
Sorry for your loss... They have such personality and grow on you indeed!

I feel your loss and relate to the pain more than I care to admit. You've got a shoulder here if you ever need one my friend ... I'm a total Cat People myself and miss the ones I've lost.
I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, every time it happens it sucks, no matter how long they hang around. i even get depressed when I see one that's met it's end on the roads...and it happens all too frequently.
When the time is right, go to a shelter and let another buddy pick you.
Twister and I send our condolences.
Alan Hynes

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Cats are better than most people...sorry for the loss of your beloved one. My kitty Peeves is a psycho nutcase and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
So sorry to here this. Our pets are like family members. I cry like a baby even when one of my fish passes. We had to put our lab down last year and I know what you are feeling. That was one of the worst days in my life.
I really thank all of you for the support and sympathy.

I have spurts of anxiety and depression, like when I woke this morning.
Her sister squeaky just stares out the window to her spot under the tree and waits by the doors for her to come back. I did show her peeky before putting her in the ground but squeak did not sniff and shes still looking for her sister which makes it hard.
When I saw others post about their pets and losing them, to be scared me and I avoided replying due to the fact I couldn't imagine how hard it would be and didn't even wanna go there. I must say to all of you who have lost their pets that I am truly sorry for your loss and can relate fully at this point.

I'm not really into drinking beer now, I feel guilty if I'm not fixated on peek for some reason. Though it was highly recommended by the er veterinarian , I regret putting her down but at the same time she was done and failing fast with very low calcium which made her tremor every 10-15 minutes for the last 5 hrs that I held her at the vet, I could have held her till I dropped myself.

The more I read about her symptoms on the net, the more I'm pointed towards FIP as a more likely cause. A year ago or so she had a lil crinkle air pocket on her head but when the vet said it was nothing and just some trauma...we didn't think anything and in time it went away...I wish we did blood work back then instead of listening to the vet.
This morning was peeky jumping up on the bathroom sink for water, no skwaking to go outside, no peeky.....

We really wanna thank you all so much for giving us support at this time.
Hang in there man. Try to think of the good times she brought to you which im sure you are. She is out of her pain now. Give her sister some extra lovin for sure.
Sorry for your loss......Peeky looked like the cat to have, for sure.

The pain will pass, and you'll probably add another great one to your family........good things lie ahead. Blessings buddy. Doc