OMG.Prayers Please,...Webster, N.Y. Shooting,.2 Firefighters Killed

We had them but for the most part stayed in the fire truck. They are hot and heavy, try that in fl. summer.
I am in Rochester, New York right now on leave. Webster is basically a crime free lakefront town. I spent most of life here. These incidents are far to common now. As a 16 year LE professional, I must advise that we all have to be aware of situational awareness. I believe many (not to their fault) have fallen in the realm of "It would never happen here."

Every mall, hospital, theater or Jewish Community Center etc. is vulnerable. It is not a matter of "If it happens again" its a matter of "When it happens again." You do not need to be in LE to have this mindset. The suburbs of Rochester IHO are not prepared to handle these situations. I work in the inner city so I see violent crime daily (Robberies, stabbings and shootings that never make the news)

Society has changed and we have to adjust to the changes. Let us not allow said changes to take us over.

So everyone is shocked that a convicted felon had a gun? Wake up people! We arrest them all the time and usually very little happens. Would you believe that 2 persons shot at undercover police officers well over 30 times and was only sentenced to 6 months in jail because the judge felt sorry for the other shooter (who was not caught) was murdered? People refuse to believe me.

We do not have the jail space or revenue to keep people in jail period. They are released in the community and are walking among us.

This was a classic ambush that if a bad guy did not think of it before, they now know. Sadly, copy cats are plotting now. People are losing their jobs/houses, failed marriages, weak economy, taxes, forever ruined credit, health care and.......this is making normal people do irrational things.

I wish I could say that this will never happen again but that's a lie. We must be vigilant, aware and prepared to the best of our abilities. At the end of the day, God decides when it is our time and we must be prepared for that as well. (Romans 8:28)
Well put Howard! It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole works! I have been around guns all my life. I respect them and know what they are capable of. My wife is not really into guns, but has now asked me to get a handgun or two to keep in the house for protection!

These cowardly acts are totally senseless! Unfortunately, in most cases, when these people get done destroying other innocent families, they take their own lives because they don't want to face the facts of what they have done.