Painting the Duster



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
Baileyton, TN
The Duster needs new paint. So I was thinking about painting it Sublime with a black side stripe. A friend suggested Black with a Sublime side stripe and this got me really interested. I have been googleing it to see how it would look but couldn't find anything.

Has anyone done a Black car with a Sublime side stripe?

I'm thinking black car with sublime side stripe and a flat black hood, opinions?
I think black with a green stripe would look slightly worse than a turd with a piece of corn sticking out of it.

Sublime is also way overused. Only use that color if you like being the same as everyone else.
Sublime is also way overused. Only use that color if you like being the same as everyone else.

That is why I wanted to do something a little different and use a sublime stripe instead of the entire car. But the high impact colors are all over used, but they look so good.

This car isn't sublime but a little darker:


This one looks like its sublime:

I gotta admit, I didn't think it'd look good but that first challenger looks amazing!!
a black car would need to be perfectly straight, too. I;ve had black, impossible to keep clean. I have a 63 dart gt, original black with red marron int. it will go back black but it will NEVER be clean!!!!
I had a b lack 71 challenger conv, it had the rt stripe down side in a matte finish ( came factory), ( actually rt stripe less rt, cause in 71 ya couldn't get an rt in that form. )point is, that stripe shpwed up at night but hard to see in daylight. that's subtle, if ya want non suttle go with the slime lime!??? just me.....
Every time I see someone talking about new paint on an old mopar they always are painting it sublime....seems so over used.

Also wouldn't do black. I have two black cars and they're both impossible to keep clean. The one is brand new with 500 miles and looks like it's already been through hell and back.
I really like the way the B5 looks.
What about plum crazy? haha
Sublime It reminds of my friend who asked me what white rims would look like on his red and white viper. I told him the wheels would look like this....

Well my Ram is red, the Barracuda is going to be B5 and my Jeep is a dark purple. So I was thinking of going with sublime.

The thing is everyone says sublime is over used, but I have yet to this day to see another sublime Duster driving around my area or any classic Mopar on a regular basis, I figure it would really stand out from the crowd of bland modern cars.

I like the new Challenger Green With Envy, looks to be a little darker than Sublime, I guess more like Sassy Grass.

Do what ever you want. Don't let everyone steer you away from green if you like it. My 72 is Green and black and I love it. I don't plan on selling it so I will do what I want