Parts car?? Makes me want to puke.



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Now, I have parted cars before but why would you part this out? There is someone out there who would love to have this, I would enjoy it as a daily driver! I don't have the cash to buy it, hopefully it will be saved. I know it has nice parts for a 70 B-body but c'mon! Pretty soon the 4-door cars will be more rare than a Superburd or Road Runner!! Just my 2 cents :cussing:
but why would you part this out?

because too many chumps will ***** about him parting it instead of coughing up the cash to buy it. he will make way more parting it then selling as a whole. i can't blame him.
because too many chumps will ***** about him parting it instead of coughing up the cash to buy it. he will make way more parting it then selling as a whole. i can't blame him.

Not really, they reproduce a lot of B body parts so they aren't as expensive. He might break even but only after 100 hours of work pulling parts and shipping them.
Yeah but did you READ it? "Superbird parts?" I was under the impression that to build a Pukerbird you needed CORONET front fenders
Not really, they reproduce a lot of B body parts so they aren't as expensive. He might break even but only after 100 hours of work pulling parts and shipping them.

yes really. if your building a high dollar car the repops aren't as good as originals.. if that stuff is truly clean he is sitting on a good amount of cash. more then someone will pay for a 4 door. thats for sure.
I've gotta say that if I had a numbers match six pack or hemi road runner and needed the parts from that car to restore a 50 plus thousand dollar car it would be a no-brainer.
Face it, the car wouldn't bring 15k if you spent 10k restoring it. Like it or not, 4 doors are the best parts cars.
I know! Let's buy 2 door cars, weld em up and make 4 door cars! ... no no wait thats wrong, i mean lets buy up 4 door cars and chop em in half and and and... make 2 door cars!
Guess the guy needed rails and pans to fix something like the Puerto Rican Hemi car that was on here the other week. I used to go thru this crap all the time when I was derbying.
them-"you should be ashamed of yourself for wrecking that old Newport"
me-"it was in the buy and sell for $200 for 3 months, you could have bought it"
end of conversation.
Until the economy turns around you will see a lot of cars getting parted out. The only way I could get the money back out of my cuda is part it out. I know I would lose some if the economy was perfect but right now I would lose a BUNCH if I had to sell it.
I think it's sad that most people just go for the hardtops and convertibles. I know for sure that here in Sweden were the 4 door sedans the most common cars. Family duties and stuff made people wanting a practical car. Hardtops and convertibles were much more odd. Not sure how it's in US.

The 4 door car on Ebay would be a great start project for someone who wanted a good car and a nice driver to get into this hobby. My son who is 18 was all over it on Ebay!
4 doors are a great way for someone to get in the old car hobby. Cheaper buy in, cheaper parts(as far as salvage yards, because the 4 door parts don't demand a premium). I think a lot of times 4 doors can be found in better shape. The bad part is that 4 doors don't get the oohs and ahhs that it's 2 door counterparts and muscle cars get. In the early 90's I bought a 67 Dart 270 4 door, no rust, almost perfect interior, 25,000 miles for $400. Used it as my daily driver and weekend cruiser and poker runs.
4 doors are a great way for someone to get in the old car hobby. Cheaper buy in, cheaper parts(as far as salvage yards, because the 4 door parts don't demand a premium). I think a lot of times 4 doors can be found in better shape. The bad part is that 4 doors don't get the oohs and ahhs that it's 2 door counterparts and muscle cars get. In the early 90's I bought a 67 Dart 270 4 door, no rust, almost perfect interior, 25,000 miles for $400. Used it as my daily driver and weekend cruiser and poker runs.

you summed up exactly why that car is being parted out. :)
Nothing wrong with not gonna lie I got 1/2 my interior for my 1969 RoadRunner from a car just like that. Guy said what do you need..I told him he said $25 and you can pull anything in the interior you need..I know it may not be a popular opinion but thats a great Muscle Car donor car.
the main reason these cars get parted out is always the same.
all the people who complain about 4-doors getting parted rather than saved, are the same ones that never buy them.
everybody wants to piss and moan about them, but those same people want these 4-doors for little of nothing. period.
anyone who cries about this car, for example, saying " if i had the money,i'd be all over it" is full of it. only if you could buy it for dirt cheap.
if all those same pissers and moaners were happy to cough up that kind of coin for a 4-door,they would be selling like hotcakes,and the higher priced 2-doors would be sitting. but obviously,thats not the case.........
so, as richard dawson used to say on family feud, "survey says" car!!!!
It's been a while since i looked, but it used to be that selling a car as a "parts car" was way cheaper to the seller on eBay than selling it as a running car. Lots of guys used to do it. If someone really wants to save the car, buy it and don't part it out.

Edit - Oh, maybe that's not an option. I guess you'd have to contact the guy.