Pick up truck storage


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I have been working on trucks of all things with a friend and I have to admit I am getting more and more fond of dodge and ford trucks from 1980 to 1997.

In putting a truck together I was searching the web looking for cool ideas and what I have is a standard cab truck and the idea is to produce a well stocked utility truck.

I was searching for items to make it more utilitarian and ran across this behind the seat back wall organizer and I thought I would ask you guys if anyone has tried this product or anything like it.

It's going to cost 200 bucks with shipping to my door so for that much I want to be sure it's really that cool.

Pickup Truck Backwall Storage System

I like it but it looks like you could build or modify something similar for quite a bit less.
Weren't you looking for a utility bed for a truck a while ago...I take it that never panned out ?
Purdy cool! You could line it with foam toolbox liner to cut down on the noise.
If you will scroll down to the reviews in that ad, you'll see more examples of pictures from actual buyers.
I rolled a pickup in the woods once. A Spencer tape and a set of gate keys were the only things inside the truck with me


wouldn't you know they both hit me during the accident! Nah, keep everything battened down or in a toolbox in the bed.

I rolled a pickup in the woods once. A Spencer tape and a set of gate keys were the only things inside the truck with me

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wouldn't you know they both hit me during the accident! Nah, keep everything battened down or in a toolbox in the bed.

So true. Some folks don’t realise that anything loose in your car will become a projectile in an accident. Front licence plates are required where I live and the number of people I see with front plates places on the dashboard at the base of the windshield is frequent (either they don’t want to ruin the look of the front of their car or they bought the car out of province where front plates are not required so they didn’t get a front plate mount). The plate will turn into a guillotine in a strong enough accident flying around in the car. Even an office work bag with a laptop placed in the back seat or front passenger seat will become airborne in an accident.

Plus the even shittier fuel economy you’ll get driving around with an extra few hundred pounds of stuff on the off chance you might need it once a year makes it a real head scratcher.

Hmmm, safety and cost. Yeah I want to turn my ride into something that will have a ton of projectiles in it when the next accident happens (remember we don’t plan of getting into accidents) and, until that accident occurs, I want to pay even more for the decreased fuel economy! Unless you‘re charging folks for your service calls and it reflects that additional fuel consumption, the second reason can be mitigated/solved. The first reason (safety) still remains though.