Please say a prayer for Nella

hopefully she will feeling much better very soon, thanks for letting us know, prayers sent for your entire family as I know you have been though some tough times
Hopefully this is just a minor setback and Nella will continue to improve. More prayers sent for Nella and family.
Thanks again everybody, for all the prayers!!! Unfortunately, we had her tested last Friday and her results came back today, she still has it!! She is very torn up about it, as are we, it's gonna be hard to go through the procedure again, she didn't have a good recovery out of the anesthesia, and now she will be all worried about it as her next procedure approaches! Back to square one, another month of antibiotics and waiting for the FMT medicine to be ordered and arrive, we were really hoping this was all done!! Just going to have to buckle down and do our best!! :-(
sorry to hear this. Praying that they get a handle on this very soon and she gets to feeling better and she can get back on that horse and in the Cuda.
Damn sorry to read Geof. I dont think there is anyone on here stronger than you guys. Big hugs and positive thoughts to all of you.
My hart just sank :( Prayers sent out and will continue, I wish I could be near by :(
I spoke with the doctor I work with today about Nella, and he said some time it does take two dosage's of the FMT to work.
Howdy everybody, sorry I haven't updated the thread in a while, only because there wasn't much to report!! However, today is the big day, her next procedure is at 12:45, and we're hoping that this time it will finally vanquish the CDiff for good!! Of course, she's all worried because she had a very bad experience coming out of anesthesia last time, so they are going to take their time the time and let her wake up naturally! Last time the procedure was late in the evening and everybody wanted to go home so they rushed her awake!! Not good!!

So, I'll let everybody know how it all turns out, as is the case, we won't know if she's cured or not until 2-7 days after the procedure, then send in a culture and have it tested!! We're saying our prayers that this time will be it, and we can get back to our regularly sheduled chaos, she's missing her friends and going places that aren't close to home!! Thanks again for keeping her in your prayers!!
On this day my prayer's are for the hands of our lord to lay his healing hands on Nella ..amen.
prayers sent to this sweet girl and entire family. Praying that this will take care of it for good.