Polishing aluminum wheels.



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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In a tree near you.
What are some of your tactics, products, methods of putting a gleaming shine on your aluminum wheels?

I was looking at those "Mothers" polishing ball sponges you mount to a drill and trying out some Mothers aluminum polish to get the killer gleam back to my wheels.

I tried some nano-polish that I had and it did not really bring out a bright gleam.
You might want to try the compounds used to buff a car out with. A little pricey, but they do the trick and should work well with the powerball.

If they haven't oxidized,I would use some semichrome then mothers.

If they have turned to white oxidation stage I would start with some white polishing compound and power tools
Cool, I will try that diamond stuff.

I have tried nevr-dull with not so great results on aluminum.

I have started wearing rubber, non latex gloves when using the nevr-dull as I was having some weird problems similar to an allergic food reaction when rubbing with nevr-dull for prolonged periods.
My throat was closing up and my chest was getting tight, yeah not good huh?

My wheels are not crappy at all they just don't have the birght gleam that they had when I first bolted them on after I bought them from sanitylost.

On another note, my buddy just cleaned up some really nasty Ansen slot wheels with "alumabrite" cleaner.
Spray on, let sit, spray off with water hose, worked really good and gave a great base for polishing.
I keep telling people about ZoopSeal but nobody seems to know about it. The stuff is amazing. My wheels look the same as when I bought them. That was 3 years ago. If you want to save time not buffing and polishing every few months this is the ticket. Expensive but well worth the initial effort. It's a three step process. AWESOME STUFF. quit wasting money on all the other crap. Trust me. Been there done that.

ZOOPSEAL. Get it from Summit. http://www.zoops.com/zoopseal.asp
