poopie incident



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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didnt know where else to share this, and i this was so nasty i really dont want to deprive you guys of this

it happened...today
earlier today

so, someone had clogged up the toilet
there are 6 of us living here, sharing 4 bathrooms, but honestly, the 2 on the main floor see the most business and, since we had an unrelated flooding in one of those, yeah, this one bathroom has been working overtime, and it got clogged up...it happens

now, even though there are 6 of us living here, there is only one "man of the house" so guess who got to bust out the old plunger?

thats right, this guy!

(picture me pointing at myself with 2 thumbs up)

anywho, i've done this before, right, how hard can it be to ?

well, let me tell you, QUITE hard

you see, i plunged and i plunged but i could not get the poopie out
or so i thought

you see...the poopie was so big, it had not actually gone DOWN
it was sitting at the bottom of the pottie, right in the bend and it would actually get sucked up into the plunger, but each time i lifted the plunger it would fall back down and plug up the bowl

finally, i decided to get serious
so i grabbed an old coffee cup from the car
(i dont know why they leave em in there, but i can usually find an "almost" empty coffee cup in the cupholder)

so, i grabbed an empty cup and put it it in the now, light brown water and start plunging again

you know the game "ball in a cup" ?

yeah, picture that, but the ball is a poopie, the string is a plunger and the cup, well, the cup is a cup

only took me three times but i was able to catch the poopie in the cup, and you will be glad to know...the pottie is opperational again

(and, BONUS, tomorrow is trash day, so the poopie will only be in the dumpster for a few hours so it shouldnt stink the place up too bad)
AND NOW YET ANOTHER annoying story from the old days.

In 70--74 I was stationed at NAS Miramar. Our RADAR shop was way out towards the far end of the runways a small building. Had a "head" with 1ea sink, urinal, toilet in a stall.

One day Dave and I were in a big fat hurry to drive back to the shop as I needed to hit the stall !!"NOW"!!

I went charging in the door of the shop, turned left, about 8 more feet, I'm at the "head" door, but "the engineman" and I nearly "tied." "The Engineman" laughs and says "OK you go ahead"

So I go in, do my doooty, locked the door to the stall, crawled out the bottom and went out and motioned for Dave to hurry up and "let's get".

As he backed the pickup around to turn around, out of the open window I hear my name being "called" rather forcefully LOLOL

Our shop used to be about where the mouse cursor is pointing. This has all changed since the Marines took over

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Uhh, did you consider just pouring a couple of buckets of hot water in the bowl to soften it up? Saves the mess/splatter of using a plunger.
..............Uh..............I'd be careful, "hot" Seems to me you could crack the bowl..........
..............Uh..............I'd be careful, "hot" Seems to me you could crack the bowl..........

I wasnt thinking of boiling water off the stove/kettle. Hot water from the sink nearest the toilet. Given the frigid, coloured water already in the bowl, the hot tap water shouldn’t be a shock to the toilet. I haven’t cracked a bowl yet.
didnt know where else to share this, and i this was so nasty i really dont want to deprive you guys of this

it happened...today
earlier today

so, someone had clogged up the toilet
there are 6 of us living here, sharing 4 bathrooms, but honestly, the 2 on the main floor see the most business and, since we had an unrelated flooding in one of those, yeah, this one bathroom has been working overtime, and it got clogged up...it happens

now, even though there are 6 of us living here, there is only one "man of the house" so guess who got to bust out the old plunger?

thats right, this guy!

(picture me pointing at myself with 2 thumbs up)

anywho, i've done this before, right, how hard can it be to ?

well, let me tell you, QUITE hard

you see, i plunged and i plunged but i could not get the poopie out
or so i thought

you see...the poopie was so big, it had not actually gone DOWN
it was sitting at the bottom of the pottie, right in the bend and it would actually get sucked up into the plunger, but each time i lifted the plunger it would fall back down and plug up the bowl

finally, i decided to get serious
so i grabbed an old coffee cup from the car
(i dont know why they leave em in there, but i can usually find an "almost" empty coffee cup in the cupholder)

so, i grabbed an empty cup and put it it in the now, light brown water and start plunging again

you know the game "ball in a cup" ?

yeah, picture that, but the ball is a poopie, the string is a plunger and the cup, well, the cup is a cup

only took me three times but i was able to catch the poopie in the cup, and you will be glad to know...the pottie is opperational again

(and, BONUS, tomorrow is trash day, so the poopie will only be in the dumpster for a few hours so it shouldnt stink the place up too bad)

Well that was pretty shitty. lol
So who fessed up to the Mega Turd??

No one fussed up to it, but I got a pretty good idea who the culprit is

Uhh, did you consider just pouring a couple of buckets of hot water in the bowl to soften it up? Saves the mess/splatter of using a plunger.

That'd news to me
I might try that next time
Some serious fiber. I've bridged a few. Not a pause mark in it.
I figured it would come to this
So here is a picture of the culprit
(Turned out I was wrong about what exactly cup I used)

I think I'm gonna post that pic in the "random picture' thread, see if they can appreciate it

Doesn't look quite as impressive in the picture as it did in real life

AND NOW YET ANOTHER annoying story from the old days.

In 70--74 I was stationed at NAS Miramar. Our RADAR shop was way out towards the far end of the runways a small building. Had a "head" with 1ea sink, urinal, toilet in a stall.

One day Dave and I were in a big fat hurry to drive back to the shop as I needed to hit the stall !!"NOW"!!

I went charging in the door of the shop, turned left, about 8 more feet, I'm at the "head" door, but "the engineman" and I nearly "tied." "The Engineman" laughs and says "OK you go ahead"

So I go in, do my doooty, locked the door to the stall, crawled out the bottom and went out and motioned for Dave to hurry up and "let's get".

As he backed the pickup around to turn around, out of the open window I hear my name being "called" rather forcefully LOLOL

Our shop used to be about where the mouse cursor is pointing. This has all changed since the Marines took over

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I used to work with a guy who would from time to time bring an old pair of workbooks to work
He would position them in a stall to make it look like it was occupied, lock the door and crawl out

Not sure why
Diesel and an Oar will soften it up.
Last place I worked, them kids would hang out sitting on the pooper while updating their social status. I got tired of being in pain waiting to ****. I tore the door off of the shitter. Problem solved.
That aint nothing man. Guess you aint never changed a hot diaper.
Or when you think they are done so you go to change em
You got the wipe ready and they got thier butt up in the air and give it one more good squirter all over the front of your shirt

And you can't step back because you don't want to drop the baby...so you just take it
The only thread on FABO that DOESNT need more pictures.
That’s nothing, I found this huge spider in the toilet this morning.

That aint nothing man. Guess you aint never changed a hot diaper.
Ya especially when they are teething that my friend has to be the absolute worst smell on the planet. Had dry heaves many times after catching a wiff of those.