poor a**s unite!

The wife has 25 people coming tomorrow. 2 bushels of crabs, 40lb case of half chickens, and burgers and dogs. It's been a busy few days getting the house and yard proper. She has DJ equipment and that'll be set up for karaoke. It'll be fun, but I am kind of envious of those who are going to kick back, chill, putt around, and do their own thing.
I will have the kids all weekend and monday(the wife has to work-retail).I can't do the heat and humidity anymore so we will be looking for something indoors for sure.
I just might start drinking again this weekend, but usually when I say that I don't do it.
No particular reason, just for the fun of it.
When it's not fun anymore I quit again, and sometimes for years like this last time (4 years)
The cost kinda sucks but it's cheaper than getting another Mopar to fix up. :D

Not really, your literally pissin your money away, oh wait a minute we do that with our cars too.
Must be nice to at least not be surrounded by parasites. How do y'all do it?
The harder I work, the more they suck out of me. I have an invitation to a cookout and watch the fireworks, but can't afford to make the 50 mile drive.

I channel the old Nancy Reagan anti drug campain. "JUST SAY NO !!!" It seemed like the more i made the more stupid **** my wife wanted to do with it for the kids. I told her NO!! Put a stop to all the dumb ****, and told her if she wasnt careful her and the kids were gonna kill the goose that layed the golden egg. Also told her, as hard as i work, i want to spend some of what i break my *** for on my project ****. Told her i spend enough every week writin out checks for bill after bill, feelin like a goddamn cash register. But the power dont get shut off, the cars gas tanks are full. and theres always food in the pantry. So i done my part.

I told her they dont need an effin pool, that i will end up having to pay for that i will end up ultimately being stuck taking care of, all the dumb **** she used to buy them that they would break all the time. I shut it down, and only gave her money to food shop, gas money for her van, and told her if you want to spend your hard earned cash from your part time job on these ungrateful kids go right ahead. Well that didnt last long lol she dont spend her money on em for dumb **** either.

Long story wrapup, and i by no means know your situation so take what i say with a grain of salt, but to get rid of parasitic behavior, stop feeding em dollar bills, or whatever it is that keeps em acting that way. It usually stops after that.
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life IS good! the (somewhat ignorant?) neighbor down the road, was shooting off some fireworks bout dark last nite, he did not catch the pastures on fire, burn down his house, and if he had blown off a hand, I would have heard the local vol. firemen arrive, in all their noise and glory!! ha I was asleep by 8:30, stayed up LATE watching DVD of The Revenance.
yesterday I celebrated by holiday, by jacking up the 67 Bel. put it on jack stands, and sprayed another coat of tractor enamel on bottom side where I had done some floor patches. today, undercoating on inside of trunk qtr. BBQ some stuff. drink 1 beer. and watch it rain a while. I USED to be really dull!!!!! ha
We've been invited to Karli's grandparents' cottage on the lake today. Really, I'd rather stay home and work around the house. Been trying to get the rear deck off for about three weeks now.

Got a golf cart sitting here that I volunteered to take a look at. Somehow that meant I needed to do it immediately.

Got a camper sitting here that Karli's parents are attempting to paint. Somehow that means I have to act as supervisor.

Got a list a mile long that needs to get done before winter and then I get lectured that I need to focus on one thing at a time.

It would be easier if I didn't have to drop what I was doing to work on everyone else's problem...
I am inspired to tell the controlling parasites to stay the heck away from me today, and spend the day pleasing myself, instead of putting up with their controlling behavior and entitlement.
I am inspired to tell the controlling parasites to stay the heck away from me today, and spend the day pleasing myself, instead of putting up with their controlling behavior and entitlement.

Sounds like a plan.

Really, that's one of the reasons I'm staying home. Karli's grandmother likes to make snobbish, snide remarks about anything and everything.

Our house isn't good enough or clean enough for her standards. My car isn't good enough. My 54 sitting in the parking spots along the driveway is an eyesore and a waste of time and money because it's not brand new. We aren't raising Cyrus right. I don't make enough money.
Don't let her get to you, Robert. Why allow this lady to even bother a hair on your head?
Don't let her get to you, Robert. Why allow this lady to even bother a hair on your head?

It doesn't really, David. For the most part I ignore the comments.

The home I have is my own. Bought and paid for. It may not look like much, what with majority of the siding torn off and osb and ty-wrap going up, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

Same with my daily driver. It may be rusty, but it gets me from point A to point B and that puts food on the table.

The 54? Has lasted 62 years. Let's see her brand new Buick last that long. Just because no one in her family had the skills to make it a righteous little ride, doesn't mean I don't. ;)

Most of her comments are born out of ignorance and should be taken that way.

But, I know myself, too, and one of these days I'll make a cutting, dry remark back that she'll get all kinds of butt hurt about. More than likely, when that happens, her comments won't be aimed at me or Karli, but at someone else.

Not only that, but today is the perfect opportunity to get things done. Karli will have Cyrus will be at the lake and I don't have to worry about anything but getting things done.
Ramenth, how much older than you is this crotchety old woman? Look at it this way, time is on your side. Joke em if they cant take a ****, or is it the other way around. She dont pay your bills so who gives a rats *** what she has to say. Enjoy your life your way. March to your own drummer.
Sounds like a plan.

Really, that's one of the reasons I'm staying home. Karli's grandmother likes to make snobbish, snide remarks about anything and everything.

Our house isn't good enough or clean enough for her standards. My car isn't good enough. My 54 sitting in the parking spots along the driveway is an eyesore and a waste of time and money because it's not brand new. We aren't raising Cyrus right. I don't make enough money.
I'm so tired of contrary people.
Tell her that ''Well, it makes it easier on you then. You can fill out your will and exclude us, so there'll be less for you to write out. And believe me, yours will be read before ours...... Good day.''
I'm so tired of contrary people.
Tell her that ''Well, it makes it easier on you then. You can fill out your will and exclude us, so there'll be less for you to write out. And believe me, yours will be read before ours...... Good day.''

Contrary describes her.

Her daughter just bought a tag along camper built in 1970. The first words out of her mouth is "how bad does it look?" Because, you know, it's not brand new it must be ****. And appearances are everything.

Then the next things out her mouth was "I don't know where they got the money for it," and "They really don't need it."

How 'bout these words: "mind your own damned business."
Ramenth, how much older than you is this crotchety old woman? Look at it this way, time is on your side. Joke em if they cant take a ****, or is it the other way around. She dont pay your bills so who gives a rats *** what she has to say. Enjoy your life your way. March to your own drummer.

She's about 20 years older.

I definitely enjoy my life the way I want to live it. Sure, it's not stress free and there are times I stand and worry.

But, you know what? I've never lived my life trying to keep up with the Jones's or worrying about what other people have that I don't or vice versa.

Good for her that her husband had been able to make an income over his life time that allows him to buy a new car every few years or own homes here and in Florida. That doesn't mean her life is the standard everyone else's life should be critiqued by.

Even if I had the money I'd buy Karli something new(er), but for myself? Give me my antiques to enjoy and beater for the winter. Not a big fan of putting money into new when I can take that money and build to my own specs.
I'll be chilling at home with my beautiful wife tinkering with whatever hits me on the dart or Cuda lots of little parts to detail and bag to wait for reassembly.got some ribs on and a bottle of wine.im home most all the time anyway,im disabled but not dead I say as busy as I can and thank God I have a wife that love to work on old cars too.
Sounds like a plan.

Really, that's one of the reasons I'm staying home. Karli's grandmother likes to make snobbish, snide remarks about anything and everything.

Our house isn't good enough or clean enough for her standards. My car isn't good enough. My 54 sitting in the parking spots along the driveway is an eyesore and a waste of time and money because it's not brand new. We aren't raising Cyrus right. I don't make enough money.
And so I'm out in the 66 Belvedere convertible enjoying the ride and the sun.
If they call, I'll just them I'm not going to play chump with them today and their marked deck of cards.
And so I'm out in the 66 Belvedere convertible enjoying the ride and the sun.
If they call, I'll just them I'm not going to play chump with them today and their marked deck of cards.

Hey, that sounds like more fun anyway!

Damn, I miss my convertible on these sunny days.
Hope everyone's holiday is great and we can enjoy as much as possible. My father went into the hospital with congestive heart failure but is doing better today so most of the family will be together. We didn't get along too well in my younger days but seems that we may be more alike than different now. He was in one of the observation planes in route to Hiroshima but was shot down over Okinawa. Have a good day all and enjoy our freedoms and please remember nothing is free someone paid a price for me and you.
Contrary describes her.

Her daughter just bought a tag along camper built in 1970. The first words out of her mouth is "how bad does it look?" Because, you know, it's not brand new it must be ****. And appearances are everything.

Then the next things out her mouth was "I don't know where they got the money for it," and "They really don't need it."

How 'bout these words: "mind your own damned business."

One of my riding buddies used to always talk crap about my 82XR Honda and how I needed a new bike, till I spun his back tire out on his brand new KTM with my front tire and ran over that pumpkin colored over priced rich boy toy.
I was on the gas too, so those knobby marks on his side cover are there to stay. :D

We play kind of rough sometimes.
My wife and I are doing light work around the house, going to to some work in the garage after a late lunch. Could have gone out with friends last night, but they always end up wanting to stop at bars, I will keep my hard earned money for something more lasting like tools or parts I am saving for. Plan to go get my dad's old car out of storage for him tomorrow after watching a parade in my mom's home town and then go watch fireworks with the wife. I hope people use the 4th to celebrate the sacrifices our countryman made to fight tyranny, not to glorify the government as they always do on t.v. Went to a friend's wedding reception yesterday, they had it at a local gun range, shot a few of my rifles, one of my pistols, and one of my shotguns for the first time in a year. They had 3 mini kegs of local beer there for after shooting on the range. Very thankful my dad is making a good recovery from open heart surgery in May. Thankful for my liberties that I still have left.
Glad I stayed home now. Not only is the deck half way done, but Karli brought Cyrus home for a nap.

Guess he spilled something on Joan's carpet and she was getting upset about it.

A kid who's less than two... Spilling something... Imagine that.

And getting upset about it. Geezus! For all the things to get upset about having to spot treat your carpet ain't one of them.
Did exactly what I wanted to do very early yesterday morn'. Drove the red car to Krispy Kreme. About 60 mile round trip. First time its been in the street since October. Yummy fun.
If I did exactly what I wanted to do this morning,,, I would have been banging on the door at my daughters apartment at sunrise. Only to retrieve our carpet cleaner that she has had for nearly 3 weeks. I don't know that she isn't loaning it to all her neighbors. She wont borrow it again.
Wife has a better plan for today. We'll lay in the pool and do red, white, and blue jello shots ( 3 boxes of gelatin makes a bunch of them ). No crowd of grandkids, no lighting the grille or otherwise cooking for the masses either. A self serving happy 4th of July here.