pop ups


famous bob

mopar misfit
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
think i`m gonna back out of this forum again , pop ups are so bad , nothing will work right , even in the classisfieds ...............
you are correct! It locks up most of the time

Joey answered here.
My ad blocker is currently blocking 11 ads just on this page with 4 responses. The larger threads have way more ads.
It's a paradox, the viewership goes down, the ads go up in number to compensate for $$$ lost.
Knowledgeable Oldsters, the draw of the site, go elsewhere to avoid the b.s., the site loses more viewers, the ads increase, viewers/oldsters leave , repeat.

It's all f#$@ed up like racing ! ! !

We spend the $$$ and travel miles to bring the show, - AND PAY to put on the show ! !

Last edited:
All the ads are powered by Google.

Put 2 & 2 together to realize Google Chrome Browser and related Google products fill your veiwing screen with ads, by the choice of the browser you have selected.

Go Gold membership on FABO and help support the site and be free of ads.


All the ads are powered by Google.

Put 2 & 2 together to realize Google Chrome Browser and related Google products fill your veiwing screen with ads, by the choice of the browser you have selected.

Go Gold membership on FABO and help support the site and be free of ads.

View attachment 1716088433

Can't do that George. We got **** on over on FCBO, then joey banned members that wanted what the A, B, and E body sites have, an N&P section. Claimed we were the best self policed guys of all his sites, only to claim we would be the biggest hassle to deal with if that section existed. Then he had the balls to create the very thing they wanted, saying "now that the troublemakers were gone" that we could be so blessed to have our own N&P forum. They simply called him out on his BS and they got banned. No offense to toolmanmike, but he played hall monitor and changed the entire way FCBO flowed, and to me, ultimately helped hasten the decline of that site. It's crickets compared to two years ago.

I used to love these sites and promote them and bought Gold for this site and FCBO, but I will keep my $80/year and deal with the absurd amount of ads that joey feels necessary to keep the site afloat.

But the ads are over the top stupid, and I've learned I don't need 1,000 messages.
Although I am a gold member, I use Adblocker Ultimate. It's a free download and even before my gold membership was renewed, it worked very well.
Can't do that George. We got **** on over on FCBO, then joey banned members that wanted what the A, B, and E body sites have, an N&P section. Claimed we were the best self policed guys of all his sites, only to claim we would be the biggest hassle to deal with if that section existed. Then he had the balls to create the very thing they wanted, saying "now that the troublemakers were gone" that we could be so blessed to have our own N&P forum. They simply called him out on his BS and they got banned. No offense to toolmanmike, but he played hall monitor and changed the entire way FCBO flowed, and to me, ultimately helped hasten the decline of that site. It's crickets compared to two years ago.

I used to love these sites and promote them and bought Gold for this site and FCBO, but I will keep my $80/year and deal with the absurd amount of ads that joey feels necessary to keep the site afloat.

But the ads are over the top stupid, and I've learned I don't need 1,000 messages.
"They" did more than call out Joey for his quote BS. They cursed him out on a open forum and all but demanded a PF
Least you think im defending Mr Joey, im not. The PF is allowed even encouraged because it's popular among a certain group. There is no tolerance for different opinions. Its a cess pool and it spills over everyday into other forums
Toolmanmike being accused now of being a "hall monitor". He's one of the fairest moderators on these sites who unlike some other ones does not play favourites among members
I dont give a flying F what anyones views are one politics, gay, minorities, or religion. Im not hear to read anyone's ignorant opinions either, its about the old car hobby, nothing more nothing less
Like the member in quoted, I too supported the forums for some years, I was more than happy to spend the money, no more though
I downloaded uBlock origin for free. It stopped the pop ups over on Moparts. Never seen one here either, and I'm just a low life, cheapskate free member!
They cursed him out on a open forum
After deleting a bunch of their posts that weren't breaking any rules, they voiced their opinions even more.
The PF is allowed even encouraged because it's popular among a certain group. There is no tolerance for different opinions.
The lack of tolerance for differing opinions is usually the minority in the threads.
one of the fairest moderators on these sites who unlike some other ones does not play favourites among members
I asked a member to edit his post to remove curse words, I didn't need it in my thread. Mike re-edited the post to put the curse word back in so he could give that member either his last vacation, or ban him. That post was up for a matter of minutes, edited and then all of a sudden it was back to it's original text, so I'm not putting him above any other mod on the forums.
dont give a flying F what anyones views are one politics, gay, minorities, or religion. Im not hear to read anyone's ignorant opinions either, its about the old car hobby, nothing more nothing less
Just like buying a Gold membership, you don't have to join the N&P, it's entirely optional. Funny how folks complain about it, but still go there.
After deleting a bunch of their posts that weren't breaking any rules, they voiced their opinions even more.

The lack of tolerance for differing opinions is usually the minority in the threads.

I asked a member to edit his post to remove curse words, I didn't need it in my thread. Mike re-edited the post to put the curse word back in so he could give that member either his last vacation, or ban him. That post was up for a matter of minutes, edited and then all of a sudden it was back to it's original text, so I'm not putting him above any other mod on the forums.

Just like buying a Gold membership, you don't have to join the N&P, it's entirely optional. Funny how folks complain about it, but still go there.
So some words were posted and then removed in a minute or two by the member and a moderator put them back in so he could what again?
If someone catches themselves and corrects it... we punish them?
Thats forum politics.

All I know is... ever since the upgrade if I type faster than a sloth my posts get jumbled ,even backs out ...my fingers end up hitting ad boxes that were behind my keyboard when it disappears.
I have to dbl take pics to be sure they aren't ads.
Not saying I'm special, but after 15+ yrs on this site and the contributions I've like many others have made... you'd think we would get a lifetime membership. 10 yrs or longer.. should get one.
The info won't get any clearer with the newer generations reciting/parroting it.
This is my last thought/opinion on this...
The incentive never changes for members with every change to the site.

Have a great day everyone.
I just installed "FREE" Adblocker Plus.
I say free, but they ask for money after install.
I tried it on my Confuser and it is GREAT, all those stupid pop ups are gone.
I only come here on my Confuser so I don't have phone issues.
I went back and paid them $10, well worth it.
I just installed "FREE" Adblocker Plus.
I say free, but they ask for money after install.
I tried it on my Confuser and it is GREAT, all those stupid pop ups are gone.
I only come here on my Confuser so I don't have phone issues.
I went back and paid them $10, well worth it.
I'me a Gold member on both the A and B bodies sites, so i don't see any ads.
But i do follow the E and C bodies sites also.
I changed over my browser to Firefox, with Ad Blocker Plus, and don't see any ads, on those sites.
So to get rid of ads, you need to do something at your end.
After deleting a bunch of their posts that weren't breaking any rules, they voiced their opinions even more.
Im sure that happened but telling the site owner "F" you is a sure way to get banned
The lack of tolerance for differing opinions is usually the minority in the threads.
Not so. Ive posted opinions and made my thoughts known. I did not personally attack anyone. I served my country and was honourably discharged, I vote, pay taxes and work but yet was called every foul name you can think of. Told I must hate America, im a commie, a traitor and so on.
I dont take kindly to A-holes who hide behind a computer screen and so I reacted accordingly
The PF is a cess pool of hate, racism and bigotry
I asked a member to edit his post to remove curse words, I didn't need it in my thread. Mike re-edited the post to put the curse word back in so he could give that member either his last vacation, or ban him. That post was up for a matter of minutes, edited and then all of a sudden it was back to it's original text, so I'm not putting him above any other mod on the forums.

Just like buying a Gold membership, you don't have to join the N&P, it's entirely optional. Funny how folks complain about it, but still go there.
Asking that member to remove foul language was a good move on your part. If the moderator saw it, than its to late and the deed has been done. I dont know if the offending party had a track record of this type of behaviour or it was the first offence but if the guy was banned thats the way it go's
Toolmaker has banned me at least three times, once for nine months because I cursed a guy out who constantly rode me and broke balls. Guy was and still is a real loser and I lost it and I guess Mike had enough, so in was off for a long time for me
The other guy got a warning I suppose. Do I think it was exactly fair? No, I thought the other guy at least deserved to be banned along with me but rules are rules, I broke them and I was banned
I dont hold it against Mike, its not like he's taking money out of your mouth
All these forums are clicks, some moderators shouldn't be moderators but if I or anybody doesnt like it, well we all know were the door is
Mike is a fair guy, I could tell some member to go F himself and Mike would ban me asap, thats just the way it goes
the moderator saw it, than its to late and the deed has been done
It was long enough after the post was edited. It was uncalled for. I know the banned member rubbed him the wrong way, but Mike's move wasn't necessary, I feel it was personal at that point. Regardless, that site has changed, and is no longer the same, not does it have the same amount of activity.
20,000 posts and not worth 50 bucks.. oh well..

For me, it's not about the $$$ .
When I lurked, then joined back when, I want to say Adam, but know I'm wrong, opened the site, I happily paid, as I was actively learning stuff I didn't know, while sharing my knowledge with some cool people.
After a buncha years, I found I wasn't picking up much, but still enjoyed the mentoring aspect .
The thing that always stuck in my craw was pay, pay, pay to put on the show racing, now it's pay, pay, pay to attract the patrons, - sorry about that, eh .
It was long enough after the post was edited. It was uncalled for. I know the banned member rubbed him the wrong way, but Mike's move wasn't necessary, I feel it was personal at that point. Regardless, that site has changed, and is no longer the same, not does it have the same amount of activity.
You were right, I was wrong. I admit it when im wrong