Pops isnt well...

Wishing your Dad the very best. Prayers sent. tmm
Thanks guys, gonna give him a call to wish him HFD. Hope his spirits stay high...kinda hides his emotions with his humor. He's gonna need it I think.
Thanks again!
X2 Steve Prayers sent for your pop, and I hope today brings good news
posably , prayers for a full recovery and awaiting for mondays post from you.
memike and memikeswife sending out prayers for Pop.
Crap Steve, and at the worst possible time when you're away!! Our prayers are goin out to your entire family in hopes that he will be strong throughout his operation and he will have a quick recovery!!

May God keep him and your entire family in His hands during this time of challenge, and bless you with peace and strength! Geof and Nella
I know what you are going through unfortunately, we just buried my father yesterday. He was 73, died of brain cancer. Your father, you and your family are in my prayers. I hope he beats it, I am rooting for him.

Thanks all, spoke to him today and my boys dropped in to the hospital to visit him. This is my 1st Fathers Day away from home, and not being able to see him sucks.

Ducter/Martin, thank you and my condolensces, I couldnt begin to think being without him. Prayers/thoughts out to you as well.
Hope all is well Steve. Must be kind of tough being away from home when all this is happening.

Keep your spirits up. There can be good news. I just had tests in the same areas, (kidneys and diabetes). My news came back positive, hope it will be the same for your dad.
I just read this Steve. I know how close you two are and it must be real hard to be so far away from him. He really does have quite a sence of humor and a real love for life which will help get him through this! I'm sure he will be teasing all the pretty young nurses and making the best out of his situation. Keep the faith Steve and know that we are all pulling for him! I'm praying for the both of ya!
Sorry to hear Steve... Your Dad's a kool guy, guess that's where you get it from eh! Our prayers are with you and yours.
Hope he's doin' some better, Steve. Tell 'im me'n Red/Green are pullin for 'im!!
Sending out prayers to your pops! Hope he'll be spendin' many more Father's Days with you guys. Best wishes to ya'll.....try not to worry too much. I know it's rough though.
Thanks again all! A little update, they did a biopsy on one of his kidneys and will find out results in the next day or so. He is at home, he got out Tuesday afternoon. They put him in blood pressure meds and water pills. Im kinda confused as it was a rush to get him admitted in the hospital, then the dont even put him on IV. The only thing they gave him was insulin more frequently...he could have done that himself at home as he already gives himself a needle twice a day...anyway tests are being done, and I want to thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes!

Steve n Pops
They did the same to me, Steve, one "overnight." I'd had a REAL bad day, and finally went in late in the day, and they ran a bunch of stuff and kept me overnight for observation. No IV. Woke me up about 10 times for BP, etc. Never did, exactly, find the cause. In my case it doesn't seem to have been heart related.
Hey Del, maybe I could get better answer in person from Dad. Its just when I "quiz" him, Im not sure if he is telling me everything. Obviously his kidneys have his family doc worried and he acted on it pronto! Just weird that no IV, but at least we will find out results from the biopsy. Thanks Del!