Post your cat

Here's Snickers. I found him walking the ditch along a highway years ago. He has been a good cat, a great hunter, and a good friend. tmm


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here's the new addition

Here's Dakota my Mopar pussy. He's 20 pounds and rules the neighborhood. Got clawed three times trying to get this pic. I have run over him twice. Here's his kill.
Racoon - He lost that battle.
Funny he likes dogs.


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I found him in the last pic. He's white and black. How cool. I've heard of junkyard dogs but now I've seen a junkyard cat.
What kind of cat is that? It sort of looks like a small cheetah than a tabby
the breed is called BENGAL they started the breed with asian lepard and domistic cats. i love the guy to death, but there is still some of the wild in him. there's one cat of mine that gets drug around the house by his throat by this wild guy. and he virtually never stops running and knocking things off the shelfs and counters. not recommended if you want a lap cat.
We have a cat house.First one is Fergie,a stray we found in the woods while camping.Then Mr.Moe(with his tongue out) he was a barn cat they were going to"get rid of".Next is Earl he came from an abusive home and last is Boris he was a stray at my mother in laws.We love them all.And as you can tell their all pretty laid back.


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This is Al I rescued him from work, He was a stray...Now livin' the great life..


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Tony Tuxedo,aka Slim Shady,aka TB (TonyBoy), Charlie's brother and Emma the Rescue Dawg,....Lost Tony on October 12th, He passed in my arms,...It was a sad day...

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Me and Zipper, fixin to clip her claws, found her in a storm drain when she was about 3 weeks old, tiny, R.I.P.

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Me and Charlie,...Tony's brother, raised em both from about 3-4 weeks old, He is 17 now and still full of piss and vinagar,...

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Our lastest,...Abby,aka Monster,...Large, Orange, and Fluffy,...She is definitely Pams cat,....only pic we have so far...

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my buddy and best pal kitty ...i have had him since he was a kitten and i have trained him ....he can shake hands and roll over and when i call him he responds promptly.....when he hears my voice through a wall if im in the next room he starts meowing and scratching the door to get to me.

when i work under the car he comes and meows bcoz he thinks im hurt bcoz im laying on the ground and he comes and sits on my tummy ....until i talk to him and tell him im ok then he starts purring in comfort. LOL

he is the best kitty i have ever had so far .....and IMO the prettiest....i love the triple X9 black...i wouldnt have him any other way ...just the way he is.

his name is Mr. Venketeshmangalaravaramu ........which means "boy of wednesday" in my native langauge .....i got him on a wednesday.:cheers:


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Here's my shop cat. She was a stray that adopted me around 4 years ago. Here I just sat down to take a break and she crawled up, made herself comfortable, and promptly went to sleep. She has such a hard life now! :sleepy2:


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You guys are makin' me want to get another one. I sure miss mine.
And here's the new addition for the house. This stray had been hanging around a friend's garage for a couple of weeks. He was afraid someone would run over her. I think she's found a new home here.


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The only pussy I have is the one I have been marry to for 50 years I can't afford anymore and I am happy with her she takes care of me.
Yup that is my Abby-normal and just like most the females in my life she is schizophrenic and has a lot of pissy personalities but i love her


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