Posting multiple pictures



Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2015
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Getting frustrated here...trying to post some pics and I choose multiple pics but when I click on the upload button only one goes thru. If I pick one then try to pick another then the second one cancels the first...:banghead:
Help. Thanks
The picture size may be too big.
Look at the bottom of the photo attachment page there is attachment key to the maximum size the site will upload.

You may have to resize the photos.
It wasn't a photo size problem, but it did this when using my iPad. I haven't tried it on PC yet.
I have the same problem when trying to upload from my iPhone but I don't have any problems uploading pictures from my Mac. I don't know if there's a way to upload multiple pics at once on mobile or not. It'd sure be nice if there was..
This should be a sticky so everyone will see it

ON APPLE DEVICES, I PHONE, I PAD only one picture will be loaded no matter if you select the maximum amount allowed by the forum

If you notice any thread that I post pictures on with the IPad there and single pictures. If I want to post several I have to use the PC

Be thankful you can post ANY here from an apple product, the Prowler site I go to will not let me post at all from the Ipad


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No, Android.

I just use a FireFox browser and do it the same way I do on my PC.
I'm not so sure on the Microsoft connection. If I use that forum runner or that other forum app, it doesn't work.

The only way I can make it work, is to actually use an internet browser like FireFox, Google etc.
One of ya'll with an Iphone try opening up Firefox or Google and go to FABO and log in, see if it works for you too.
Just tried a different browser app on the iphone.

No worky as any file you choose just lists it as "image.jpg" in the upload window. No wonder it will not work with multiple files. They need different names. Apparently the Iphone does not read the full filename. Guess it's a bug or just plain bad OS.
So, on iPhone there's no way to post multiple pictures even if using a browser other than safari? On my Mac I use Google Chrome and it works fine. I only use Safari on my iPhone.
If there's no way to get the phone to differentiate between .jpg files then it's probably better to just upload the pictures to photobucket or imgur and use URLs instead of trying to attach pictures.
So, on iPhone there's no way to post multiple pictures even if using a browser other than safari? On my Mac I use Google Chrome and it works fine. I only use Safari on my iPhone.

Seems to be an iphone ios issue only. Safari or any browser works fine on my PC.
Well I just posted multiple pictures from my iPhone 6+. Now I just need to get them scaled down...


So you can't open an actual browser window like Firefox, the same as you would on your PC, from an Iphone?

A browser window like this? This is what it looks like when I go to upload photos like I would from my laptop.


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That's exactly what I see on mine. BUT, are you using a forum app, or are you actually opening Firefox, IE etc. Just like you would on a PC.

Can Iphones do that?

The only thing I know about Iphones is my kids just had to have one because they were all the rage, then in about 6 months the one hated hers.

And the other is, I knew I didn't want one. lol
That's exactly what I see on mine.

The difference comes when you try to actually upload the photos. I can select as many as I want, like in this picture, but when you click upload you'll only get the first picture to upload.


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