Prayers needed for another fabo member



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Hi y'all,

Dan Kelly who goes by the name IMFURYS on fabo contacted me via text while I was going through my own crisis here in Texas trying not to freeze to death or suffocate from carbon monoxide poisoning. He had a large bit of cancer he said was deep in his brain. He let me know the day before they did surgery. I think it was tuesday or wednesday that they went in to remove it. With all I had going on I didnt post about this even though I meant to, but this guy needs your prayers to pull through this. I have not heard back from him via text, i hope they got it all, and that he is recovering from this. Please send IMFURYS Dan Kelly your prayers. I hope this was not too late.

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Surely adding Dan to the prayer list. Dan we got your back buddy! Get well soon!
Thanks Steve, and Rusty. Back in 2019 when my son and I made a road trip back east to visit family, on the way down to my brothers place we stopped by Dan in Virginia for a few hours and we had a few gifts for him we picked up at the summit racing store/warehouse in Arlington Tx. at the beginning of our trip. Dan had some gifts us, along with 4x6 speaker kick panels and 4x6 pioneer speakers for my sons car that he decided not to use. We had some ice cream, and talked cars. He showed us his cuda parts collection for his 69 fastback. Then we had to go to be able to make New Bern N.C. by nightfall.

He doesnt post much on here, but we do post in P.M. quite a bit. He sent copies of 69 barracuda specs, brochures, and hand copied mtx manuals as Christmas gifts. I could tell he put a lot of time into this. Each chapter began with a page that had a different pic of my son working on the 69 cuda that he copied off our restoration thread. I have my own Christmas box I been meaning to send with Cuda parts back to him that I know he needed. I was in the process of making some pieces for his restoration to surprise him with which is why I didnt send it yet. Planned on finishing them last weekend, and getting them sent. Of course that never happened.

Dan is such a generous, and great guy. I wish there was more I could do to help him.
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I just sent him a friend request on Facebook. Hopefully, when he's recovered and feeling better......
I’ve sold Dan a few parts. He is a good stand up guy. Sorry to hear this Dan. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Get well buddy. Kim
Good Luck to Dan and his family. Best wishes !
Just called and got in touch with Dan's significant other. Lisa told me he is under heavy sedation for pain. But he is responding with nods for yes, and side to side turning of his head for no. She mentioned me and my texts to him and he gave her the thumbs up. They couldent get it all, and are doing a biopsy on it to see if malignant or benign. Either way they will do chemotherapy on him. Hes not out of the woods yet, but seemed to be in good spirits when she mentioned my concern and read to him my texts. So let's keep this going. I urged her to come on fabo as a guest and read to him from this thread, and all the well wishes from everybody. The doctor told her to just keep talking to him. I hope all of our prayers are answered for Dan.
oldkimmer , I'm not sure how shes doing, but she was upbeat on the phone w me, and will put my number in w the group texts. I will keep y'all posted.