progress on Alter-K-Tion install.. 6-13-06



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Berlin,N.J. 08009
well we have everything except the brake stuff and sway bar on the car now.... probably would have been a little further if i didn't run around half the morning looking for a 2 bolt master cyl... didn't think they would be so hard to find.... so i had to order one and it will be in tomorrow... then i had to pull three columns apart to build one the way i want it... then being anal i had to scuff it all and paint it, and really being anal for some reason i didn't trust the wiring and switches in the new column so i took all that out of the one that just came out of the car... because you know i know it so between those couple of things and having to get tyler from the bus stop most of the day was gone... so when me and tyler got back to the garage we started putting the control arms on stuff on... let me tell you this set up really goes together easy... infact so easy that tyler (11 years old) put all but the lower control are shaft together.. ofcourse i tightened everything but he put it all together.... i have to say i'm really impressed with this kit... it does pretty much fall into the car... so hopefully i will have my brake stuff tomorrow and be able to do that the next couple days... i only have a few hours to work on it wed and thurs but i will get done as much as possible....


what was i thinking doh


Joe - that looks awesome!! I've been contemplating one of those setups for a while now... might just have to start saving up!! :D

Got any good pics of the motor mount ears... kinda curious how well that works out...
lemonboy69 said:
Joe - that looks awesome!! I've been contemplating one of those setups for a while now... might just have to start saving up!! :D

Got any good pics of the motor mount ears... kinda curious how well that works out...

the picture is really dark but here is the drivers side motor mount.


i'll have to get better pictures of the mounts for you...
Joe, your car is getting there and looking good! I bet you are glad you have help, as Brian said get him occupied with helping you and he will grow up loving cars and avoiding the bad habbits.