

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Reaction score
Staten Island N.Y.
AFTER RECOVERING MY 66 barracuda front seats going on the cheap, I purchased the front seat covers PUI they appeared good after installation. 2 weeks later the basketweave in the seats separated from the rest of the material. PUI wanted to send a new set to rectify this problem. I would only accept a full refund and had to remove and ship them back. Thankfully I received the refund, I have ordered everything from legendary interior now. I have to wait until September for the covers but the rest of my order has been keeping me busy. I would never suggest to use PUI.
Here is how I see this...

You admittedly went "on the cheap" and then once the cheap quality was apparent you contacted the vendor & they gave you the exact remedy that you wanted. Then you went to any on-line site you could and write "I would never recommend" about them.

They seem to be a good vendor. Just have product that did not suit your personal application. So how does that seem fair to you that you bash them on-line?

It reminds me of a Yelp or Google reviewer who has no real gripe about a business but post a bad review because maybe they had to wait in a long line or something when they were at the store last. They simply sit at home & bash a vendor because they have nothing more to do with their time but leave a review that makes them feel whole again - while in turn they hurt the business.

Businesses have owners that try real hard. And poking a stick at them once they do everything in their power to give you exactly what you ordered is bad form. This vendor has product that might work for someone else's situation. And it seems as if they backed their product or return when you were not satisfied.

Your review of them as a business is unfair (you only experienced one product) & I would hope you would learn something from that. Its has gotten too easy for peeps to bash businesses on all types of social media. You need to look at both sides before casting stones.
Ok duhhhh I am just letting others know that I was satisfied with the outcome and going on the cheap does not mean to buy a defective product. I would have appreciated the knowledgeable fact from others I described the flaws in there product, have you ever reupholstered seating and spent a day on each seat? Have you...... then have to dismantle your hard work only to be told we will s no you the same crap? I wouldn't be satisfied unless I received my money back and that was a struggle as well. Sooooooo to you I say knowledge is power and I am not bashing them just enlightened others who want this information first hand.
So in ending this discussion I support the cause for all car enthusiasts who care about there hard work and seeing a good result from supported vendors. And if I purchase a product that is not up to the expectations I will continue to share it with those who are interested.
No matter the price a company should never send out a seat cover that comes apart, especially a company who specializes in classic car upholstery. Thanks for the letting others know to beware.
Well, where's your pictures? Show us what happened.
I've had mine on for almost a year now. I think they still are decent...........

I used PUI I can't afford to build a car right or the way I would like to on soldiers pay. Having said that for $285.00 I attempted to reupholster my 67 barracuda on the dirt cheap fixing springs, reused the cotton padding and even duct tape. I was pleased with the end result. A usable yet not perfect bench seat. So far 3 months no issue. I'm doing the rear seat now. Sorry to hear PUI didn't work out for you.
have you ever reupholstered seating and spent a day on each seat? Have you...... then have to dismantle your hard work only to be told we will s no you the same crap?

Yes... Yes I have. In fact - I buy over $30,000 worth of aftermarket products like this a month. Thats per month. I install over $70k worth of parts (factory parts included) a month. Do I ever get inferior product that I have to re-do? Ohhhhh yes. Every week. From all types of vendors. Do I give them a bad rating because of it? That completely depends on if the vendor backs the product. If they do (like PUI did for you) I learn from my experience & remember that on my next order. I certainly would not get only one experience & then base my biased opinion on that. A track record would need to be formed. For example I am currently working with a vendor on air-ride struts. I have had two struts fail in the last month. I have had to redo the installation on two separate vehicles because of that. I have not been paid for the extra labor (had to eat that), but the parts were exchanged promptly. Am I ready to go tell the Interweb about their low quality struts? Nope, not yet, because I know they are trying really hard. Do I hate the re-do BS? Oh yes. Do I mention the failures to my personal circle of pals? Yes, but I don't run to Yelp just yet.

Look, I don't have any dog in this fight (and in general I really want people to just realize that Google & Yelp reviews are just as bias) but I do want you to realize that this business (and many others like them) are doing what they can to make it right. Did you have to go to court over this? Did you not get your hard earned cash back? Did they refuse to take your calls? Did they insist it was your fault and refuse to deal respectfully with you? If so on any of that then bring it on. Let the world know. But if all they did was have a small seam split on a seat cover (that they did not even install themselves) then tell it like it is. You don't know if a new cover set from them would even produce the same results. I respect your opinion but the title should read: PUI's least expensive upholstery did not meet my standards - That would be more fair & balanced.
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And Mike,
I did not go into the specifics about getting a refund, nor did I share the unprofessional demeanor of the crumbs that I dealt with and that's an issue I had to deal with not sharing in a bash of insults.
You being Mr. Big in your dealings with inferior vendors must be in the hook with them to defend them not even knowing my side of my dealings that took over a month and a half to resolve. But I did and I am happy, Very happy I extend myself to give you a big hug. I think you would appreciate the care I share. So here (HUGGGGGSSSS FOR YOU.)
That's correct Dave heat treated seams glued failed.

I'm curious to know a bit more as I have a 66 that needs new seats. OEM would be the basket weave, which I'm not crazy about the look of, and I currently have something else installed that is vinyl and fabric. Out of curiosity though does that seat look bad/unfinished without the glue on basket weave?

Legendary has been known to substitute PUI.
Comparing to each other is like comparing steak to hotdogs.