radar detector?



Tyr Fryr's Inc.
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Central, IL (Hooterville)
I don't speed much. In fact most of the time I don't go over 5 mph over the limit. But once in a while I need to run a little fast if I'm running late and the fuzz is pretty bad if your doing more than 6-7 over here in central IL. All I got is an old outdated radar detector and don't know anything about what's what nowadays. Anybody got a suggestion for one that won't break the bank yet do a decent job? Do they make any disguised to look like a GPS?
..................Hey Tracy, don't forget the "fuzz' have radar detector dectectors...the po po up here told me that there isn't 1 that they cant detect. .kim.......
..................Hey Tracy, don't forget the "fuzz' have radar detector dectectors...the po po up here told me that there isn't 1 that they cant detect. .kim.......
If it's not illegal to use, why have a detector-detector? seems like a huge waste of tax dollars to me. :wack:
If the detector slows you down, then isn't doing what the cops want, slowing people down?
The older I get the more ate up the world gets.
They are illegal in some states. Don't forget, you don't just need radar...............

You need a lazer detector, too

AND modern lazers/ radar can stay shut off if the cop wants to, and turned on quickly to get a read. Too late for you to slow down!!!
They are illegal in some states. Don't forget, you don't just need radar...............

You need a lazer detector, too

AND modern lazers/ radar can stay shut off if the cop wants to, and turned on quickly to get a read. Too late for you to slow down!!!

Even today's lasers have what is called splash. The idea is to pick it up before you get into it's range, while the cop is timing someone else on the road.

One of the best radar detectors ever, is completely free. It's called tail lights.

Especially useful when cresting hills. If a car or a group of cars tap their brakes while cresting a hill in front of you, it's usually a pretty good sign that there's something there that is out of the ordinary. Most times that something is a cop.

Same goes for a motorist driving in the opposite direction, flashing his lights. That's usually a pretty good indicator that there's something ahead to be aware of. Slowing down for a moment cost you nothing, and usually means you'll arrive at your location at exactly the same time, anyway.

Another good indicator is truck traffic. Big rigs usually push the speed limits, if you notice the trucks around you slowing down, especially as a group, it's a good chance the got the mail...

These things aren't new to anyone, but, I'm still amazed at the number of cars I see going speeding by when I slow down because a group of cars a quarter mile or an eight of a mile ahead of us all hit their brakes at the same time.

To be honest, I'm also tickled with I see one of those speeders-by stopped a little further down the road simply because of his failure to pay attention and "read the road".
Been on the road for over 30 years, never used a detector. I do drive always with my left foot resting on the brake pedal and try never to speed in to blind spots. Every car park on the shoulder of the road is a cop until I am for sure it is not.

So many cars I go passing by, only to later see a cop on the other side of a divided highway with a wall that prevents any cars from crossing over.

When I go in to places like Canada were radar detectors are illegal, traffic seems to speed more. Too many drivers around here drive like idiots when their radar lights up. Ah, you CAN drive 2--3 mph over the limit as you come up on a cop car, its after you spot them that you then drive a bit under the limit.

Not too many hit their brakes when they see a cop today, I do even if I'm not speeding, just the warn drivers behind me but many drivers don't seem to care about other motorists...some even think its funny to see people getting pulled over, ugh
They are illegal in some states. Don't forget, you don't just need radar...............

You need a lazer detector, too

AND modern lazers/ radar can stay shut off if the cop wants to, and turned on quickly to get a read. Too late for you to slow down!!!

Here in California most detection for speed enforcement is by laser/light nowdays. A detector that detects laser is not going to help you 98% of the time because once detected it is simply to late. I still run a Valentine radar detector as a lot of CHP cars still run around with there radar on during patrol. Just kind of gives me a little warning when they are around and I'm texting and talking on the phone.
Been installing them for years.

I like the passport,escort SRX systems.

Radar detector and laser diffusers.

Don't just get a laser detector because they don't jam the laser like the diffusers do.

The jammers jam the laser gun but you have to be smart and slow down when they hit you, then when you are about 100 feet away their gun can power through your laser web and get a reading so if you speed through they will get you.
Sometimes I drive by and they look at their gun like WTF?

Radar jammers are illegal and I won't install one for anyone.

Most cops use laser, and also be careful to have your insurance and tag up to date because cops are getting equipment that can snap a pic of your tag and instantly tell everything about you ,even your insurance.
A friend of mine let his insurance lapse mistakenly and got pulled,over last weekend by a cop using this mew equipment and had to have his truck impounded on the spot while he walked home.
This is in use heavily in Georgia but I'm sure it will be nationwide because it is so bad *** and easy.
Here's a link.
When I go in to places like Canada were radar detectors are illegal, traffic seems to speed more. Too many drivers around here drive like idiots when their radar lights up. Ah, you CAN drive 2--3 mph over the limit as you come up on a cop car, its after you spot them that you then drive a bit under the limit.

I drive about 45,000 miles a year, I don't use a radar detector. I pass police cars all the time. Here in Georgia, most interstates except where they pass through cities, are posted for 70 mph. I've passed police cars traveling in the same direct as me, doing nearly 80, and they don't even give me a second, look. I'm not saying that's a hard and fast rule, but personally, I have never been ticketed in Georgia, not even pulled over, for less than 10 miles over the posted limit. Posted 70 MPH - 79 mph seems to be the free zone. posted 65 - 74 seems to be the free zone. lol

Georgia also has a "Super Speeder Law". If your caught doing 15 mph over the posted speed limit, and additional $300.00 is added to the ticket.

When driving on streets where cars a parked, police are no my concern, jay walkers, kids, kids on bikes, dogs, and people opening their car doors are much more of a concern in that situation. We also have to be careful of deer, even on the outskirts of town. My sister-in-law hit a dear in what is nearly downtown Macon, Ga. for those of you familiar with the area, she hit a deer in the Baconsfield area, between Kroger and McDonalds. Very busy area.
I was a big fan of the Valentine. Them and Escort were always in a tech war. Good for the consumer. Sounds like Escort is on the cutting edge in the current cycle.

Last one I bought was a dual power escort/Passport, cause I couldn't afford a Valentine at the time. The valentine I had before that had the multi-threat and directional indication.

Don't use it too much since laser.
Theory to avoid is the same as previously posted laser or radar- the trick is to detect them clocking someone else. Just WAY too little time to do anything about laser.

Detecting red light cams would be cool. I hate those.

Frankie- ever driven through Ohio? Po Po don't play dat up there.
You pass a cop, you get a ticket- pretty much 99% of the time.
People are nervous about passing cops that are doing 5 under the limit.
I've seen entire packs of cars driving 53 MPH on the freeway, all cowered behind a cop!

Cincinnatti Sherif's used to have a racket- a marked car would go out on the freeway and do 10 over. A group of cars would close up behind, then a few unmarked cars would zoom up from the shoulder and pull as many as they could.
Use to run radar detectors and CB radios all the time...from a truck driving family....got 5 tickets in one year...darn red sports car couldn't drive 55...:) Since I no longer run a radar detector...I no longer get tickets. I think they gave me a false sense of security...that or I had the stereo up to loud to hear them go off initially. My Dad told me they just tell you you're BUSTED. :)
But if you speed just don't be the first one in line...that sometimes works but now always...I got picked out of a crowd in AR...darn red sports car.
I have found that radar detectors and laser detectors are really good at letting you know when you have to pull over. 90% of the time the alert, it's because you have just been clocked or they choose to clock someone near you and decided you were not interesting. There is lots of marketing material that takes in very technical details of the features and capturing abilities of the detectors but today's radar and laser speed measurement devices are designed to be very low power and project a very narrow signal making it nearly impossible to detect their presence until it's too late.

As mentioned above, the best defense is to be observant of the traffic patterns and your surroundings. If you get pulled over, the chances of talking your way out of a ticket is pretty well shot if the law enforcement person discovers you are running a detector.

Finally, radar jammers are illegal and carry a heavy fine. Diffusers and deflectors are snake oil that is good at relieving suckers of their money. You would do just as well wrapping your head in tin foil...
Frankie- ever driven through Ohio? Po Po don't play dat up there.
You pass a cop, you get a ticket- pretty much 99% of the time.
People are nervous about passing cops that are doing 5 under the limit.
I've seen entire packs of cars driving 53 MPH on the freeway, all cowered behind a cop!

Cincinnatti Sherif's used to have a racket- a marked car would go out on the freeway and do 10 over. A group of cars would close up behind, then a few unmarked cars would zoom up from the shoulder and pull as many as they could.
I have driven the Cincinnati area, I have family living in Lebanon. Never got pulled over there, because traffic was always to heavy. lol
Hmm, maybe that is why I see people just speed right up on the police, their radar tells them everything is A ok

True, there is more to worry about on the road then cop with radar--unless your going balls out, lol

Accidents should be your number one worry. Best to keep your eyes on the road at all times unless you are stop say at a traffic light.

Besides not speeding where I can not see way down the road, I try not to speed through intersections and at night. If you start noticing a few cop cars, start backing off. Some places-times-are watched more then others. The more cars you see pulled over, the more likely you will be the next one stop.
Obviously some of these guys know what they are talking about and others just have opinions and clearly don't have a clue how the equipment works.

Read up on the systems and do your homework.

Yes, you still have to drive smart and they will save your *** unless you are driving like an idiot.
They are basically geared more toward people who do not drive like idiots but sometimes catch themselves going 10 to 15 mph over the limit.

We did have a customer that was driving balls out coming from Florida to Atlanta in his Carerra-S at 150 mph on a long stretch.

He came up a short rise and his detectors and jammers started going wild so he slowed wayy down fast and saw smokey sitting on the right bank just waiting for someone with the laser gun.
He did pull the Porsche over but could not get a reading since the diffusers did their job.
The cop just wanted to know what kind of equipment he had in it but could not see the diffusers until the driver pointed them out to him since we did a really stealth but functional install.
The cop told him to slow it down but also told him whatever he paid for the equipment was worth every penny because his gun is never wrong and he had him pegged, but the gun just could not get a reading.

Now this is the kind of feedback you want from your customers.

On the other hand we had a moron customer get all pissed off because he got a ticket going 85 through a school zone and the system I'd not save him.....can you say retarded?
They are illegal in some states. Don't forget, you don't just need radar...............

You need a lazer detector, too

AND modern lazers/ radar can stay shut off if the cop wants to, and turned on quickly to get a read. Too late for you to slow down!!!

The Escort 9500ix does detect: K, Ka, X, and laser.

It also has GPS built in and warns of "red light cameras" before you approach the intersection. It also has a "learn" function where you can mark and unmark intersections as speedtraps. It can also track up to 8 signals at once and alert you on the closest threat as it comes up.

I've had one for two and a half years, it helps, but nothing will detect the "instant on" radar unless it is used on another car around you.
I have driven the Cincinnati area, I have family living in Lebanon. Never got pulled over there, because traffic was always to heavy. lol
No kidding! I live in Cincinnati, it's nuts, especially on I-75.
People will cower and heard behind the cop cars going 50 mph and won't pass. The cops actually have to pull off the road they cause such a back up.
I don't blame the cops, it's at least a $150.00 minimum ticket around here. the fine may only be $5 a mile over, but the local courts costs will rape you.
The locals know it, its the out of town "hero's" that learn the hard way.
Thanks for all the replies. In the thread I just mentioned radar but I realize laser is big too so if I do get something I will get one that covers all the bands.

Detectors are not illegal here in automobiles. Just company vehicles, big rigs, etc...

I'll do some reading up on the ones mentioned. Thanks for the names of them as I didn't know who to even search for.

Trapster thanks for the link but I've just got a dumb phone, LOL...
drove from NC to FL Monday and in S GA and N FL the county and city cops were all over the place parked a car on overpass with 4 cars below hiding . unmarked pickups and suv's the only GHP i saw was at at gas station outside Grey GA around Gainsville FL saw a lot of FHP . Tifton GA saw a marked car on overpass clock two cars that flew by me an catch them a couple of miles down the road. He was Driving a Charger caught both Mustang and Mercedes
they passed me again a couple of hours later but not as fast as before
I still run a Valentine radar detector as a lot of CHP cars still run around with there radar on during patrol. Just kind of gives me a little warning when they are around and I'm texting and talking on the phone.

I hope yer kidding....Im sure lots on here talk and text but to be open about it like that is arrogant....just sayin' .....
read the threads on here where innocent people have been injured/maimed/killed
I hope yer kidding....Im sure lots on here talk and text but to be open about it like that is arrogant....just sayin' .....
read the threads on here where innocent people have been injured/maimed/killed

I work out in the middle and along side the street on a daily basis. So I have first hand knowledge of how distracting talking on the phone and texting can be. I see it every day. Not very long ago it was legal to do both. Now like speeding it's illegal and I would never do it. :D

Oh and holding the phone is the easy part while driving. The real danger is simple using it but that is still legal. :violent1:
RE: phones and driving- I can't believe no one seems to understand that it's not what your hands are dong that is the problem...it's what your brain is doing. Hands free devices (like most new laws require) won't solve that problem.