Random pictures thread

Chevy Volt battery replacement estimate… not mine
Okaaay !!! $30,000 worth of gas at $5 per gallon =
6000 gallons. Assuming 20 miles per gallon would be 120,000 miles. What would be the cost of electricity to charge it for that many miles ? Add those together.
I don’t think that they are a lot cheaper to operate.
Okaaay !!! $30,000 worth of gas at $5 per gallon =
6000 gallons. Assuming 20 miles per gallon would be 120,000 miles. What would be the cost of electricity to charge it for that many miles ? Add those together.
I don’t think that they are a lot cheaper to operate.
The gas gets you to 120,000 mi. That estimate lists the Volt's mileage as 70,489.
So you'd need two battery packs to get that far, too- and still while consuming fuel; because remember the Volt is a Hybrid, so a "pure" EV's batteries may not even have that life expectancy.
Is that a $1.50 battery disposal fee that I see? That doesn't seem kosher- what do they do, sneak it into the neighbor's dumpster?
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Not counting cost of depreciation, routine maintenance, or electricity the Volt’s battery replacement cost $0.43 a mile.

Maybe my next family car will be a ‘48 DeSoto 4 door with power everything, AC and a modern IC drivetrain - gas, diesel or propane. Really piss off the green weenies when my DeSoto Dinosaur cruises by.
I’m no hero, but I am a man that’ll put a rogue cart in the stall to save other people’s car.
I've actually had someone praise me for returning my grocery cart to the store entrance. The praise made me wonder "What the hell was that about? Isn't that what I was supposed to do?" People have lost that sense of obligation to do the right thing.
I've actually had someone praise me for returning my grocery cart to the store entrance. The praise made me wonder "What the hell was that about? Isn't that what I was supposed to do?" People have lost that sense of obligation to do the right thing.

Nope, I don't return mine
I'm allready doing my own checkout AND bagging without getting a discount

They should be happy I don't take the cart home
I've actually had someone praise me for returning my grocery cart to the store entrance. The praise made me wonder "What the hell was that about? Isn't that what I was supposed to do?" People have lost that sense of obligation to do the right thing.


Most people can't mange the extra 12 steps...

I'd rant but who cares? :lol:

I've actually had someone praise me for returning my grocery cart to the store entrance. The praise made me wonder "What the hell was that about? Isn't that what I was supposed to do?" People have lost that sense of obligation to do the right thing.
Now the Cart chaser will have to go stand in the unempolyment line with all the cashiers !
Mean While " Up On Cripple Creek" I spied this cuda !
Nope, I don't return mine
I'm allready doing my own checkout AND bagging without getting a discount

They should be happy I don't take the cart home
Yep, taking it home would be the Christian thing to do. Commandments? :eek:We don't need no stinkin' Commandments!! :rolleyes: