Really bad sign



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Still 20+ miles off shore.
40 foot waves.
50mph winds.
15 foot aluminum boat.
Fuel tank floating on the water thats blowing in with every wave.

A true story about a small piece of one of my previous lives.
(I’ve had a few)

Thinking to maybe make some video stories about some of my past.
All true as I can keep it.

Another one might be about my 6 gun, my horse and ready for work.

These two stories were well before anyone carried cameras wherever they went, unfortunately.

Now that I typed it all out it sounds stupid.:D
15' boat? 40' waves? That needs to go in the "Nope of the day" I got conned into going deep sea fishing in my mid 20's, out of Little River, SC. 65' charter boat, good crew. We went 25 or 30 miles out and there were 20-25 foot waves. Great fun as long as the boat was moving Captain stopped and said "Drop your lines" and was catching the heck outta some fish. Bad part was, one second your nose was in the water and the next second it was 25' from the water. I ended up so seasick, that the ring around my neck was my butt hole! I'll never get on the ocean again in a ship that I can see from one end to the other! USS Carl Vinson might be big enough. I said MIGHT! LOL Post a link if you do it on YT.

I thought you were talkin about this season's El Nino.
My "wife" and I went to Banderas Bay Puerto Vallarta on our 2nd to the last vacation 20 years ago. She is a cool chick and likes to fish so we sat through a time share for a free fishing excursion. Ouch did that suck! They put the prettiest high-pressure woman on at the end to really turn up the heat. (all the while I am thinking "who would sit through this crap to go fishing if they had enough money to buy a time share") It probably would have just been better to pay for the fishing...but...We got this really cool young Mexican fishing guide with a small charter, so it was just us two. We went out past the bay into the Pacific and wow the waves were wicked. But we saw schools of sea turtles once it turned calm and had dolphins alongside the boat jumping out of the water in unison. Little did I know they are quite crafty and follow the boats to steal your bait. Then the water turned gold in the midday sun and we were out far enough to bait up and troll. Well, the water wasn't gold from the midday sun...It was the sun reflecting off of the fins of a school of yellow finned tuna. Karrin hooked a 275 pounder and fought it till the end. I was hooked into some 12 ouncers and was enjoying watching her fight Moby Dick's son in her bikini while she was strapped in the chair. Unfortunately that was short lived as it took the guide and myself a couple of rounds to get that big bastard in the boat!
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I've been in 40' waves in the Navy. We along with a carrier were taking wavs over the ow of our ships. You are one lucky man to be alive today.
15' boat? 40' waves? That needs to go in the "Nope of the day" I got conned into going deep sea fishing in my mid 20's, out of Little River, SC. 65' charter boat, good crew. We went 25 or 30 miles out and there were 20-25 foot waves. Great fun as long as the boat was moving Captain stopped and said "Drop your lines" and was catching the heck outta some fish. Bad part was, one second your nose was in the water and the next second it was 25' from the water. I ended up so seasick, that the ring around my neck was my butt hole! I'll never get on the ocean again in a ship that I can see from one end to the other! USS Carl Vinson might be big enough. I said MIGHT! LOL Post a link if you do it on YT.


Are you sure?

My "wife" and I went to Banderas Bay Puerto Vallarta on our 2nd to the last vacation 20 years ago. She is a cool chick and likes to fish so we sat through a time share for a free fishing excursion. Ouch did that suck! They put the prettiest high-pressure woman on at the end to really turn up the heat. (all the while I am thinking "who would sit through this crap to go fishing if they had enough money to buy a time share") It probably would have just been better to pay for the fishing...but...We got this really cool young Mexican fishing guide with a small charter, so it was just us two. We went out past the bay into the Pacific and wow the waves were wicked. But we saw schools of sea turtles once it turned calm and had dolphins alongside the boat jumping out of the water in unison. Little did I know they are quite crafty and follow the boats to steal your bait. Then the water turned gold in the midday sun and we were out far enough to bait up and troll. Well, the water wasn't gold from the midday sun...It was the sun reflecting off of the fins of a school of yellow finned tuna. Karrin hooked a 275 pounder and fought it till the end. I was hooked into some 12 ouncers and was enjoying watching her fight Moby Dick's son in her bikini while she was strapped in the chair. Unfortunately that was short lived as it took the guide and myself a couple of rounds to get that big bastard in the boat!

Never went on a charter besides dive boats, and usually took my own boat.
In calm water I could lay on my chest on the bow and the dolphins would be at arms length playing zig zag in front of the boat and we weren’t going slow either.

Bill was always with me when diving, but he’s a whole nother story probably best left for the video.
GO FOR IT!!! You are for sure a guy I'd love to meet and likely will never get to. At 75, my time and options are limited. And so is money.
GO FOR IT!!! You are for sure a guy I'd love to meet and likely will never get to. At 75, my time and options are limited. And so is money.

I have relatives in Coeur d'Alene and one of my cousins owns a small airline in Washington, so you never know.