Really, really, REALLY bad idea LOL



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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One day soon "that thing" is going to be a "big thing" and it won't be so adorable, butting against the front door.

Made a mistake by naming it.
Bought a steer from the FIL. He finished it on grain for me. Got the Massey loader went behind the barn with the 30/30 and it was done. Little did I know FIL’s nephews named him. Was a really steep learning curve for everyone that day.
Bought a steer from the FIL. He finished it on grain for me. Got the Massey loader went behind the barn with the 30/30 and it was done. Little did I know FIL’s nephews named him. Was a really steep learning curve for everyone that day.
But he was very tasty though
But he was very tasty though
When my boys were small they played with my friends kids across the road. My friends kids wouldn’t eat the food if it didn’t come out of the store. My kids wouldn’t eat the food if it didn’t come off FILs farm or out of the bush, we had to lie to get them to eat
A guy I knew was raised on a farm in Spain, he told me when was young his mother told him dont get attached to the animals, meaning I guess they weren't pets
Even the dogs they had were there to do a job
A guy I knew was raised on a farm in Spain, he told me when was young his mother told him dont get attached to the animals, meaning I guess they weren't pets
Even the dogs they had were there to do a job
That’s what I pay my dog for, to protect my place so far he’s doing a really good job.
Way back the kids had a baby sitter down the raod when they were like 4-5, they raised rabbit. The kids thought it as fried chicken.
Bought a steer from the FIL. He finished it on grain for me. Got the Massey loader went behind the barn with the 30/30 and it was done. Little did I know FIL’s nephews named him. Was a really steep learning curve for everyone that day.
Growing up, we were always told, “Never give food a name.” Made the realities of farm/ranch life much easier.