Rear Drums binding.



Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Temple Texas
I just did a swap from small bolt pattern to large all the way around on my car. The rear axels I got from Dr Diff. The Backing plates are from my old 69 Dodge D100 the rear is a 8 3/4 the brakes are 11"x2". I bought the drums from autozone. Well while my car was still on the jack stands and the wheels on I put it in gear and nothing. I gave it some gas and it took alot the wheels satrted to spin but acted like there was a lot of resistance. Took the wheels off and looked at everything cant tell where it is binding at. Is is binding on the backing plate?
My next option is disc brakes. I have been dumping a lot of money on brakes lately. Let me know what is the best route I need to go. Thanks!!!
Its binding on the rear shoes. I had the same problem. Measure the shoe and the depth of the drum. You will likely find your problem there. Of course you might have the wrong parts to begin with. My two cents worth.
Did the same swap from a D100, 11 x 2, and had they gave me the wrong shoes. Check where they rest on the backing plates. That's were they hung up on mine. Correct pads and back in biz.
Release the adfuster until the drum is freed up; hit the brakes to center the shoes, then slowly adjust, as you turn the drum by hand, repeat.