Reno Swap Meet (in Sac) Anyone???



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
As some of you know, the "original" Reno Swap Meet (August 1, 2010) was moved to Arco Arena in Sacramento a couple of years ago. It has been getting bigger and better each year. The past two years, we thought it would be good to get a swap spot or two not only to sell parts but to have a centralized location where we all could meet, have lunch together and store any parts that we found. The parking lots aren't too far away but believe me, walking back and forth all day is a killer on the feet. Just walking the swap/car corral can do you in. ;)

With this being said, is anyone interested in chipping in to get a spot (or two) so we can all be in the same location and keep an eye on any parts/valuables we have? A couple of us are bringing canopies and tables. You just need to bring a chair/food for yourself (and maybe a little something extra to share). If you are interested, let me know so we can plan accordingly. If you haven't been to this swap, it's a good time.

BTW: I am leaving at about 3am-3:30 that morning, if anyone needs a ride.

More info at:
Ok ... so is anyone going that wants to meet up (possibly for lunch)? If there's enough people, I'll bring the BBQ up and do up some ribs.