


5.9 Magnum 4 speed afficionado
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I wish I did not have to work with the public. Today is going to drive me to drinking.
I sell Goodyear Tires and service work. Every customer that came in today started off by saying "I'm in a hurry and I need my vehicle done by ____ time". Well I guess so are we because your a half hour late for your appointment.

Talked to a customer on the phone yesterday about a tire that was causing a shake. Told him I would warranty the tire and explained to him how the warranty worked. He was fine with what I was saying. HE dropped the vehicle off the next day. I called him to make sure we were on the same page (cost this much/based on tread depth worn) We also notice a different tire had a bulge. So he has two tires that need to be replaced. The total came to 120 for the pair. He barked because the tires only had 20,000 miles on them (understandable). So I told him I would put it under the rapid wear warranty and wave all installation costs $60.00. He was pumped. Girlfriend comes in to pick up car and freaks out causing a huge seen. " I'm in a HURRY and I don't mean to be a B___H or anything but why did you sell me these x;alkjdl;fjasl;djfal;jdf;lajksdf lkaj;dfkjasl;dfj. I spent lakjdsfl;kjas;ldkfja;slkdjf;laskdjf;alsdkfja;lsdkjf." Keep in mind the store is full of customers. Did you talk to your boyfriend. "akdj;falksdjfa;lsjkdf;alksdjfal;sjkdfl;ajf" Slid the keys across the counter to her, crumpled up the ticket and told her to take it (interrupting her not being a b_____)

After work all the employees and I spent about a half hour talking about what we wish we could have said.
yea when i worked at fire tone it was the same thing. mech shop is not the way to go in my book, im good at it but hate it, at least other peoples hondas....
I was outside sales at NAPA before this. Loved it but straight commission was rough during the slow months.

805moparkid what do you do for a living now if you don't mind me asking?
yeah,i sold commercial parts for parts america corp. for a little over 2 years. in that time,i worked the counter to help out. geeeez. when a customer comes in,or calls,it is automatically my fault his/her car is screwed up, i am completely ignorant,because i can't telepathically tell what his/her vehicle is,and,i am commiting highway robbery,because i am trying to charge he/she 49.99 for a battery,when autozoo has the exact same battery for 12.99!!!!!!
yes,most times, retail totally sucks.
I felt lucky just shaking his hand at Mopars in the park. Sport Club Member #1991
When I worked for the Post Office I went outside once a day or 14 years to collect the mail. Customers were a trip. Used to get asked why the price of stamps was increasing to which my reply was always because the price of ammo was going up. Got hauled into the office and "talked" to by management more times than I can remember. There is no way I would have survived dealing with the public for 8 hours a day. I did meet some interesting folks over the years. Most memorable was the guy with a Lightening pick up, that was heavily breathed on. With slicks ran mid 10's. Took very little prodding to get him to let it loose when he was leaving......