Wow! At 59you must be the oldest Millenium on record!! Yes my dad's uncle wife's cousin invented the Barbee doll what 60 years ago, he was goning to give our family like 5 million $ he had so much... but he got into the old car restoration hobby and lost it all before we got a penny!!! lol
I am a certified auto ????. I am so smart I only guy the sorry plastic gloves at HF!! lol
No really if the glue deal suits people and it works like d]said that is great. I will still be old school, and cut, fab, weld..... I am so old school and frugal I just fab my floor pans 99% of the time. Welding is the fast and easy part. Glue makes me dizzy!???? lol
Ok, I haven't heard anything I don't like about this product. And thank you for doing the testing and research for us. I'm very curious about other uses for this like a rusted out windshield channel where you would put several pieces together. One thing I didn't hear mentioned was that with this sealing up an overlapped seam there is virtually no way for moisture to get in there. Another question, is there any waste of the product? Can you use only what you need without guessing?
I have a welder also but this is interesting.
Thanks, Steve
There is no waste of the product, the 3M uses "twizzler nozzels" to mix the 2-part adhesive, just leave the nozzel on when finished, they are disposable, new ones are about $2.00 each, just put a new on on and go.
I have let tubes set for over 6 months and the adhesive still works fine.

Also I flanged the 1/4 panels on my Duster, but welded the floors.
There is no waste of the product, the 3M uses "twizzler nozzels" to mix the 2-part adhesive, just leave the nozzel on when finished, they are disposable, new ones are about $2.00 each, just put a new on on and go.
I have let tubes set for over 6 months and the adhesive still works fine.

Also I flanged the 1/4 panels on my Duster, but welded the floors.
Ok thanks, that's what I was wondering if it was mixed as you used it.