Saw a Whacko this morning



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Manchester, MD
So I show up at the middle school, as I am chaperone for the 8th grade touring the tech center. I back in my space on the back row like most people do. Dude in The dually behind me respects my maneuver then continues to drop his child off at the front curb. 3 vehicles later, another truck starts backing in 4 spaces to my right. Karen has to stop in front of me, with her daughter in the car, and then the rant starts. Hands in the air and all.
"What the hell are you doing? OMG backing in? Really? Just pull in like everyone else for crying out loud. I need to get out of here ."

Geez lady, take a chill pill.

She saw me laughing. My bad. Her daughter looked scared.
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So I show up at the middle school, as I am chaperone for the 8th grade touring the tech center. I back in my space on the back row like most people do. Dude in The dually behind me respects my maneuver then continues to drop his child off at the front curb. 3 vehicles later, another truck starts backing in 4 spaces to my right. Karen has to stop in front of me, with her daughter in the car, and then the rant starts. Hands in the air and all.
"What the hell are you doing? OMG backing in? Really? Just pull in like everyone else for crying out loud. I need to get out of here ."

Geez lady, take a chill pill.

She saw me laughing. My bad. Her daughter looked scared.
I always back in straight drive spaces especially when there's children around. You can see the space is empty when you pull up and the car maneuvers easier backwards like a forklift and then you can see as you pull out and not run anybody over...
As the saying goes, there's one in every crowd. Unfortunately, it's true.
know what drives me crazy?

my girls school has the exit on a street running North to South
and since it sits on a corner lot, it always borders a street running East to West

now, the pick up line is set up pretty spiffy and runs North to South
each parent gets 2 color coded card with their name on it
(the color is the grade of the child)

there is on teacher with a radio on the North corner and she radios in what parent is next in line to pick their kids up
(so far so good)
once you got your kids you can keep going South, or turn East into town, or West towards the high school campus
of course most people turn East because they got kids on the other campus as well

this is where it gets annoying because on the South side of the school there are parking spots
now, there are quite a few parents, and when i say parents, i mean moms, who park there, walk over to the front of the school and chat with other moms while they grab their kids

of course, when they get there, it is quiet, not a whole lot of traffic, plenty of time to safely back into a spot
but say 90% of them pulls in front first

which is fine
untill i get my kid (and with me the rest of the school) and now these ladies have to back into traffic to get out of their spot and they have to back into the busiest street in that neighbourhood at the busiest time

that just annoys the snot out of me
So I show up at the middle school, as I am chaperone for the 8th grade touring the tech center. I back in my space on the back row like most people do. Dude in The dually behind me respects my maneuver then continues to drop his child off at the front curb. 3 vehicles later, another truck starts backing in 4 spaces to my right. Karen has to stop in front of me, with her daughter in the car, and then the rant starts. Hands in the air and all.
"What the hell are you doing? OMG backing in? Really? Just pull in like everyone else for crying out loud. I need to get out of here ."

Geez lady, take a chill pill.

She saw me laughing. My bad. Her daughter looked scared.
I would have told her, "Next time don't sleep late and you won't be in such a hurry!!"
No such thing as a "Karen".
That's just left wing BLM gooblyguk aimed at white women. Its the futuristic racist version of pointing out the tatler tattle tail.
Nothings original anymore or without attaching racial charged sentiment .

How many black Karen's do you know, actually named Karen?
It's called pick a name mostly white people have and then beat the **** out of it till there are none named Karen ever again.. then move to Jane or cindy...or Frank.

Systematically designed
No such thing as a "Karen".
That's just left wing BLM gooblyguk aimed at white women. Its the futuristic racist version of pointing out the tatler tattle tail.
Nothings original anymore or without attaching racial charged sentiment .

How many black Karen's do you know, actually named Karen?
It's called pick a name mostly white people have and then beat the **** out of it till there are none named Karen ever again.. then move to Jane or cindy...or Frank.

Systematically designed
Kinda like cancel culture and CRT
Point taken...Fixed the title to not offend anyone married to, or related to a female named Karen.... And now to offend the crazies....
Do school busses still exist ? I see a mile of cars backed up in front of wvery school now days . Are children that woosified that they cant ride a bus anymore .
It's a combination of race politics and everyone trying to make everything their own... you know... every generation wants to reinvent the wheel or call something by a different name other than what its called.
No such thing as a "Karen".
That's just left wing BLM gooblyguk aimed at white women. Its the futuristic racist version of pointing out the tatler tattle tail.
Nothings original anymore or without attaching racial charged sentiment .

How many black Karen's do you know, actually named Karen?
It's called pick a name mostly white people have and then beat the **** out of it till there are none named Karen ever again.. then move to Jane or cindy...or Frank.

Systematically designed

Impatient, selfish jerks come from all walks of life. It’s amazing the amount of stress you can avoid in life just by leaving 5 min earlier. I wish my wife would understand this lol.

I don’t like this whole “Karen” thing either. Turn it around, and take a traditional female name of a different race/ethnicity and use it as a negative stereotype and see how that flies. It won’t.
Do school busses still exist ? I see a mile of cars backed up in front of wvery school now days . Are children that woosified that they cant ride a bus anymore .
funny, i feel the exact opposite
i hate school busses
why cant parents just drop their own kids off?
my whole world shouldnt have to stop because a schoolbus does
So I show up at the middle school, as I am chaperone for the 8th grade touring the tech center. I back in my space on the back row like most people do. Dude in The dually behind me respects my maneuver then continues to drop his child off at the front curb. 3 vehicles later, another truck starts backing in 4 spaces to my right. Karen has to stop in front of me, with her daughter in the car, and then the rant starts. Hands in the air and all.
"What the hell are you doing? OMG backing in? Really? Just pull in like everyone else for crying out loud. I need to get out of here ."

Geez lady, take a chill pill.

She saw me laughing. My bad. Her daughter looked scared.

Don't let her ruin your Birthday.:rofl::thumbsup:
Impatient, selfish jerks come from all walks of life. It’s amazing the amount of stress you can avoid in life just by leaving 5 min earlier. I wish my wife would understand this lol.

I don’t like this whole “Karen” thing either. Turn it around, and take a traditional female name of a different race/ethnicity and use it as a negative stereotype and see how that flies. It won’t.
We tried that with the Chinese already "ching chong" was pretty funny if I remember... though it was meant as a more 'sounds like' in referencing the possible origin of their names as if pots n pans fell from the cupboard and hit the floor and the sounds became names....not necessarily direct attack on anyone named ching or chong...or their race.
I have to back in in my work truck...and put out cones. Picking up the cones before I leave forces me to clear the front and rear of my truck so when I pull out there is not a kid sitting on my bumper or standing behind my truck. I've found these idiots 4x in 25 years. 4 lives saved? I like it when the people just stop in the middle of the lane and put their flashers on, like it's permission to stop there?
I always back into parking spots and taught my daughter to do the same. The wife-different matter!
Its safer to back into a spot where there shouldn't be any vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
And again safer to drive straight out into traffic with full forward visibility.