Scare the crap out of a Telemarketer

LOL, thats great!

Most of the time I just yell "F--K OFF" into the phone and hang up. We still get a few even with that no call list.
LOL, thats great!

Most of the time I just yell "F--K OFF" into the phone and hang up. We still get a few even with that no call list.

360, I need to get you a T-shirt for Christmas.

"I tried anger management, but it pissed me off!" LOL.

I still wish you would have punched that punk when he got in your face after his retarded girlfriend perfromed a reverse pitt manuever on your dart.
Yeah I was close but Nikki threw herself in between us and shoved him away, LOL Thats all I would need is a new assault charge right before my wedding, he was the type of pussy that would curl up in a ball and press charges instead of taking the *** beating like a man and learning a lesson.