SCAT balanced rotating assemblies



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Rhode Island, USA
How good are the pre-balanced rotating assemblies from SCAT? It's only $180 more for the balanced assembly than the unbalanced one for my 408 and I'm debating that since having it balance wouldn't be too far off from that anyway, plus I can start getting my short block together as soon as it comes in.

Anyone have experience with how well these are balanced from SCAT?
Not from personal experience, but I've heard not too. I've heard that it is a good product, but balancing isn't their specialty. I'm sure someone on here has had more experience on this.
I wouldn't assume that anyone's is balanced that good. On the otherhand Diamond Back racing stands behind Muscle Motors rotating assemblies.
My Scat rotating assy had to be balanced by the build shop. Took a bunch of mallory metal. Tough call if you want it to come balanced.
My Scat rotating assy had to be balanced by the build shop. Took a bunch of mallory metal. Tough call if you want it to come balanced.

you did not state if you got a forged or cast crank....big difference in what it take to balance engine internally..
well personally you always have the shop thats building the motor balance the setup with YOUR balancer and flexplate and TQ/flywheel and clutch...

but scat makes some good stuff... SS/AH uses there cranks and you know what those go thru...
Well I'm going with internal balance so there won't be a harmonic balancer and I'm using a neutral balance flywheel. Sounds like I might just want to go with the unbalanced assembly and have the shop take care of it.
I bought the scat cast crank rotating assembly with their i-beam rods and KB step dish pistons. I paid extra for the balanced kit. Before I bought the kit I called Scat and they said they guaranteed their kits balance to be good. I had my shop check it and it was way way off like 18 grams or so. I called Scat and they said 18 grams is close enough sorry. I wanted Scat to give me my money back and they would not. So I paid to have my local shop balance it. Cost me $150 more. I know another guy same story. Their balance is not good but their kits are just get it balanced locally. And if its internal balance you do not need to give your shop anything but rotating assembly. As always have your shop check all the parts over to make sure they are within specs. Have your shop check the fitment of your balancer too so you don't find out later there is a problem.
Well I'm going with internal balance so there won't be a harmonic balancer and I'm using a neutral balance flywheel. Sounds like I might just want to go with the unbalanced assembly and have the shop take care of it.
You will still need an Harmonic Balancer, just one that is for internal balance, and get a good one.
I bought the scat cast crank rotating assembly with their i-beam rods and KB step dish pistons. I paid extra for the balanced kit. Before I bought the kit I called Scat and they said they guaranteed their kits balance to be good. I had my shop check it and it was way way off like 18 grams or so. I called Scat and they said 18 grams is close enough sorry. I wanted Scat to give me my money back and they would not. So I paid to have my local shop balance it. Cost me $150 more. I know another guy same story. Their balance is not good but their kits are just get it balanced locally. And if its internal balance you do not need to give your shop anything but rotating assembly. As always have your shop check all the parts over to make sure they are within specs. Have your shop check the fitment of your balancer too so you don't find out later there is a problem.

Thanks for the insight, I'll definitely be going with having my shop balance it.
i guess they figure they were out ounces stock so a few grams should be

Yes that was their reasoning. They said it was better then a stock balance so that was good enough. Now when I called before ordering they said it would be right on the money.