Security Camera Software .



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Victoria B.C. Canada
I got a "light-bulb" security cam for Xmas, downloaded the software only to find they want $180 a yr for whatever.I researched and found another software, but it was full of ads (rofl) and didn't function, replay, etc are all screwed.

Does anyone use a software that they really like ?
I don't mind an up-front one time fee, but monthly doesn't work for me .
Thnx very much

Amazon product ASIN B0BNXMGT3W
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Get yourself a Ring camera. Easy set up, wired to your doorbell or runs off battery. $35 per year to view past events (which I would recommend) or pay nothing and you can still see live events.

Video Doorbells
If you're handy with tech, you can integrate an AI engine with Blue Iris that you can train yourself to recognize specific people, cars, license plates etc and all "on premise"...
Also useful is that you can tie it into HomeAssistant which is a home automation system, also on premise. A camera sees "Inertia" coming down my driveway, spot beam him automagically... :)
My kid has one, limited fuctionality.

If you want simple, that will work. If you want customizable and complete control of your system, not so much.

To each his own
All I know is, I've had two "stand alone" low end systems. China. The software was written by Chinese teenagers, and very difficult to navigate and figure out. The files were in some (I've forgotten) format that, if you transferred them off the HD rather than viewing them through the china junk software, my computer had no idea what to do with them.

I REALLY dislike this entire concept, that you "must be connected," and "apps" and "smart phones" for everything. If you want that, fine
All I know is, I've had two "stand alone" low end systems. China. The software was written by Chinese teenagers, and very difficult to navigate and figure out. The files were in some (I've forgotten) format that, if you transferred them off the HD rather than viewing them through the china junk software, my computer had no idea what to do with them.

I REALLY dislike this entire concept, that you "must be connected," and "apps" and "smart phones" for everything. If you want that, fine

Unfortunately it's only getting worse. in the home automation arena, light bulbs that used to be hack-able for customizing and using your own systems are getting exceedingly hard to find. Thermostats too, and the worst part is every provider has a differ "cloud". It's marketing etc, and each player wants to control the information they can gather on habits etc.