Seller Beware of dartgt500



69 Dart 408 10.08 best pass so far
FABO Gold Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
A while back a new member posted that he had lost the bucket of bolts he needed to put his car back together. I PM'd him and he responded that he needed bolts for both front fenders, dash and trunk lid. This would allow him to get his car ready for the body shop. He told me he had sent me a check in the mail. I went ahead and mailed the bolts before receiving the check. I've done this before a couple of times. Well to make this story short as possible I never got paid. I even sent him a nice hand written note over a week ago and still haven't heard anything. He lives in Blanchard, OK so I know it doesn't take that long for the mail to be delivered between here and there. He goes by dartgt500. Don't send him any parts before you get paid.
I remember that ad and was going to try and help him out becuse I know what its like being that position. im glad I didnt.your a good member to do this I hope you get paid....Artie
Jeff, i did(do) the same thing. In fact just did it recently for a guy who needed inner door handles for a Dart Sport. In every instance the money arrived. That says something for the members on this site. Its a shame there are some out there who break down the trust. Hopes are the money will arrive (late) but it will arrive. Maybe the guy just does not have time to get a money order out and keeps putting it off due to laziness or lack of time. Keep the faith brother.
Sorry to hear jeff, yer a good guy, I believe we have helped each other out before. Lets hope its just laziness....although thats no excuse. Try sending him pm's emails, phone calls etc. Hopefully this thread will smarten him up.
I hate these guys, i'm still waiting for $20 for shipping for a brake booster, linkage, and brackets from J4R3D (Jared) in Kansas from a year ago, he sent me nothing and i ate the shipping. He even started a thread on here to say ''avoidance alert'' against me to say he wasn't happy with the parts and he didn't recieve all of them. I sent them in one box, so how do you beat that? I sent them for free, and all i wanted was the shipping costs! He even stiffed me on that and got roasted here by many of the members after he posted the thread and my rebuttal shot him down. (as well as others including the mod that was handling it)
He even p.m'd me about he was saving for an operation and money was tight.
What a load of B.S.!
What i would like to know is why do people deal with a holes like these on the site and how long will it take to get rid of them?
They end up cutting their own throats eventually!
How petty can you get?
Hey Tom, the moderators weed out the corrupt as best they can. Anybody could be deemed a 'bad guy' if somebody makes a mountain out of a molehill. Not saying you or anyone else reading this is doing or done wrong. Its all in weights and balances. If someone is trading parts for cash what is a normal or reasonable amount of time for the transaction to complete? When does it go from a working deal to a failure. Thats the key and knowledge is king here. You cant be too careful these days. Its gotta feel right from the get-go. I have problems buying and searching for parts and it would seem I am asking too many questions about what I want in either a purchase or parts condition. I have harped about this before but lately its gone more along the lines of 'heres the part. this is the price. Just buy it' PERIOD!! At least for me. Anyone can chime in if something along these lines is also going on with them. It would seem lack of money and time and a shrinking parts source is creating some form of boredom or something like this. Most dont seem too on fire about selling as in the past and deals are taking a little longer that before. One thing seems to come to the front is the lack of communication. Not many respond with thanks when getting a part sent and when buying a part not as much communication as in the past about when it was sent etc. This does not happen all the time but it has been on the increase. I still have faith in people and 99.9% of all the deals I have made here have been good. The numbers tell me the people here do the right thing. It always seems there is just one or maybe two doing crummy deals and causing ripples. This site has a way of cleansing the bad ones out with some time. Like I said on my last response. Keep the faith brother!!
I agree with chaz, and I have stated before communication is key. But thieves and aholes will communicate if they want the part or $$ bad enough. If I sell a part, I always try to post when the part has been shipped. That is for the buyer and all to well if I remember, I post the tracking #. I had a member on here (ohiomopar) try to scam me for parts. Excuses one after another, finally I started a thread on here and the loser coughed up the money. It happens, its a risk we as buyers/sellers take, but hopefully they eventually get weeded out. But as a growing site with the amt of members we have, there will always be scammers.
I hate these guys, i'm still waiting for $20 for shipping for a brake booster, linkage, and brackets from J4R3D (Jared) in Kansas from a year ago, he sent me nothing and i ate the shipping. He even started a thread on here to say ''avoidance alert'' against me to say he wasn't happy with the parts and he didn't recieve all of them. I sent them in one box, so how do you beat that? I sent them for free, and all i wanted was the shipping costs! He even stiffed me on that and got roasted here by many of the members after he posted the thread and my rebuttal shot him down. (as well as others including the mod that was handling it)
He even p.m'd me about he was saving for an operation and money was tight.
What a load of B.S.!
What i would like to know is why do people deal with a holes like these on the site and how long will it take to get rid of them?
They end up cutting their own throats eventually!
How petty can you get?

I think I remember that thread!

he REALLY needs to make it right with you....I know recently he sold a shark tooth grille to a member here and I think his asking price was $450.00! he could have easily sent some of that your way!

he tried buying some stuff I had up for sale about 2 months ago.....said he would buy them for sure and was waiting for his paycheck to arrive first.....I went ahead and marked them as sold in my thread.......then I get a PM from him saying "nevermind" ....which was a waste of time...if you don't have the money or cant get the money or are not sure if you want something then don't bother showing interest.

hope he gets you taken care of.

otherwise he don't seem like a half bad member here....just needs to make sure he straightens out his reputation before it becomes to messed up to fix.
I know most of the guys here are good guys and I have dealt with ALOT of people on FABO.

But I don't risk sending anything out unless payment has been made first. maybe if its something small that wouldnt cost me much IF I were to get screwed on it.

hope you get your money!
I think I remember that thread!

he REALLY needs to make it right with you....I know recently he sold a shark tooth grille to a member here and I think his asking price was $450.00! he could have easily sent some of that your way!

he tried buying some stuff I had up for sale about 2 months ago.....said he would buy them for sure and was waiting for his paycheck to arrive first.....I went ahead and marked them as sold in my thread.......then I get a PM from him saying "nevermind" ....which was a waste of time...if you don't have the money or cant get the money or are not sure if you want something then don't bother showing interest.

hope he gets you taken care of.

otherwise he don't seem like a half bad member here....just needs to make sure he straightens out his reputation before it becomes to messed up to fix.
I remember that thread too..:wack:
KARMA will play a role in your upcoming situation

seriously just opened a fortune cookie like 2 hours ago and said this lol
For the buyer its yes or no.
Seller dont send parts until your paid.
I have purchased several parts over the years from several members here and have had very good results (thank you all!) and once your paid in full,Please follow up in a pm or email saying 'yes I recieved the payment',

'Im sending parts out on what date' and clarify destination address.
Currently I have not heard from a seller since I paid him on the 9th other than he recieved the payment. No part or communication since???:wack:
And yes I have sent messages!
I was actually looking for rules when I saw this great thread!
what are the rules anyways? are there any for selling and buying?#-o
You know, i was young once too, and i'm giving this guy the benefit of the doubt because of his inexperience, so i don't mind eating the shipping costs. $20 will not make or break me.
I simply thought i was doing the right thing and helping someone out.
I had the parts laying around and the timing was perfect in this case so i thought, just send them to him and see what happens.
Well, it turned out to be a fiasco and i learned a great deal from it about shipping, communication, etc.....
Am i bitter? Not at all. I look at it as a learning experience.
I still enjoy this site, and have bought and sold things on here with great results so i'm happy overall.
It just irks me that some people in life, not just here, don't have the basic skills to be a ''good person of their word'' sometimes.
A few bucks has never been worth my reputation here or anywhere. And never will.
You win some, and you lose some. That's life!
It's what you do with the experience that makes a person wise.
Some people need to check their emotions and ''man up'' so to speak.
That's the way i look at it,
Life's full of ''whatevers''
For the buyer its yes or no.
Seller dont send parts until your paid.
I have purchased several parts over the years from several members here and have had very good results (thank you all!) and once your paid in full,Please follow up in a pm or email saying 'yes I recieved the payment',

'Im sending parts out on what date' and clarify destination address.
Currently I have not heard from a seller since I paid him on the 9th other than he recieved the payment. No part or communication since???:wack:
And yes I have sent messages!
I was actually looking for rules when I saw this great thread!
what are the rules anyways? are there any for selling and buying?#-o

There's a list of the rules in the classifieds at the top of the thread listing. One for rules, and another for feedback
I hate these guys, i'm still waiting for $20 for shipping for a brake booster, linkage, and brackets from J4R3D (Jared) in Kansas from a year ago, he sent me nothing and i ate the shipping. He even started a thread on here to say ''avoidance alert'' against me to say he wasn't happy with the parts and he didn't recieve all of them. I sent them in one box, so how do you beat that? I sent them for free, and all i wanted was the shipping costs! He even stiffed me on that and got roasted here by many of the members after he posted the thread and my rebuttal shot him down. (as well as others including the mod that was handling it)
He even p.m'd me about he was saving for an operation and money was tight.
What a load of B.S.!
What i would like to know is why do people deal with a holes like these on the site and how long will it take to get rid of them?
They end up cutting their own throats eventually!
How petty can you get?

Was that the one asking for free parts for a young gun? If so, I sent him something free (shipping and all), don't remember what it was (something small) but the punk complained about the FREE part I sent him. How the hell do you complain about something that's free?!?!? Not sure if it was Jared, but it was one of those first "Help a young gun" threads that were going on for a while about a year ago.
Was that the one asking for free parts for a young gun? If so, I sent him something free (shipping and all), don't remember what it was (something small) but the punk complained about the FREE part I sent him. How the hell do you complain about something that's free?!?!? Not sure if it was Jared, but it was one of those first "Help a young gun" threads that were going on for a while about a year ago.

No, i don't think it was him.
Some people don't know what side their bread is buttered on though!
Well there was a time when a mans word mint something. What happened to that ?

I don't know, wish I did! I always worked off a handshake or my word ! I have helped out a few on here and a another board. I don't mind helping anybody at all , I have bought stuff for $5.00 and sent them $10 just for their time. I just hate getting bent over when you try to help someone out.
I don't know, wish I did! I always worked off a handshake or my word ! I have helped out a few on here and a another board. I don't mind helping anybody at all , I have bought stuff for $5.00 and sent them $10 just for their time. I just hate getting bent over when you try to help someone out.
I here ya there . Im only 22 but my dad told me ur word is all u have u lose that u aint got nothing ... im not saying all kids my age are jokers but theres a lot that are . Its sad really ..
So far I have had nothing but good dealings with folks here at FABO. It is a great site and we should strive to weed out bad apples.
Well there was a time when a mans word mint something. What happened to that ?

I would have to say that 99% of the people I have worked with buying and selling parts are honest folk and their word is good. Unfortunately, it is the 1% that leave a bad taste. Trust but verify, as my dad says.

I bought an engine from a guy in Utah many years ago. Sent the payment but didn't hear anything from him for six months. I wrote it off after many attempts to contact him, only to find out he had been T-boned and was in the hospital for months. He sent the engine when he was back on his feet.

There are plenty of good folks out there, true to their word.

I would have to say that 99% of the people I have worked with buying and selling parts are honest folk and their word is good. Unfortunately, it is the 1% that leave a bad taste. Trust but verify, as my dad says.

I bought an engine from a guy in Utah many years ago. Sent the payment but didn't hear anything from him for six months. I wrote it off after many attempts to contact him, only to find out he had been T-boned and was in the hospital for months. He sent the engine when he was back on his feet.

There are plenty of good folks out there, true to their word.

Well that 1% is what im talking bout lol